FITT - Federation of International Tuners and Test-Drivers

  • Thread starter DigitalBaka
It is generally considered bad form to begin tuning before a contest is released, the idea is that everyone has the same amount of time and opportunity to tune the car
Everyone have same amount of time and information to do similar tuning, except @Pete05 and @Otaliema who have clues what might be coming.
Hard to see any point on this statement of yours considering i.e. My tuning if Ford, what happens to be under treatment few times earlier when used it on Aussie races online.
If there is enough time allocated in the event to produce a quality tune, I don't see anything wrong with starting early. After all, the event host would often have a time advantage over the other competitors.

I would have though also, that it was common practise for some people to start tuning early.
I must be bad, I often used cars already made and posted in my garage for tuning event, I usually only alter specs to fit rules and apply small tweaks :P The cars weren't even made specifically for the track used ( usually )

I usually spent 100-300km driving when building replica, about 1-3 hours tops.
I must be bad, I often used cars already made and posted in my garage for tuning event, I usually only alter specs to fit rules and apply small tweaks :P The cars weren't even made specifically for the track used ( usually )

I usually spent 100-300km driving when building replica, about 1-3 hours tops.
Personally, I think this is very different. For example, when you participated in the F3 Challenge, you submitted a tune that used as much real world info as possible, even if it meant the end result was that your tune was uncompetitive in lap time & DC.
As you say, you enter your tunes only after they have been adapted to meet the rules of the competition.
To summarize, the ONLY information released so far is the car proposed and the venue. That still leaves a lot of variables that may not suit the tunes partly created already.
Something, something...chickens before they hatch ;)
Everyone have same amount of time and information to do similar tuning, except @Pete05 and @Otaliema who have clues what might be coming.
Hard to see any point on this statement of yours considering i.e. My tuning if Ford, what happens to be under treatment few times earlier when used it on Aussie races online.
@Pete05 and @Otaliema won't use the information or make a head start, they've both proven to be very fair in organising previous contests and events. We try very hard to make sure these contests are as fair on everyone as possible and would be setting an awful example if we were to bend the rules to our own advantage.

Pressing an organiser for information event details before they are ready to go public so you can get a head start is technically not against the rules but is not behaviour we wish to encourage. If you're really that concerned about it then maybe you should consider running your own event and get a taste of what goes on behind the scenes, you'll be quickly assured that all decisions made are done after discussion to ensure balance is maintained
@Pete05 and @Otaliema won't use the information or make a head start, they've both proven to be very fair in organising previous contests and events. We try very hard to make sure these contests are as fair on everyone as possible and would be setting an awful example if we were to bend the rules to our own advantage.

When organising event organiser must test something before and after releasing regulations, so in your way of thinking this would make them taking head start.. Well frankly I can tune a car in a less than 2 hour, so really doesn't matter to me.

Pressing an organiser for information event details before they are ready to go public so you can get a head start is technically not against the rules but is not behaviour we wish to encourage. If you're really that concerned about it then maybe you should consider running your own event and get a taste of what goes on behind the scenes, you'll be quickly assured that all decisions made are done after discussion to ensure balance is maintained
I haven't squeeze or pressured information, @Pete05 voluntarily tells some question asker an answer of upcoming car, Falcon, no big deal, also on first post he told at event will be held on Bathurst, so again no big deal.
If you look at Falcon's settings you'll notice at there is not much to play, suspension, gearbox and wing balance will be main thing on this competition.

If we want to blame someone then we should push organiser and ask him to keep embargo better, and also on other end we should not give any pity extra time to any tuner, 'coz in same logic that would give him advantage... Blah.. Let's just run compo, and if we're looking my reputation on former competitions no-one should be worrying my tune. Lol
Everyone just chill. No one pushed for anything, Pete and I let it slip on the car and location. So if wee have a couple guys that have 3/4 finished tunes when it starts it's our fault no one else's.
Keep an eye out for the thread, it's getting set up. Please hold off posting unless all Host and Co-Host posts are in place thank you.
When organising event organiser must test something before and after releasing regulations, so in your way of thinking this would make them taking head start.. Well frankly I can tune a car in a less than 2 hour, so really doesn't matter to me.

