Florida State University shooting

  • Thread starter Omnis


Not Even A Real Mod
Staff Emeritus
United States
Application hell
Well, my friend got shot today.


Don't know what kind of ammo was in the shotgun, but he says it's a simple in-and-out wound. Lucky.

Seriously, I hate FSU. I had to get the heck out of there. There is some seriously bad mojo on that campus that you never hear about because the rest of the people are too busy being ra-ra and/or cheating on their exams. This had to have been an attack a long time in the making because the only time Strozier Library is packed is when this happened.

I just feel bad for everyone affected. You can bet my friend is going to be pissed that he isn't allowed to carry. We talk about hypotheticals all the time with these issues, but you never really imagine that it would happen. Can't imagine being shot, further still. Makes me wonder if anything political is going to come out of this. You never shoot a CL. Ever.
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Shot with a shotgun. Yeesh, that is lucky. The other two are in the hospital. No ideas about motive or why yet, it seems. From the sounds of it, the police responded quick enough. 'Only' three wounded before he started firing at the TPD.
That's because of the way the library is set up, which is good I suppose. The three people working around the turnstyles got shot. You can't get to the library where everyone studies until you go around a corridor. There were probably a couple cops working Stroz due to the finals cram. Good thing.
That's because of the way the library is set up, which is good I suppose. The three people working around the turnstyles got shot. You can't get to the library where everyone studies until you go around a corridor. There were probably a couple cops working Stroz due to the finals cram. Good thing.
Is there any evidence that this was an intruder vs. an actual "disgruntled" student?
This was a student former student. They killed him.
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I wonder what type/model shotgun it was. If a student said he saw him walk by and then he pulled out his gun, it had to be some sort of sawed-off, pdw shotgun..
'Forester the people - Pumped up kicks' comes to mind.

Oh, shut up with that stupid ass song. I hate that song. It is a sick mockery of true tragedy.

Myron May was the shooter. He was a law student and 05 FSU grad. If you go and read his Facebook page, it's obvious that he was having some kind of psychological meltdown. Paranoid, cherry-picking bible verses, and claiming to be a targeted individual. In other words, real tin-foil hat stuff (see below). Maybe he lost it after going to law school and not being able to work or pay off the debts. Another friend of mine is similarly stuck without work in law despite all the schooling. Victims of the law school bubble, perhaps?


It is possible that he was hearing voices in his head. Maybe the voices told him to go kill people. From that FB post, it sounds like he was interpreting this as a person (handler) controlling his mind.

Well, hopefully the critical patient survives and everyone is able to recuperate back to normal.
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I wonder what type/model shotgun it was. If a student said he saw him walk by and then he pulled out his gun, it had to be some sort of sawed-off, pdw shotgun..

No. It's quite cold up there. This was all at 3 in the morning on an open campus. Not hard to keep a long gun under your coat at night like that.
Glad your buddy made it out alive, Onmis. Such another senseless tragedy.
Was my friend the luckiest guy there that day? Nope:



Is that buckshot? Looks like FMJ. This guy was shot in the back from 5 feet way. The first shot. John Wyclef saved his life.
Was the book in his backpack or pocket?(just read last sentence, nevermind) This is insanely cool. Hope your friend (and the other two victims) make a full recovery.
Not cool at all. Frickin' scary. Good thing medieval history didn't produce just a handful of retards. It'd have been a shorter book.

The grazed victim is OK. This bookbag guy is OK too. My friend also seems to be alright. I dunno his status. I don't want to talk more about him for his privacy, but it would seem like the internet has already solved his identity, thanks to some of my other friends.

I feel bad because I feel like this guy is one of the most valuable people I ever met up there. He's the one that introduced us to bitcoin, etc. A real cool guy. Everyone is joking that of anyone that had to be shot, he was probably the one who could have dealt with it the best.
A shotgun and full metal jacket for your shooting rampage? It's fortunate this guy was either cheap or failed to do some basic research otherwise the results could have been more lethal.
Victims of the law school bubble, perhaps?

It's probably just law school but anyone who took out a large loan and can't pay it back.

I hate to see this at FSU but from what you said, and what i'm told by friends that go, yeah, it was a long time coming. This makes me even more excited (no it doesn't) to go to UCF eventually..
More info:

Initial call came in at 12:25 a.m. shots reported fired at a 12:27 a.m. and subject was down outside in front of lobby.

TPD says there were 20-25 primary witnesses.

TPD says Myron May had a 380 semi-automatic and additional ammunition in his pocket.

There were 30 rounds fired between May and Officers.

Officers involved in the shooting are on paid administrative leave and will be interviewed.

TPD believes May acted alone.

No information at this time if anyone was targeted specifically or why May chose to open fire in Strozier Library.

Classes will start back tomorrow and Strozier Library will be open in the morning.

No identification of victims.

FSU Police Chief says officers participated in active shooter training just 13 days ago.

He says one of the officers involved had 15 years experience, most of the others had been on the force two years or less.

So it was 380? Holy crap, thank you lawd!

Also, my friend's info is now public-- his name and condition officially released by the hospital. Maybe I'll put up his bitcoin wallet a little later if anyone wants to donate.
Here's my friend bleeding on the ground with nobody helping him while moron students gather their laptops, stand around like idiots, and laugh.

This is how ****ing stupid FSU is. They hold a candlelight vigil when nobody died.


