FITT Adaptability Challenge. Finished congratulations toTheInfamousJEW6, Ale67 & Lionheart2113.

  • Thread starter Otaliema
PD/Sony trials a revolutionary model of pay to play in GT6, instead of paying for extra content or a regular subscription fee you just have to buy a new PS3 for every 100hrs of game time :D

GT5 and 6 burned up the laser in my 500gb super slim. That's why I purchased the download version straight to my harddrive. No more disc issues. Should still replace that laser eventually though. LOL
No problem so far on my PS3 Slim, bought in 2013, lots of disc based games. Always kept all Bluray games in pristine condition, no dust or scratch, cleaned the inside every 6 months.
Lost 2 and a half PS3's (the half was a first gen PS3 so age may have been a contributor) to GT6, 2 YLOD and 1 GPU failure

Heat problems ? Dust collecting around the GPU/CPU fan and rear PSU can cause overheating easily. With GT6, I always forced it in 720p for lesser load on the console, never had any crash or freeze.

MGS V and Alien Isolation are very demanding games, I played both with the fan stays quiet, sometimes I wonder how does it sound when people said the fan can sound like a jet :)
I'm one of the lucky ones...have an old PS3 (2012ish) with not many GB of memory. I just keep it well ventilated. I remember my nephew getting one of the very first and he had to put a fan on it. It lasted 6 months.
Heat problems ? Dust collecting around the GPU/CPU fan and rear PSU can cause overheating easily. With GT6, I always forced it in 720p for lesser load on the console, never had any crash or freeze.

MGS V and Alien Isolation are very demanding games, I played both with the fan stays quiet, sometimes I wonder how does it sound when people said the fan can sound like a jet :)
I spoke to a friend who works in technology journalism and he said that a lot of the games released towards the end of the PS3's lifespan were causing a massive amount of excess heat through the extra strain on the processors and it was literally causing parts to burn up, nobody is entirely sure if it was just a consequence of lazily trying to port PS4 spec games onto an inferior system or whether it was an intentional move similar to the way Apple's software updates kill old Iphones by demanding more processing power than is available.
I spoke to a friend who works in technology journalism and he said that a lot of the games released towards the end of the PS3's lifespan were causing a massive amount of excess heat through the extra strain on the processors and it was literally causing parts to burn up, nobody is entirely sure if it was just a consequence of lazily trying to port PS4 spec games onto an inferior system or whether it was an intentional move similar to the way Apple's software updates kill old Iphones by demanding more processing power than is available.

I don't think that's entirely true, GTA IV was one of the game that cause massive heat on my older PS3 slim ( 1st gen slim ) but GTA V was not as bad on my current PS3 Slim. I often put a car portable thermometer at the back of the PS3, the temp is not varied much when playing heavy games like Last of Us, Alien Isolation, MGS V etc to lightweight PSN games. It's more due to how the PS3 is dissipating heat ( ventilation, ambient temp, dust )

The rear mounted PSU on slim PS3 are varied in heat temp efficiency, I noticed that 1st gen slim was hotter even when idling on XMB.

My current PS3 slim is quieter than PS3 1st gen slim that I previously owned.

The best maintenance step is to clean the internals every 6 months ( lots of dust could get into the fan ), keep it well ventilated ( raised if possible ), always let the PS3 to run idle for a few minutes after heavy usage before shutting down.

One of the game that so heavy on CPU/GPU is Fallout 3, after few hours running on my 1st gen Slim, it gets hot, very hot, and the game can be unstable, usually more prone to frame drops and freezes. Strangely my current slim do not suffer this.
I have the newest PS3, the super-slim model and apart from the occasional GT6 freeze it has served me well for the past 5 years. I have it lying across an elevated cooling fan thingie (USB notebook cooler) so it's got 3cm of airflow underneath and it's also out in the open on my desk. It's also a 500GB model and have filled the thing with demos off the Playstore with a mere 140GB space left. Although this super-slim might not look the prettiest, I use it 4/7 days in the week for at least 5 hours each night. Sometimes I leave it on more than I should.Anyways I can vouch it doesn't overheat as bad as my Gateway laptop nor Galaxy S3 phone and I don't see it packing up in the next 2-4 years, which should last me till they pull the servers down.
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Sadly out Max/Min tester suffered a major crash and will be out of commission for a while. Something about spinning out at 300 km/h and hitting a wall.....
No in all seriousness real life blind sided him and he can't finish testing.