I haven't squeeze or pressured information, @Pete05 voluntarily tells some question asker an answer of upcoming car, Falcon, no big deal, also on first post he told at event will be held on Bathurst, so again no big deal.
If you look at Falcon's settings you'll notice at there is not much to play, suspension, gearbox and wing balance will be main thing on this competition.

If we want to blame someone then we should push organiser and ask him to keep embargo better, and also on other end we should not give any pity extra time to any tuner, 'coz in same logic that would give him advantage... Blah.. Let's just run compo, and if we're looking my reputation on former competitions no-one should be worrying my tune. Lol
Why so defensive? I'm not looking to start anything, just stating some etiquette that is often forgotten by new and old members alike and assuring anyone else who might be reading that event organisers are not trying to gain an advantage.

We've been doing this a long time and we are more than aware of how to organise, test and execute an event. If you wish to organise an event of your own in future then I'm sure one of our many experience event organisers will be willing to give you a hand and show you how we manage to turn out fun and challenging events time after time.
It is generally considered bad form to begin tuning before a contest is released, the idea is that everyone has the same amount of time and opportunity to tune the car

Everyone have same amount of time and information to do similar tuning, except @Pete05 and @Otaliema who have clues what might be coming.
Hard to see any point on this statement of yours considering i.e. My tuning if Ford, what happens to be under treatment few times earlier when used it on Aussie races online.

@Pete05 and @Otaliema won't use the information or make a head start, they've both proven to be very fair in organising previous contests and events. We try very hard to make sure these contests are as fair on everyone as possible and would be setting an awful example if we were to bend the rules to our own advantage.

Pressing an organiser for information event details before they are ready to go public so you can get a head start is technically not against the rules but is not behaviour we wish to encourage. If you're really that concerned about it then maybe you should consider running your own event and get a taste of what goes on behind the scenes, you'll be quickly assured that all decisions made are done after discussion to ensure balance is maintained

Why so defensive? I'm not looking to start anything, just stating some etiquette that is often forgotten by new and old members alike and assuring anyone else who might be reading that event organisers are not trying to gain an advantage.

Well, before you started to accuse head start, where I reply at everyone have same head start possibilities considering already provided information by organiser, there wasn't any accusations about head start, or abusing organiser role or anything bad in the air..
You might have to read my posts again, maybe change different color glasses (those where isn't reading "attack ones";)) and reconsider am I defensive, or just saying truth out and even laughing about your ideas of head start.
Tell me one GT6 player who haven't tune some car prior for him self and then that particular car or sister model appears to be on compo organised by fitt, i.e.Miata.. Are all those who are using their already gained knowledge about currently used car then abusing fitt compo system, and being bad person and acting against public will, or is this just you?
Like I stated at I have that car, used lot on online, bit offline, and still I trashed 90% of that tune, kept only few ratios what I tested and counted several months ago.. What is the thing what I did wrong?
Again, have to remind, considering my earlier success on fitt compos and my cars speed, people over here should put their car on 2:02 range easily, I'm not even hard competitor on show.

We've been doing this a long time and we are more than aware of how to organise, test and execute an event. If you wish to organise an event of your own in future then I'm sure one of our many experience event organisers will be willing to give you a hand and show you how we manage to turn out fun and challenging events time after time.
I'm bit curious on one thing, you constantly state "we", can you tell me names who these we are, definitely I'm not counted in there, but please tell me who "we" are and on forthcoming compos I know who I'll ask my stupid questions?
Btw. I didn't see any problems, and none of regulars outside of "we" posted any problems on organising, only you, or sorry your group of "we" saw problems.

Sorry but after this I'm considering this subject as closed, hoping at you answer, but keep counter questions minimal as possible to get this killed out.

PS. This is not offensive or defensive, this last part is pink, just for glass calibration.

Well, before you started to accuse head start, where I reply at everyone have same head start possibilities considering already provided information by organiser, there wasn't any accusations about head start, or abusing organiser role or anything bad in the air..
You might have to read my posts again, maybe change different color glasses (those where isn't reading "attack ones";)) and reconsider am I defensive, or just saying truth out and even laughing about your ideas of head start.
Tell me one GT6 player who haven't tune some car prior for him self and then that particular car or sister model appears to be on compo organised by fitt, i.e.Miata.. Are all those who are using their already gained knowledge about currently used car then abusing fitt compo system, and being bad person and acting against public will, or is this just you?
Like I stated at I have that car, used lot on online, bit offline, and still I trashed 90% of that tune, kept only few ratios what I tested and counted several months ago.. What is the thing what I did wrong?
Again, have to remind, considering my earlier success on fitt compos and my cars speed, people over here should put their car on 2:02 range easily, I'm not even hard competitor on show.

