FITT FT-86 Concept Challenge - congratulations to all the podium finshers

  • Thread starter shaunm80
Hey guys, just incase anyone wants to know, PS4 will be on sale next week at Sam's Club for $299:99 with a free game. Not trying to mess up your forum. Just thought I'd pass this along.

$ 299: 99 and that's what a fair price, now in Brazil costs with taxes $ 1,000: 00.
**** the government of Brazil has so thieves. and good women
@shaunm80 and the rest of the tuners. I'm sorry but I will have to withdraw from testing. After another 40 laps today. I'm still 1-3 seconds off my old pace. Which means I would need to retest all the cars and I just wont have time for that. I even took my tune out just to see if it me not getting along with the tunes and it wasn't I was off pace even in my own car.
@shaunm80 and the rest of the tuners. I'm sorry but I will have to withdraw from testing. After another 40 laps today. I'm still 1-3 seconds off my old pace. Which means I would need to retest all the cars and I just wont have time for that. I even took my tune out just to see if it me not getting along with the tunes and it wasn't I was off pace even in my own car.
No worries. Thank you for letting me know. It is a shame that you aren't able to give your comments as they are very informative for testers.
No worries. Thank you for letting me know. It is a shame that you aren't able to give your comments as they are very informative for testers.
I know I wanted to get out and get them done. But real life takes priority. When both kids went down sick and now my wife showing signs that she is getting sick. The chances of me having more than today to play are low. If by some wonderious means I get them done I will post them.
@shaunm80 and the rest of the tuners. I'm sorry but I will have to withdraw from testing. After another 40 laps today. I'm still 1-3 seconds off my old pace. Which means I would need to retest all the cars and I just wont have time for that. I even took my tune out just to see if it me not getting along with the tunes and it wasn't I was off pace even in my own car.
Totally understandable my friend. You've had some serious distractions over the past week or so and that's enough to throw anyone of their game.
There's always next time.
@Otaliema Its too bad you can't join for testing, but real life takes priority and it sounds like you need to handle your business. Hopefully you can still find time to handle the Google Sheet? Best of luck getting your house in order, sir.
I can keep the scoring up no issues I can do that at night after everyone else is sleeping. 👍

Maybe it's all that Final Fantasy you've been playing. :lol:
Maybe :P I have 3/7 celestial weapons, and 2 captured monsters way from being able to farm AP. 👍 The game is on auto play for everything except the big optional end game stuff. Three charictors hitting for 10k+ two more capping cause they don't have break damage limit or they would be hitting stuff for 15k+ sounds like a lot till you consiider the monsters I'm gearing up for have 1.1 to 2.1 million hp and hit for 99999 :boggled:
I can keep the scoring up no issues I can do that at night after everyone else is sleeping. 👍

Maybe :P I have 3/7 celestial weapons, and 2 captured monsters way from being able to farm AP. 👍 The game is on auto play for everything except the big optional end game stuff. Three charictors hitting for 10k+ two more capping cause they don't have break damage limit or they would be hitting stuff for 15k+ sounds like a lot till you consiider the monsters I'm gearing up for have 1.1 to 2.1 million hp and hit for 99999 :boggled:
I use to have a character or two in FFX that were able to do 99999 damage each hit by the time I got the end. Haven't really played that game in ages as I sold my PS2 ages ago with all my games including FFX and FFX-2.
I have no idea what you just said.
Than I won't try to explain lol

I use to have a character or two in FFX that were able to do 99999 damage each hit by the time I got the end. Haven't really played that game in ages as I sold my PS2 ages ago with all my games including FFX and FFX-2.
Get the HD remix for the PS3 has both X/X2 and X the final mission on one disk. New Dark Aeons. Dark Bahamet is considered the second boss in the game right behind Nemesis. All stats 255 -_- on both of them only reason Nemisis is considered harder is he has more hp
Than I won't try to explain lol

Get the HD remix for the PS3 has both X/X2 and X the final mission on one disk. New Dark Aeons. Dark Bahamet is considered the second boss in the game right behind Nemesis. All stats 255 -_- on both of them only reason Nemisis is considered harder is he has more hp
I think I have enough interruptions with my collection of car games on both the PS3 and PS4. I don't need another game that I can immerse myself into. FF games are seriously addictive stuff once you start levelling up. :)
I'll let you in on a secret, I like FF as well but only 7 and 8
Nerd :P FF7 was the best one created imo. If they could recreate that game with PS3/4 graphics, it would totally rock.

And? I also like Star Trek and star wars (original three). 👍

No kidding after I get this done I may try a Yuna/Tidis only game. Barring the scripted fights that force use of other characters.
You only have a chance of winning with Yuna on your team, without her, you won't be able to heal or call her magical beasties to fight off the mini-big bosses dotted around. You also need Rikku too as she nicks stuff that comes in useful, other than that, Rikku isn't much use.
Didn't you hear? They are redoing 7 for ps4, due next year I believe
I didn't hear that no.. Oh dear. This is not great news for me personally. What a dilemma indeed, Do I succeed in my university studies or just play a game that is legendary.. Gotta do the smart thing. Go with my studies I think. :)
On the plus side, once my studies are completed, the game will be half price :)
I like Metal Gear and God of War and recently Last of Us. Otherwise it's been more or less Gran Turismo for 15 years. I tried Red Dead Redemption but the time it takes to ride a horse between cities is stupid. Then I'd spend two minutes on a challenge and ride again for 15 minutes. Then play poker or dice for two hours. For no reason and no challenge.
I'll let you in on a secret, I like FF as well but only 7 and 8
I I'm hate to admit it but I never played 7... But my squall was only able to killed by very strong physical attacks he was either immune or healed by all magic.

You only have a chance of winning with Yuna on your team, without her, you won't be able to heal or call her magical beasties to fight off the mini-big bosses dotted around. You also need Rikku too as she nicks stuff that comes in useful, other than that, Rikku isn't much use.
With the ESG you can make very powerful toons. Very quickly. I had a thief in my team with before Luca.

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