
  • Thread starter kalasend
A thought just came up my mind and I HOPE I'm not just starting another already-discussed topic.

The thought is this:
Is all that incompetent AI, lack of real tracks etc, etc just out of financial concerns from PD? I mean, for us$50 per copy I can feel how adding just one track would bring financial burden to PD. If it is, why not PD to produce a "premium" version of the game? And allow people to upgrade from the regular version?

Personally I don't mind paying up to US$200 if the more expensive version addresses most of the gameplay issues.
You'd pay $200 for a game, how the hell can I seriously respond to this. Not a chance, theres no way I'd pay over the odd's for a game that;s meant to be good, we already have different prices for games touted as killer apps, that's £35 over here in many shops and £30 in good places, other games are between £20-£30. Whatever the going rate is for a new game, that's what I'd pay, if they wanted to charge an extra tenner even, I'd be holding out until that price came down. Offering a premium version is just an excuse to release another version early that's not finnished, and to con and extra however much money out of anyone that wants to upgrade once they've finally actually, finnished the game.
Well, I can remember once reading that PD kept the AI passive to satisfy certain markets. So you may have a point. I think many people, Live4speed included, would want to maybe see AI like in GTR when you put it on clean. Oh wait... John's talking about GTR? He played the game? Yeah, people. Got the game last week for a good used price at EB, think GTR2 is looking extra beautiful, thanks you very much.

Anyhow, I think it's pretty stupid to pay extra for a console game just to get little here-and-there updates. I don't complain about a lack of real tracks (hell, GT has about how many? Uh... 19 different real courses!), so I'm okay racing on anything, even if it's across power lines over a backyard with four rottweilers barking at me. And financial concerns for PD? Who do you think PD is, General Motors or something? There would likely be a better way around this. If you're so hellbent on wanting a version of the game that's been tweaked and modified to meet issues with the game, then you'd have to register your game and get game updated copies of a GT game at no cost. Most games cost cheap because not too much of effort go into some games. Good games cost money, so pony up the dead presidents or go home. PD would only have money issues if they announced it in some newspapers or something. Other than that, I can't link financial issues to any lacking aspects people put on GT games. I just can't.

I'm expecting some negative comments/sucking up against me, so fire away.
I'd rather pay $10-$15 for expansion packs with more cars, tracks, and items than over $100 for just an upgrade that could still have crappy AI.
IF it was garantied that all the things that make GT4 boring for me would be gone in the next GT, then I would pay 80,- EURO'S for that.

There are a few minor things that COMPLETELY ruine my game experience. So it's not the amount of changes that would be made that decides how much I would pay for it, but it's what effect it would give.

But I cant expect a game to be made that way that ONLY I think it's perfect. It would have to be adapted to me, my own personal GT4. And thats not possible offcourse.

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