I'm bit curious on one thing, you constantly state "we", can you tell me names who these we are, definitely I'm not counted in there, but please tell me who "we" are and on forthcoming compos I know who I'll ask my stupid questions?
Btw. I didn't see any problems, and none of regulars outside of "we" posted any problems on organising, only you, or sorry your group of "we" saw problems.

Sorry but after this I'm considering this subject as closed, hoping at you answer, but keep counter questions minimal as possible to get this killed out.

PS. This is not offensive or defensive, this last part is pink, just for glass calibration.
I'm not going to pin any names to the wall for you as I don't want to impose on others, if anyone wants to step up to the plate then I'm sure they will make themselves known.
@DolHaus has a valid point, but, since others saw it as well and specs were never presented all is well. Plus, @Pete05 kept stating not to get ahead of yourself. The integrity of FITT does need to be upheld and was on the border here, but I believe no harm was done. DolHaus is simply staying what no one else was willing to.

On another note, if you plan an event and have questions, I have hosted my fair share and would answer any questions.
I don't see any harm whatsoever here guys. Like I mentioned, I already have three of these Falcons and at least one is good enough to submit. Did I get a head start? All I did was change the transmission, which is a tad short for me, btw. And I'm pretty much ready already.

Besides, you can use the search and find old posts about the car, and Pete05 even sold his once cause he didn't like it and something about understeer. :D
I'm not going to pin any names to the wall for you as I don't want to impose on others, if anyone wants to step up to the plate then I'm sure they will make themselves known.
Ok, but make one favor, don't state posts in manner at you're representing in any group of people, like foreman of group what stays behind on your every word, do statements in your own name, own opinions, own ideas if you don't have any group standing behind all your words what you state as those words are coming from group when those are coming only from you.
Msn is responsible of his own words, so stand straight as man would.

Thanks, nothing to add.
Ok, but make one favor, don't state posts in manner at you're representing in any group of people, like foreman of group what stays behind on your every word, do statements in your own name, own opinions, own ideas if you don't have any group standing behind all your words what you state as those words are coming from group when those are coming only from you.
Msn is responsible of his own words, so stand straight as man would.

Thanks, nothing to add.
I assure you that DolHaus was only looking out for the best interest of FITT moving forward and trying to adhere to the rules as stated. He was not trying to be rude or come down on you as much as trying to prevent a situation that could lead to things being done differently in the future.

My opinion, he is a stand up guy just looking out for all involved. I trust and respect him, and that goes along way around here as you know. And as you say, I believe this is case closed. But hopefully this will be avoided in future events. Either way, I also believe there was no harm, no foul.
I assure you that DolHaus was only looking out for the best interest of FITT moving forward and trying to adhere to the rules as stated. He was not trying to be rude or come down on you as much as trying to prevent a situation that could lead to things being done differently in the future.

My opinion, he is a stand up guy just looking out for all involved. I trust and respect him, and that goes along way around here as you know. And as you say, I believe this is case closed. But hopefully this will be avoided in future events. Either way, I also believe there was no harm, no foul.
I can understand bases of his statement, but the way how he did wasn't delight way to do it.
Doing a PR-job needs lot more concentration on used words.
Representing group, or representing group ideology is way different.

But I'm fine to leave this as is and start to gather dust over it.
I can understand bases of his statement, but the way how he did wasn't delight way to do it.
Doing a PR-job needs lot more concentration on used words.
Representing group, or representing group ideology is way different.

But I'm fine to leave this as is and start to gather dust over it.
So, we can put this behind us and move on right? Kiss and make up so to speak :lol:
Ok, but make one favor, don't state posts in manner at you're representing in any group of people, like foreman of group what stays behind on your every word, do statements in your own name, own opinions, own ideas if you don't have any group standing behind all your words what you state as those words are coming from group when those are coming only from you.
Msn is responsible of his own words, so stand straight as man would.

