Flight Simulators - Add your own screenshots

Yup. Got an email about that about two days ago.

Not sure I need anything from it.

Actually, I might pick up the 777 for steam, a bird I don't have yet. I need to see how it does on frames though..
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So... My screens from FSX:

Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Douglas DC-3 by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Tried looking for mods (Russian stuff in particular), found some but not everything is well-made. This Mi-8 has good user rating and feedback, so I installed it. The author is a real Mi-8 pilot. No 3D cockpit unfortunately, but still fun to fly.

Mil Mi-8T by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Mil Mi-8T by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Mil Mi-8T by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Landed it on a helipad near the Tokyo Tower. :D
Have FS X and FS X Steam edition (it was on sale so I bought for comparison sake and for the multi-player to fly with friends as well as a yoke, throttle and rudder pedals; really enjoy FS X though at times my gaming laptop can't always keep up.

My screen shots are too big and I do not know how to reduce file size to be post-able here :dunce:
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Have FS X and FS X Steam edition (it was on sale so I bought for comparison sake and for the multi-player to fly with friends as well as a yoke, throttle and rudder pedals; really enjoy FS X though at times my gaming laptop can't always keep up.

My screen shots are too big and I do not know how to reduce file size to be post-able here :dunce:
You could post them all in a spoiler and allow us to click on it.

So... My screens from FSX:

Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Douglas DC-3 by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Tried looking for mods (Russian stuff in particular), found some but not everything is well-made. This Mi-8 has good user rating and feedback, so I installed it. The author is a real Mi-8 pilot. No 3D cockpit unfortunately, but still fun to fly.

Mil Mi-8T by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Mil Mi-8T by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Mil Mi-8T by RageRacer48, on Flickr

Landed it on a helipad near the Tokyo Tower. :D
There's generally two types of "mods" for FS. Payware and Freeware (hopefully you can tell the differences between the two).

One of my favorite sites to use is http://www.flightsim.com/

Click on file library up top and then search to find what you're looking for. They've got quite a lot of aircraft, scenery, random files, etc...
You could post them all in a spoiler and allow us to click on it.

There's generally two types of "mods" for FS. Payware and Freeware (hopefully you can tell the differences between the two).

One of my favorite sites to use is http://www.flightsim.com/

Click on file library up top and then search to find what you're looking for. They've got quite a lot of aircraft, scenery, random files, etc...

I am good with the freeware and payware items; have bought and gotten the free ones. As for posting photos I just have to save as at a lower res I suppose; will work on it because I would like to share my photos as I enjoy other simmers photos. Thanks for the response 👍
I am good with the freeware and payware items; have bought and gotten the free ones. As for posting photos I just have to save as at a lower res I suppose; will work on it because I would like to share my photos as I enjoy other simmers photos. Thanks for the response 👍

Flickr is my to go to website for these things.. After uploading the originals I click on 'view all sizes' and share a smaller version.
Was doing the X-Plane 11 demo and it has a time limit. So when the time ran out the pop up appeared and disabled the stick and rudder. Why not try to land with the trottles..

I'll stick with my Beechcraft for now :P
Pics from Aces High III, AH has been around a long time and AHIII update came in November i think. Open world WWII combat sim, Planes, Tanks and Ships as well.

I fly with a historic based squad, VF-17 Jolly Rogers and this is our main ride. F4U-1A
BigHog by whitemanLS1, on Flickr

bighog2 by whitemanLS1, on Flickr

It has a 3 sided war in the main arena with all equipment available for all three sides. I'm in a F4U-1D and shooting down a P47D-11.
f4u1dDF by whitemanLS1, on Flickr

Landing at one of oour fields which was just bombed. Hangers, ammo bunkers and radar tower are burning.
f4u1dLanding by whitemanLS1, on Flickr

Lined up on a A6m5b in a F6F-5
f6fshooting1 by whitemanLS1, on Flickr

Hit the fuel tank for the instant kill.
f6fshooting by whitemanLS1, on Flickr

P51 that was circling above me
p51 by whitemanLS1, on Flickr
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I finally bit the bullet and bought P3D. The only mods I've made so far are to add FSrealWXpro (free trial for now) to add real time METARS, copy/paste my favourite FSX aircraft across (nearly all work except PMDG 777, to be expected), and re-install the GSX Ground Services free trial which I'd been in the process of trying out.

The experience of P3D is much smoother, I'd been waiting for this v4 64-bit version. The lighting is way better and, in all, it feels like a solid upgrade to FSX. Because that's exactly what it is. Even the folder architecture seems very very familiar :)

Things that won't port across include my REX weather... I'm not sure if I'll buy that again given how good the default looks in P3D, it wasn't cheap the first time around. I'll end up re-buying the PMDG 777, I know I will!

I finally bit the bullet and bought P3D. The only mods I've made so far are to add FSrealWXpro (free trial for now) to add real time METARS, copy/paste my favourite FSX aircraft across (nearly all work except PMDG 777, to be expected), and re-install the GSX Ground Services free trial which I'd been in the process of trying out.

