Final Fantasy XIII


I must say it's tempting. The game is worth maybe $20 to me, simply because I expect it to be entertaining but not FF7/FF10 levels of brilliant. But I do like artbooks, and the watch is pretty friggin' cool.

I am a gigantic nerd, I would wear that watch. :D
Wow, scary that it's been a full decade since anyone posted in here...

I dug out my PS3 and controllers to have a look at FFXIII - and I had a look on PS Store for it, but oddly it appears to be completely missing. There's just about every other FF title known to man available, but XIII and XIII-2 are not there.

I grudge paying for a game I already bought/have, so likely wouldn't buy it on PS4/5 anyway, but does anyone know why it isn't available?

FFXIII is the only PS game I ever got a Platinum trophy for - and I still listen to the soundtrack to this day.
They never release a digital version of the game nor did a remaster on playstation, so only the hardcopy on ps3 are available afaik. If you have a PC tho, they have digital versions.
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