Thanks, nothing to add.
I don't have to do you any favours, please go back and read what I have said previously. I have tried very hard not to be inflammatory but you appear to be trying to aggravate me. I never accused you of anything, I merely made a mention of proper conduct that we trust our members to uphold.
I do not have to justify my right to speak for the organisation because I have earned it like many others who have given their time and effort to make sure everyone has an equal chance of victory and some fun along the way. I never demanded anything of you so do not presume to tell me what I can and can't do, I tire of your nonsense and bid you good day

So, we can put this behind us and move on right? Kiss and make up so to speak :lol:
Sorry man, last I'm saying. Trying very hard to remain civil 👍
Why so defensive?

I don't have to do you any favours, please go back and read what I have said previously. I have tried very hard not to be inflammatory but you appear to be trying to aggravate me. I never accused you of anything, I merely made a mention of proper conduct that we trust our members to uphold.
I do not have to justify my right to speak for the organisation because I have earned it like many others who have given their time and effort to make sure everyone has an equal chance of victory and some fun along the way. I never demanded anything of you so do not presume to tell me what I can and can't do, I tire of your nonsense and bid you good day

Yes I can see that, you surely don't have to justify anything.
Have I accused organiser(s) to do something wrong, no, I just point out thing what was clear to all except you, everyone have equal information and time to prepare their tunes, everyone can read statements what organiser stated on thread, only difference, difference what's clear to everyone is that at organiser have to do some testing prior posting regulations to public, this obviously means starting on advance tuning, but it's necessary as everyone understand. Look back on earlier compos, you'll find organisers to give out hints of upcoming events, even stating how they have to test cars before releasing regulations. This is again totally clear to everyone, of course organisers need to check what they are providing.
Back to this why, I know only two names on public fitt list, either of those aren't you, only cslacr and mch are listed publicly, or left active more or less from fitt, yes there is group of people running fitt events, but actually who are fitt?
I asked from you and you refused to answer, doesn't comply on my understanding of fitt principles, actually your whole postings are just opposite what fitt should stand for, saying bad thing in a nice way doesn't make it nice.
While we do not have an official members list
And from asking "so called member" or "foreman" there is no list available, it's secret society, freemasons 2.
If you have questions about what we do, there is nobody better to ask than one of these fine folks!
How this actually can be done, "foreman" refuses to give member names?
Do you start to see how wrong way this is going?
And if my posts are really so hard to read I'll help one thing, if you start wondering what I ment, it's probably sarcastic. Breath deep, and again, adjust your mental state on positive state and then read again this and try to figure out what went wrong.

You and me on this conversation, nothing new to me, nothing new to others/public, no point to even start this conversation.

Poem; Higher he climbs, less he sees. Truth he'll not find, in thin air he'll breaths. Truth lies low, unreachable from air high.
This might end up as double post, but it's having reasons to be separated from earlier post.

I saw fitt here in GTPlanet, stating open minded, searching answers for questions of tuning and physics of GT.
Welcoming everyone aboard to contribute their bet on common good of all GT players and tuners.
My first welcome to this open minded all welcoming society was bit confusing, got attacked by several people, crushing everything on their feets just because someone said at that's the way how it goes.
Well learned something from it, yes fitt teaches me a thing, not probably on line what foundation of group says, but I learn something, that teaching wasn't fitting any sheet on game but lesson anyhow.
Well having lot of useful information, but place who searches that information isn't place where to share it, weird but true.
Time passes, test after test goes by, schemas built in way what aren't digging on right places, secrets remain.
Slowly people starts to question their belief or mantras, maybe remembered first idea of created group, search answers, be open minded, and welcome everyone to join FUN.
Then first one, then two and finally more people started again open their minds and questioning things, finding something lost on way of glory, seeing things what can be seen only with open mind.

I'm still trying to share what I know, even got beaten up few times already, I'm seeing that potential around here who are those rising stars, maybe still staying lurker, but doing lot on background, just waiting to get some friendly place to join and start their public journey.

