• Thread starter Shirrako
I was watching a Twitch stream of "Final Fantasy XV" earlier today. And man... I feel old! Final Fantasy feels a whole lot different from the classic titles I'm so used to. I am not going to say I am ashamed calling these newer titles as a Final Fantasy, but it is just a much different experience overall. In a different sense, I kind of think the game has some elements of another RPG from the former Squaresoft (and one of my favorites)- Secret of Evermore.

Maybe I think too much about the old days of Final Fantasy with this newer title. I do like battling where you are instead of skipping to some pre-made battle environment like in traditional RPGs.
I do like battling where you are instead of skipping to some pre-made battle environment like in traditional RPGs.
I think XII had it right, where there was a cool-down timer between moves, especially if you broke the gambits and entered a manual command. It felt like a nice balance between action RPG and turn-based combat. XV, on the other hand, does feel a little too much like an action RPG as the party's actions are governed by AI and unlike gambits, you have no control over them. Sometimes combat feels like you're just holding B until you win, and occasionally responding to on-screen prompts. It doesn't help that making the magic system useable requires a stockpile of resources and heavy investment in the Astralgrid - so it's not until late in the game that it becomes practical or powerful - and between warping, exclusive weapons, summoning and the Armiger, Noctis can be incredibly over-powered. I suspect that it's a by-product of Square choosing to make Noctis the only playable character, but one Armiger can take out a platoon of magitek assassins.
So, am I the only one who has noticed the inaccessible campground? It's north of the entrance to Ravatogh, and north-west of the outpost nearby. The only way to discover it is by flying the Regalia Type-F over it. If you look closely, you can also see a short strip of road, that you cannot access.

What I find curious about this is that the EXINERIS cable car line goes past it. I find it curious because if you look north-west of Lestallum, there is a dead-end road that leads to a sealed tunnel. You can't fly over it - you get turned away before you get to the Vesperpool - but you can see the pylons on the map and when you drive past. The cable car clearly goes somewhere, and Prompto even wonders aloud as to its destination when he sees it.

It's possible that this was just content that got cut, and everything was patched over with minimal effort, but I wonder if Square-Enix set it up for future DLC.
You found the secret dungeon Pitioss. A word of warning: there are no enemies, but there's a lot of platforming. and it's a long one.

The first challenge is landing the Regalia on the strip of road without crashing.
You found the secret dungeon Pitioss. A word of warning: there are no enemies, but there's a lot of platforming. and it's a long one.
I'll have to remember that for later, then. I deleted my save after defeating the Adamantoise since I had done almost everything and New Game+ doesn't offer any actual challenge. Probably won't come back to it until after all of the DLC has been released; my experience of Fallout 4 was that the DLC complemented the main campaign rather than serving as post-game content. I'm hoping that the DLC will open up new areas and add story content; there's a few places that aren't used (like three Imperial bases) or could probably accomodate a dungeon or two. I have heard rumours that Episode Prompto will open up the Niflheim continent, and there's a video on YouTube shoeing someone glitching into unused areas of Gralea.

That still doesn't explain the sealed tunnel or the EXINERIS cable car, though.
Am at chapter 9 now after the level 99 trick, sad that it appears most of the good stuffs such as weapons are post addition for e.g. wanted to try on max angelus only to realise it is post game...:banghead:
nevertheless it is a good game so far although not a great one compared to previous selected ones

oh and...the weakest overall one is the most troublesome and noisiest one haha:lol:
Zwill Crossblades, flying car (and to access the secret dungeon), magitek suit v2 and many more for summons are so underrated...i only managed to use one time after so long, seen comments that some don't even manage to activate after hundred of hours...

for main quest i think second-best is more than enough imo...
for some side quests, the best weapons can help to cut down time especially/effort ( yeah i am lazy :sly: but hey who doesn't want the best...)

Anyone tried the carnival yet?
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summons are so underrated...i only managed to use one time after so long, seen comments that some don't even manage to activate after hundred of hours...
They only activate under extremely specific circumstances. For example, you can only summon Leviathan if you're near a body of water.

Anyone tried the carnival yet?
What carnival?
shortlived carnival:lol:
It doesn't really offer anything new. The only addition is a decal for Regalia. But I read somewhere that Square-Enix want to do more free events like this in addition to the planned DLC as a way to make up for the prolonged development cycle.
i don't expect much regarding items since it is free dlc

But I read somewhere that Square-Enix want to do more free events like this in addition to the planned DLC as a way to make up for the prolonged development cycle.

glad that they are pumping out more...

@prisonermonkeys, you completed the game? I left mainly secret dungeons - pitioss/ steyliff/ costlemark (no intention of doing them at all) ...
Attempted Steyliff a second time, but still couldn't get very far.
I probably got about a third of the way through it, but it was the packs of level 84 Tonberries that led to me giving up. Even with a stock of fifty Blizzaga spells and high magic abilities, I was struggling to clear the rooms because the Tonberries get the chance to parry and counter.

As for Costlemark, I got to the second room where I ran into a pair of psychomancers. Even with the ribbon equipped, they have an attack that can cause instant death, and with items disabled, it was a very frustrating experience.
What are the extra items and weapons?
One is called Ragnarok; I think it's a sword. The second item is a fishing rod, but I don't recall its name. I don't know what the third is, but I think it's a fishing reel.
@Techy - here is the full list of items from the Booster Pack:
Ragnarok - a one-handed sword for Noctis with an attack of 153, which increases warp-strike damage and offers a slight MP boost.

Dragon Drain - a fishing rod with a defence rating of 230, and apparently adapts to the fish; it looks like an item aimed at helping amateurs.

Avior - a fishing reel with attack rated at 280 and looks like it offsets line resistance; again, an item for amateur.
Looks like there is an update and/or DLC coming soon - a whole new set of achievements has been added, mostly to do with Score Attack, which looks like a new gameplay mode.
Episode Gladio is now available for download. I haven't had a chance to play it (I'm not going back to Eos until all of the DLC has been released), so I don't know if it's integrated into the main campaign or a separate chapter like the carnival.
Is this just me or the zu beak drop rate has been reduced since the last update? (without food buff)
Also, does the ring power correlates to current MP level of Noct? I'm at the 284MP currently and I couldn't proc Adamantoise using the ring.
There are some daemons that are completely immune to the ring. Being the most powerful enemy in the game, the Adamantoise is naturally immune.

Ah well then
I've seen some people successfully alterna'd it after some tries, looks like that the ring power was luck based with higher MP giving better chance (his MP was slightly higher than mine, and maybe properly levelled magic ascension helps him?)
I've been holding off on playing FFXV because it seemed like Square intended to improve the gameplay with updates, like giving you manual control over the Regalia. I wasn't impressed with the gameplay as it was at launch -- getting around and doing things is awkwardly methodical, and the combat is chaotic yet uninvolving -- and I couldn't care less about the characters so far, but I feel guilty about it sitting on my shelf because I was gifted the Deluxe Edition.

I'm sure I'll enjoy parts of it; it seemed smart to wait and see what else they'll change. Any word about any more significant changes to the gameplay experience?
@prisonermonkeys -- I meant the off-road driving update (which seems to be still in development). The current "manual" mode is kind of pointless; it's also obnoxious to be nagged about it being dark EVERY TIME I hop in the car to drive DIRECTLY to the nearest campground BECAUSE it's dark.

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