My game is still being stubborn. Gonna try a back up and nuke of the system tonight and pray.
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It's official there is something wrong with the game disk. Tracks will load up and let me run once. But once I exit the run it crashes back to the XMB menu. It could also be the PS3, but so far all my other games work with no issues including games that have more loading screens like FF XIII-2. -_- Sorry tuners I can not finish testing these cars. I was having a blast throwing them around Spa too.
It's official there is something wrong with the game disk. Tracks will load up and let me run once. But once I exit the run it crashes back to the XMB menu. It could also be the PS3, but so far all my other games work with no issues including games that have more loading screens like FF XIII-2. -_- Sorry tuners I can not finish testing these cars. I was having a blast throwing them around Spa too.

A dirty lens could also be the cause, does the FF XIII-2 uses double layer disc like GT6 ? If you have Bluray lens cleaner, better try it :) A failing lens usually starts by not reading or having reading error when playing double layered disc games/movies.
A dirty lens could also be the cause, does the FF XIII-2 uses double layer disc like GT6 ? If you have Bluray lens cleaner, better try it :) A failing lens usually starts by not reading or having reading error when playing double layered disc games/movies.
I'll load my other newish game and see if it tanks. I gave the PS3 a blow out vacuum and polished the lens with a dry micro fiber to avail.
I'll load my other newish game and see if it tanks. I gave the PS3 a blow out vacuum and polished the lens with a dry micro fiber to avail.

If you can open it safely and cleaned it that way, that would be 1000x better than blowing it out with vacuum. Is your PS3 Slim or Super Slim ? With Slim, it has big fan right next to the Bluray drive, that fan often get clogged with dust, hair, fur, and after a year it could get ugly there ( both the fan and casing underneath it ). For Slim the Bluray drive is slot loading, so it's rarely gathering dust inside, a bluray disc lens cleaner would do.
GT6 installs the tracks from the disk when you load them for the first time (fresh install) so maybe there is something going wrong with writing to your hard drive?
Assuming you're running the latest update, try running Midfield, Sierra or Red Bull Ring as they were downloads rather than being lifted off the disk
If you can open it safely and cleaned it that way, that would be 1000x better than blowing it out with vacuum. Is your PS3 Slim or Super Slim ? With Slim, it has big fan right next to the Bluray drive, that fan often get clogged with dust, hair, fur, and after a year it could get ugly there ( both the fan and casing underneath it ). For Slim the Bluray drive is slot loading, so it's rarely gathering dust inside, a bluray disc lens cleaner would do.
Super Slim model. I know pulling it apart is way better but it's under warranty so don't want void that.

GT6 installs the tracks from the disk when you load them for the first time (fresh install) so maybe there is something going wrong with writing to your hard drive?
Assuming you're running the latest update, try running Midfield, Sierra or Red Bull Ring as they were downloads rather than being lifted off the disk
Hmm good call I'll check them tonight. It could be the HDD if it is I'll need to load 25 gigs of junk on the drive to move the storage location of the data.
And the jury has returned. It is the track data on the disk. Downloaded tracks work just fine. So User created tracks, seasonals, and post launch tracks are useable for me.MAYBE the tracks I used prior to this issue will work, but I wont hold my breath as Spa and Trial Mountain both crashed on me.
alrite time to see if I can get all 11 cars done in three days. Should be doable.

@lBt_33 @Wydopen how goes the testing? The extension expires in three days.
And the jury has returned. It is the track data on the disk. Downloaded tracks work just fine. So User created tracks, seasonals, and post launch tracks are useable for me.MAYBE the tracks I used prior to this issue will work, but I wont hold my breath as Spa and Trial Mountain both crashed on me.
alrite time to see if I can get all 11 cars done in three days. Should be doable.