The experience of P3D is much smoother, I'd been waiting for this v4 64-bit version. The lighting is way better and, in all, it feels like a solid upgrade to FSX. Because that's exactly what it is. Even the folder architecture seems very very familiar :)

Things that won't port across include my REX weather... I'm not sure if I'll buy that again given how good the default looks in P3D, it wasn't cheap the first time around. I'll end up re-buying the PMDG 777, I know I will!

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There's a cheap software that will port over your various payware items from FSX to P3d. I don't recall the name exactly but you'll see it everywhere. I'm unsure if PMDG have patched their 777 from being capable of doing the process, but I know they do charge a hefty amount for the P3d edition.

My only issue I have with P3d is the updates, as well as the licensing. I'll get it one day, but damn is everything so expensive and all of the good old paywares aren't on it yet.

edit: estonia migration tool is it.
There's a cheap software that will port over your various payware items from FSX to P3d. I don't recall the name exactly but you'll see it everywhere. I'm unsure if PMDG have patched their 777 from being capable of doing the process, but I know they do charge a hefty amount for the P3d edition.

I found the software you're talking about, from P3D v3.something onwards it seems hit and miss, from v4 it seems to have been patched out by PMDG. Figures. I think I paid about £90 for the 777 last time around.

The good news is with REX Overdrive HD (the weather engine I used in FSX). For a one-off fee of $4.99 I've been able to switch its output and texture installation paths to P3D. Just installing the textures now, we'll see how it goes. The FSweather freeby trial I was using was okay but every 3,000 feet the winds could do an instant 180' change. You can live with that in a 747 but in a Cessna 172 it makes approaches interesting :D

EDIT: REX still looks the bollocks :D It's as if they realised that their product was the same from FSX to P3D and decided not to charge users the full price all over again. Looking at you, PMDG...
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I found the software you're talking about, from P3D v3.something onwards it seems hit and miss, from v4 it seems to have been patched out by PMDG. Figures. I think I paid about £90 for the 777 last time around.

The good news is with REX Overdrive HD (the weather engine I used in FSX). For a one-off fee of $4.99 I've been able to switch its output and texture installation paths to P3D. Just installing the textures now, we'll see how it goes. The FSweather freeby trial I was using was okay but every 3,000 feet the winds could do an instant 180' change. You can live with that in a 747 but in a Cessna 172 it makes approaches interesting :D

EDIT: REX still looks the bollocks :D It's as if they realised that their product was the same from FSX to P3D and decided not to charge users the full price all over again. Looking at you, PMDG...
I think the main reason why PMDG would recharge again is for the modelling and the air files to be swapped from x32 to x64 bit. Other than that I have no idea. There should be a conversion discount like iFly has but then again, when you're number one in terms of aircraft modeling and representation, why stoop low?
STOL plane was released on the XP store two days ago, it's so much fun! Also installed W2XP and Ortho4XP for better scenery. Installed zoomlevel 17 and it's great as long as you don't go that low. Now I'm going yolo and making ZL19, hope my pc still runs it.


How is XPlane? I keep toying with the idea of picking it up every time it's on sale on Steam but never do. I think I had like XPlane 2 or something way back in the day, but I don't really remember playing it. I assume the create a plane is still a thing too?
How is XPlane? I keep toying with the idea of picking it up every time it's on sale on Steam but never do. I think I had like XPlane 2 or something way back in the day, but I don't really remember playing it. I assume the create a plane is still a thing too?

I have no reference to other sims like P3D but I like it. From what I've read XP is better for general aviation than P3D but since XP11 the B737-800 is included stock so you can do both I guess. In my (paid) hangar I have the PA-28R Turbo 3 and 4, B200 King-Air and Piper Cub. All general aviation but still totally different. The B200 feels heavy and it's great to go the distance like for my trip through Europe. The PA-28R could do that too but pretty much takes more than twice the time and is just more fun to go city hopping.



You can simulate weather conditions real time which is very cool. The last few days were crazy and Schiphol cancelled some flights so I went up in the air with my PA-28R, totally unsafe! The tail was going from left to right as it was nothing..

Never tried 'create a plane'..
So I'm just starting to get into flight sims (DCS/Falcon 4) but playing with a pad is...twitchy at best.

Can anyone recommend the DFGT equivalent for a flight stick? Ie. pretty cheap but functional enough that you can have a really good time and will be fine up to the point at which you're spending far too much money on the game anyway and buying a Warthog.
So I'm just starting to get into flight sims (DCS/Falcon 4) but playing with a pad is...twitchy at best.

Can anyone recommend the DFGT equivalent for a flight stick? Ie. pretty cheap but functional enough that you can have a really good time and will be fine up to the point at which you're spending far too much money on the game anyway and buying a Warthog.

I believe the one I have is the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. It works very well and is pretty cheap.