I made my jump from lurker "long time ago", but definitely was lurking long be before raised my head and directly got crucified, I'm no that weakest guy who is afraid to lift his hand to say something smart here, in fear of direct attack by fitt members or closely to fitt linked persons. I have enough balls to say how things are, or I think at they are, and also my balls aren't dropping away if I'm wrong, my balls just grow bigger when I'm admitting my fault.
Public image of these attacks isn't making GTP desirable place to start sharing information what might differ from mainframe beliefs. BUT still I'm sharing information here, and still I got slashing, but I'm ..king Finnish stubborn male, I'll stand for this, I'll try to get message thru even it got high resistance, even everyone else believe at earth is flat I'm still trying to share my crazy view of ball shaped World. I don't care if everyone attacks against me, I know at if there is even one person who gains something from my shared information then it was success, I'm doing this only because of them, not for us, but for them.
I have been researching this secret tuning cult for a while. Here is a very official and very anchient member list I have uncovered:

FITT Council and Competition Committee Members

XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Thread Admin
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka

FAQ Editor
krenkme | PSN: krenkme

Event Sponsors
CyKosis1973 | PSN: CyKosis1973
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
MotorCityHami | PSN: MotorCtyHamilton
NascarManiaco99 | PSN: GTP_Michelin9960
nomis3613 | PSN: nomis3613
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Car Hosts
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
Onboy123 | PSN: Onboy123
praiano63 | PSN: praiano63
tris_73 | PSN: TRIS_73
VTiRoj | PSN: RoJJiE, VTiRoj
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Tuners & Drivers
ACSR421 | PSN: ACSR421
CyKosis1973 | PSN: CyKosis1973
C-ZETA | PSN: V16T91
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
dr_slump | PSN: the_dr_slump
Dylans1o | PSN: dylan_95_09
GoSpeedGo88 | PSN: GoSpeedGo88
krenkme | PSN: krenkme
MotorCityHami | PSN: MotorCtyHamilton
Onboy123 | PSN: Onboy123
praiano63 | PSN: praiano63
Ronald6 | PSN: GTP_Ronald
trackripper123 | PSN: Ziz528
tris_73 | PSN: TRIS_73
VTiRoj | PSN: RoJJiE, VTiRoj
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67
Zuel | PSN: GTP_Striker

Honorary Members
Princess Kate (and sister) | Graphics Design

Members on Hiatus
I have been researching this secret tuning cult for a while. Here is a very official and very anchient member list I have uncovered:

FITT Council and Competition Committee Members

XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Thread Admin
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka

FAQ Editor
krenkme | PSN: krenkme

Event Sponsors
CyKosis1973 | PSN: CyKosis1973
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
MotorCityHami | PSN: MotorCtyHamilton
NascarManiaco99 | PSN: GTP_Michelin9960
nomis3613 | PSN: nomis3613
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Car Hosts
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
Onboy123 | PSN: Onboy123
praiano63 | PSN: praiano63
tris_73 | PSN: TRIS_73
VTiRoj | PSN: RoJJiE, VTiRoj
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Tuners & Drivers
ACSR421 | PSN: ACSR421
CyKosis1973 | PSN: CyKosis1973
C-ZETA | PSN: V16T91
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
dr_slump | PSN: the_dr_slump
Dylans1o | PSN: dylan_95_09
GoSpeedGo88 | PSN: GoSpeedGo88
krenkme | PSN: krenkme
MotorCityHami | PSN: MotorCtyHamilton
Onboy123 | PSN: Onboy123
praiano63 | PSN: praiano63
Ronald6 | PSN: GTP_Ronald
trackripper123 | PSN: Ziz528
tris_73 | PSN: TRIS_73
VTiRoj | PSN: RoJJiE, VTiRoj
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67
Zuel | PSN: GTP_Striker

Honorary Members
Princess Kate (and sister) | Graphics Design

Members on Hiatus

This is old, I saw this long time ago back in GT5 days, it may have been started since GT4 :bowdown: The old FITT.
I'll give you a clue.... No one runs it, there is no hierarchy, you get out what you put in. Those who have taken the time to organise, run and helped with events have the most sway on matters of event organisation because they're the ones who know how its done. Changes to rules or event structure are either passed by public discussion or by public trial within an event, private discussions will usually have taken place to iron out obvious bugs before the final idea is presented but that's about all, nobody has the right to steer the organisation towards their own ends. If you want to know who to contact about the right way to approach starting an event or making some changes then a quick scan through the archives will tell you everything you need to know if you wish to do it privately and announcing it in this thread will otherwise suffice.

It's more or less communism, if you are capable of holding the wheel then you are welcome to try steering the ship
This might end up as double post, but it's having reasons to be separated from earlier post.

