First DiRT, then GRID, now FUEL.

  • Thread starter Tornado
Looks just like any other game, nothing special at all. Fictional cars is not my kind of cup of tea either, and the idea seems pretty much like Motorstorm. 👎

I guess the developers are running out of ideas, boooooring...
Looks like Codemasters is on the way to becoming just another Arcady Racer game developer.👎 :( That's too bad, they had a good product in the ToCA series. 👍👍 I wish they had stuck to their "simulation" guns. :indiff:

The Educator... :lol:
Might have to get the game just because of the educator! I wonder if we're gonna get some TDU guys moving over to this game? I'd love to have online cannonball runs in this game!
I think that from the looks of the trailers it looks quite good. The vehicles seem to have a much more weighty and realistic feel than Motorstorm: Pacific Rift.
Looks good, but doesn't appear to have good damage like motorstorm. I hope it's good.:nervous:
*snip* Looks good, but doesn't appear to have good damage like motorstorm. I hope it's good.:nervous:
I was thinking the same thing when I watched that last trailer. Damage is practically non existing.
I shall be buying this on friday, not sure wether to get it for 360 or PS3 though!
5.1 from IGN, They made some good points as to what ruined the game. Racing games that are all or nothing are not fun. Second place is as good as not even finishing the race.
edit: how do you get the youtube videos to show on here?
Like that ^^^ (insert the code only inside the youtube tags)

This looks great 👍 A very different type of concept, I'll certainly be keeping my eye on this title now :)
Just did some more searching around. Apparently this game is already out (released this week) and the reviews are not that great. (averaging ~5-6.0)

Edit: Re: video....Ohhhhh. :)
I found an older thread on the game and merged the threads... shows you how much I have my finger on the pulse of the gaming world :lol:
Apparently the huge world is boring as hell though. I mean I hate driving hundreds of miles in my own car, why on earth would I want to do it in a game?
I actually think it looks pretty cool despite the pretty average reviews. It's on my rental list (Tesco DVD and Game rental) at the moment but if I do like it, I can see myself definitely buying this. I love the whole concept even if theres a lot of driving around involved, I can't do it in real life so might as well on a game!
Lots of mixed reviews from what I've seen some hate it, some love it and some are in between.

Personally having bought it on release. Enjoy it very much. Been playing it for a day and a half now and yes to some people it's boring as hell but I was a big Test Drive unlimited player so I fit right into this game. Its fun when you actually stumble upon people on online free roam and just cruise around exploring looking for Fuel containers and so on. A big dakar like cruise would be amazing in this game.
I've bought it from and (release day 5th June) has not turnt up not happy at all! I'm presuming the pre order bonus Skins are included in the padded envolope with the game? ah well i'll see in the morning
Got this yesterday, have to say I was dubious with the IGN rating of 5.1.......but it just seems IGN were taking some ilegal substances during the writing of the review.
Again like ND4SP I'm a big TDU fan and this game fits right in with the TDU online experience, going hunting down the bonus locations with friends and strangers is great, and the single player and multiplayer races are very well done. strictly arcade handeling but with the need to break into some corners, and even a dab of handbrake followed with a controled throtle to keep the back end hanging out to get round some of the hairpins certainly make the handeling involveing!
Graphics are actualy quite stunning and the map........well it's huge and very intricate, puts TDU's island to shame really. One final thing, this really is a love or hate title, I'd advise renting it to anyone however as theres a really good game in there! I'd describe it as a cross between TDU and motorstorm, now excuse me I have a mountain I'm determined to get up LOL
Not tried it but I would imagine you'd be sweating buckets after 60 seconds.
Started coming across some of the "hidden" areas in Fuel, or rather some of the areas you won't come accross without hitting freerun mode prety heavily. The whole progression system is based on fuel, win a race your awarded fuel, fuel is then used to buy better vehicles. What you'll find is fuel barrels scatered strategicly around the enviroment. See a ramp up onto a building, say a power station (hint hint) and if you make the jump you'll be rewarded with fuel. quite good fun with a bunch of you and really gives you an incentive to explore. Of course the bonus is all this exploreing can be done in online mode.
Indeed. Just a damn shame we don't have private online free roam! I'd like to start a room for online free roam rather than just stumbling upon some people.
I supose using the XMB text chat you could easily meet up at a "quiet area" then head off from there, used to have to do something similar on TDU when the servers were busy or just being stropy LOL
Seems theres as much interest in this thread as there is in the game LOL Just unlocked a few more areas, realy getting some fantastic maps now, just done a race where basicly your driving down a huge mountain for the entire lengh of it......stunning, oh and found the bridge on "star gazer" you'll find a ramp in the middle where theres a section broke away.........theres a trophy to be had but I won't spoil it, your natural curiosity will do the trick!
Seems theres as much interest in this thread as there is in the game LOL Just unlocked a few more areas, realy getting some fantastic maps now, just done a race where basicly your driving down a huge mountain for the entire lengh of it......stunning, oh and found the bridge on "star gazer" you'll find a ramp in the middle where theres a section broke away.........theres a trophy to be had but I won't spoil it, your natural curiosity will do the trick!

Love that bridge, met some people there and we spent a bit of time driving towards each other and jumping into each other on that bridge haha.
I unlocked one of the most fun achievements this weekend in FUEL called "Sand To Stone". We had to drive from the upper left section of the map to the lower right section. Took over 2 and 1/2 hours of driving through every possible offroad terrain you can imagine. Also over 110 real life miles. It was a blast! Yes I finally decided to buy FUEL instead of renting it over and over again.