@lBt_33 @Wydopen how goes the testing? The extension expires in three days.
Maybe try a full digital copy rather than a disk? Bit of a weird issue but at least we've narrowed down the possible causes a bit - the system can read the disk, the hard drive is functioning but for some reason can't copy from disk to hard drive.

Apparently there is an option in a menu somewhere that turns on/off the install-as-you-play mechanic in GT6, try tracking that down and having a play with it (you can also turn off the intro movie to reduce boot time?).
Maybe try a full digital copy rather than a disk? Bit of a weird issue but at least we've narrowed down the possible causes a bit - the system can read the disk, the hard drive is functioning but for some reason can't copy from disk to hard drive.

Apparently there is an option in a menu somewhere that turns on/off the install-as-you-play mechanic in GT6, try tracking that down and having a play with it (you can also turn off the intro movie to reduce boot time?).
Movie intro has been off from day one.
I'll give @Ridox2JZGTE suggestion a try to wash the disk with warm soapy water. Maybe 3 years of being exposed to cooking smoke (no real hood in my kitchen) has left a thin film on the disk that I can't see that's refracting the laser light.

Side note I got 6 cars done today so the other 5 will be easy to finish tomorrow.
I'm duplicating a track that was already used but results are results at this point.
Movie intro has been off from day one.
I'll give @Ridox2JZGTE suggestion a try to wash the disk with warm soapy water. Maybe 3 years of being exposed to cooking smoke (no real hood in my kitchen) has left a thin film on the disk that I can't see that's refracting the laser light.

Side note I got 6 cars done today so the other 5 will be easy to finish tomorrow.
I'm duplicating a track that was already used but results are results at this point.
Wipe it down with a solvent as you are trying to remove grease, zippo fluid (not pump gas) or perfume will work nicely. Warm water/dish soap does work but it can leave residue behind, if it doesn't evaporate fast then its leaving stuff behind
Movie intro has been off from day one.
I'll give @Ridox2JZGTE suggestion a try to wash the disk with warm soapy water. Maybe 3 years of being exposed to cooking smoke (no real hood in my kitchen) has left a thin film on the disk that I can't see that's refracting the laser light.

Side note I got 6 cars done today so the other 5 will be easy to finish tomorrow.
I'm duplicating a track that was already used but results are results at this point.

Rinse the disc under running water, preferably with strong current before drying it naturally. I used dish washing fluid for cleaning game disc, I prefer one that makes my hand very dry and squeaky if you know what I mean :D I usually got the disc cleaned that is very similar to brand new disc, very squeaky clean with no dust.
You going to throw in some guesses on who tuned what?:odd:

I don't think I have enough experience with each individual tuner to even make an educated guess. I prefer the blind testing for just that reason. There is no preconceived expectation on the tunes. When I punch in the numbers, I can usually tell how it will handle for me, but I am often surprised at how unconventional numbers work together.
I don't think I have enough experience with each individual tuner to even make an educated guess. I prefer the blind testing for just that reason. There is no preconceived expectation on the tunes. When I punch in the numbers, I can usually tell how it will handle for me, but I am often surprised at how unconventional numbers work together.
Fair enough. Guess we will have to settle for your detailed reviews instead!:sly:
Ummmmmmm, my results are posted. May want to tag a different tester?
Sorry about that. Forgot to link your review, that has been corrected.
I agree the blind method get some fairly fair results based on the car not the tuner.
Speaking of odd settings the LSD on one of the cars was just O_o and it worked!

@Grippy how goes the testing for finish up?
@xande1959 If you feel up to it, re do your DC scores for ranking and I can post your results 👍 I hope you're fairing well with the nasty bug running around your body. Kick it's back side sir.

As for cleaning the disk, I have some LCD cleaner I'll check it on a bum disk I have laying aroudn make sure it wont hurt the surface if it passes i'll use that to clean and polish the disk.
All tunes were tested at Mid Field Raceway, Time, Weather set to default, at 525 PP on Sports Soft tires.
ABS 1 used. ALL other aids off.
All cars were driven 10 Laps, or until I got what I felt was the best overall lap I could get, which ever came first, due only to testing time limits. Sorry I normally go for best I can get, but had to short the testing to finsih it on time.