I saw fitt here in GTPlanet, stating open minded, searching answers for questions of tuning and physics of GT.
Welcoming everyone aboard to contribute their bet on common good of all GT players and tuners.
My first welcome to this open minded all welcoming society was bit confusing, got attacked by several people, crushing everything on their feets just because someone said at that's the way how it goes.
Well learned something from it, yes fitt teaches me a thing, not probably on line what foundation of group says, but I learn something, that teaching wasn't fitting any sheet on game but lesson anyhow.
Well having lot of useful information, but place who searches that information isn't place where to share it, weird but true.
Time passes, test after test goes by, schemas built in way what aren't digging on right places, secrets remain.
Slowly people starts to question their belief or mantras, maybe remembered first idea of created group, search answers, be open minded, and welcome everyone to join FUN.
Then first one, then two and finally more people started again open their minds and questioning things, finding something lost on way of glory, seeing things what can be seen only with open mind.

I'm still trying to share what I know, even got beaten up few times already, I'm seeing that potential around here who are those rising stars, maybe still staying lurker, but doing lot on background, just waiting to get some friendly place to join and start their public journey.

I made my jump from lurker "long time ago", but definitely was lurking long be before raised my head and directly got crucified, I'm no that weakest guy who is afraid to lift his hand to say something smart here, in fear of direct attack by fitt members or closely to fitt linked persons. I have enough balls to say how things are, or I think at they are, and also my balls aren't dropping away if I'm wrong, my balls just grow bigger when I'm admitting my fault.
Public image of these attacks isn't making GTP desirable place to start sharing information what might differ from mainframe beliefs. BUT still I'm sharing information here, and still I got slashing, but I'm ..king Finnish stubborn male, I'll stand for this, I'll try to get message thru even it got high resistance, even everyone else believe at earth is flat I'm still trying to share my crazy view of ball shaped World. I don't care if everyone attacks against me, I know at if there is even one person who gains something from my shared information then it was success, I'm doing this only because of them, not for us, but for them.

This post is not about me? For one time? Or is it? Hmmmmmm. I am beginning to like you Odee. You are an acquired taste, like Guinness Beer.
I have been researching this secret tuning cult for a while. Here is a very official and very anchient member list I have uncovered:

FITT Council and Competition Committee Members

XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Thread Admin
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka

FAQ Editor
krenkme | PSN: krenkme

Event Sponsors
CyKosis1973 | PSN: CyKosis1973
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
MotorCityHami | PSN: MotorCtyHamilton
NascarManiaco99 | PSN: GTP_Michelin9960
nomis3613 | PSN: nomis3613
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Car Hosts
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
Onboy123 | PSN: Onboy123
praiano63 | PSN: praiano63
tris_73 | PSN: TRIS_73
VTiRoj | PSN: RoJJiE, VTiRoj
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67

Tuners & Drivers
ACSR421 | PSN: ACSR421
CyKosis1973 | PSN: CyKosis1973
C-ZETA | PSN: V16T91
DigitalBaka | PSN: DigitalBaka, GTP_DigitalBaka
dr_slump | PSN: the_dr_slump
Dylans1o | PSN: dylan_95_09
GoSpeedGo88 | PSN: GoSpeedGo88
krenkme | PSN: krenkme
MotorCityHami | PSN: MotorCtyHamilton
Onboy123 | PSN: Onboy123
praiano63 | PSN: praiano63
Ronald6 | PSN: GTP_Ronald
trackripper123 | PSN: Ziz528
tris_73 | PSN: TRIS_73
VTiRoj | PSN: RoJJiE, VTiRoj
XDesperado67 | PSN: XDesperado67
Zuel | PSN: GTP_Striker

Honorary Members
Princess Kate (and sister) | Graphics Design

Members on Hiatus

Double post alert...

I really miss most of the people on that list. GT7 better be great. Forza6 and Project Cars may be better driving and tuning experiences, but the community connection isn't there for me. Fingers crossed for a strong GT7 title.
This post is not about me? For one time? Or is it? Hmmmmmm. I am beginning to like you Odee. You are an acquired taste, like Guinness Beer.
Actually don't know, didn't put names on my mind, or even care what where names, if you find your self in that then you're free to feel so. I'm still keeping tunes and theories alone, without mixing personal stuff into it.