@Ale67 @shaunm80 @lBt_33 @DaBomm4 @coryclifford @TheInfamousJEW6 @xande1959 @787bcgr @Lionheart2113 @Ridox2JZGTE

Tuner #1
Lap Time;1:15.430 DC Rank; 11
Impressions; Solid, mostly stable. Left foot braking required. Get it all right and keep it smooth this car is plenty fast. Put a tire off or forget to left foot a turn and you get to say hello to a wall. Driving this car will improve your braking technique. Saved for later practice. Well done sir.

Tuner #2
Lap Time;1:13.784 DC Rank;2
Impressions;Fast, stable, and easy to throw into a corner. After driving Car 1, this was a walk in the park, using my improved left foot braking I picked up from car 1 I was able to smash this car around the track with little effort. Very very well done sir.

Tuner #3
Lap Time;1:13.557 DC Rank;6
Impressions; I will say this, this car and I didn’t get along. It wanted one way I wanted another and yeah, it was a fight. We finally agreed to disagree on the fast sweepers, I relented in the slower turns and it relented in the fast ones and we put a decent lap together. The tail kept stepping out on me at exit if I pushed too hard, and it would dive in the slow 2nd gear turns. Turn in was great, mid corner was excellent, exit that was problematic, if I got it right, it was fast, I got it wrong, I found I got a great view of the track I had driven over. Good car, just not my style.

Tuner #4
Lap Time;1:15.040 DC Rank;9
Impressions; This car was surprisingly quick despite it’s weight. But I could not hold the extra speed I gained from the added power in the turns so the car ended up being not as quick as I would have liked from it. The LSD was very interesting, it worked very very well.

Tuner #5
Lap Time;1:13.333 DC Rank;7
Impressions; This was an interesting drive. Like all the softer set up’s it would roll over it’s own tail with late trail braking. But unlike the others it would snap back with some serious BLOR. This is what cost it, it couldn’t take the chicanes flat out like car 6 could. It’s a good tune, with a couple of damper tweaks it would be a great tune.

Tuner #6
Lap Time;1:12.746 DC Rank;1
Impressions;This car had all the good stuff from cars 2 and 7 with only one fault, If I cooked a turn it would weight shift me into a spin. Solid, fast reliable, I could drive this one all day. Great job sir. Great job indeed.

Tuner #7
Lap Time;1:13.080 DC Rank;3
Impressions;Fast, stable and forgiving, mostly. If I was on line, this was a very quick car. If I got even a little bit out, I would understeer and loose loads of time. I had to spin out issues with this car unless I pushed way to hard in a corner and just lost it and even then I could recover it most of the time. Well made sir.

Tuner #8
Lap Time;1:14.725 DC Rank;10
Impressions;Out of the cars with high levels of camber this was the best behaved at entry, but mid-exit it was like car 1, baby it or spin. Try as I might I couldn’t hold it flat out if I was turning at all, this cost it on the straights. Overall good car. Does what you tell it, just have a feather foot. Which is not me :lol:

Tuner #9
Lap Time;1:14.613 DC Rank; 5
Impressions; This is a TT style car but not quite. It lacks mid corner speed due to understeer, but only in the mid speed corners. I couldn’t throw into a turn or floor it out like I could in Car 2, but this is a still a very quick car when driven right. Like all TT styled cars, drive it it’s way or it’s the wall for you.

Tuner #10

Lap Time;1:13.256 DC Rank;4
Impressions;This like car 9 was a TT type tune. And just like it, it lacked mid corner grip which was it’s downfall. It was fast, but only if you were dead on line. Off even a little and your turn was shot, I think a rear wing and little bit softer front end would have done wonders for this car.

Tuner #11
Lap Time;1:13.613 DC Rank;8
Impressions; Good solid car. But exit grip was lacking which hurt it’s lap time. This was the best car at entry it was the most stable I could brake late all the way into the apex, but I couldn’t jump the throttle had to feather it in and that slowed it down a tad.