It's like, "OMG WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! ... I KNOW! CANDLES!" There is more panic and emotional bullcrap over the aftermath and "dealing with it" than for an active shooter. God I hate that place.
Speaking of campus shootings, apparently OSU doesn't allow concealed carry on campus. Ain't about it.
More info:

Initial call came in at 12:25 a.m. shots reported fired at a 12:27 a.m. and subject was down outside in front of lobby.

TPD says there were 20-25 primary witnesses.

TPD says Myron May had a 380 semi-automatic and additional ammunition in his pocket.

There were 30 rounds fired between May and Officers.

Officers involved in the shooting are on paid administrative leave and will be interviewed.

TPD believes May acted alone.

No information at this time if anyone was targeted specifically or why May chose to open fire in Strozier Library.

Classes will start back tomorrow and Strozier Library will be open in the morning.

No identification of victims.

FSU Police Chief says officers participated in active shooter training just 13 days ago.

He says one of the officers involved had 15 years experience, most of the others had been on the force two years or less.

So it was 380? Holy crap, thank you lawd!

Also, my friend's info is now public-- his name and condition officially released by the hospital. Maybe I'll put up his bitcoin wallet a little later if anyone wants to donate.
Never heard of (nor seen) a .380 shotgun... (According to the kid who said he walked by him).

I know of a .38 and .38 special for handguns, which is more likely it..
It wasn't a shotgun. Kid didn't know what he was talking about I guess. It was a 380 pistol and FMJ ball ammo. THANK GOODNESS this guy was filing for bankruptcy and didn't buy more expensive, higher caliber guns and JHP ammo.
@Omnis Im glad to here your friend is ok and I hate to see anything like this happen to kids trying to do the right thing. But to say that "FSU is stupid" for holding a candlelight vigil over this incident is not only inconciderate but wrong. I think there was still one student in critical shape in the hospital. It just sounds like your hatred for FSU is bleeding over on a already tragic time. And you may be right that the pressure of loans/no work might have got to him..Or his wife another man after she found out he was gay..or he woke up this morning and had only white socks to wear to work. Who knows...but he was unstable for some reason or another. To me it sounds like suicide by cop
Candlelight vigils are for dead people. It's not that I have some irrational hatred for FSU. It's just that I was so disappointed with the experience and the fakeyness of the masses of people there. You wouldn't understand unless you were around these people. Watch the video. My buddy was dying on the floor trying to warn these kids, and they just can't even.

How about put the candles down and do something to help the people that got shot. Y'know... they're still alive.
Well, my friend got shot today.


Don't know what kind of ammo was in the shotgun, but he says it's a simple in-and-out wound. Lucky.

Seriously, I hate FSU. I had to get the heck out of there. There is some seriously bad mojo on that campus that you never hear about because the rest of the people are too busy being ra-ra and/or cheating on their exams. This had to have been an attack a long time in the making because the only time Strozier Library is packed is when this happened.

I just feel bad for everyone affected. You can bet my friend is going to be pissed that he isn't allowed to carry. We talk about hypotheticals all the time with these issues, but you never really imagine that it would happen. Can't imagine being shot, further still. Makes me wonder if anything political is going to come out of this. You never shoot a CL. Ever.


Do the words holy 🤬 🤬 mean anything to you? :eek: Your friend is lucky as hell to be alive! I have to agree with you about FSU. Something doesn't seem just right down there at all. :( Just alone for a former student to walk in a campus library, even its after midnight, with a gun at ready to attempting to kill someone.... is absolutely insane and just 🤬 up. What's more, is did FSU do anything to prevent this from happening? For that matter, they really need to do something to prevent this from happening again. Would being allowed to carry a handgun solve the problem? Also, I cannot blame you at all @Omnis for not liking FSU and I also cannot blame you for getting the hell out of there. The video showed me that they didn't give a rats ass about what the hell was going on nor did any of the students. One of your fellow students is laying on the ground with a bullet in them, so GET THE FELLOW STUDENT HELP DAMMIT! :mad: Jeez, it could be you laying there! Unreal that people are that way.
Sorry about your friend Omnis. This is proof gun laws solve nothing. I hope they allow to carry now.
I have my own opinions on FSU, but that's another story. Kat is right that I shouldn't let it come into this thread. But, the rah-rah atmosphere just wasn't a good fit for me and still puts me off. I'm cool with a vigil if it's meant to genuinely help the victims. Y'know, raise money for those shot, organize counseling for those present at the time. But don't make it like the whole student body is collectively victimized. That's such crap to me. I'm afraid that everyone would just say, "oh, I'm a seminole too so it hurts and I'm trying to cope :(" as if sharing the pain "because the world is seeing how we respond" is anything constructive or virtuous. But that's exactly what this rah-rah vigil bullcrap is. That's FSU in a nutshell. Video don't lie. Interview tape don't lie.

That said, I can't really give an opinion on carry. I mean, I think you should be allowed to carry, but it's hard to say whether it would have helped. From what I've heard and read, everything happened so fast. This kid was sprinting through shooting people. You don't have time to react if you're getting shot at like that. There's no confrontation, just gunfire.
Damn, glad your friend got out in good shape. People.... Just sitting there... Run!! While helping others, also. Yep, heading east on 10 to UNF.
My work firewall wont let me watch the video but I will when I get home......Im assuming its a video of a fellow student with his cell phone taking the video. I feel this is a problem with alot of youth these days....instead of becoming involved in anything they want to take pics/videos of things to show an importance of them sleves. And I agree with you about students trying to make thereselve look good for the "rest of the world" with a vigil if its not for the right reason..but if a fellow student is still in critical condition then I think its a good idea

And as far as concealed carry I think it would have helped...It helps in any situation like that. I carry and I live in a state (FLA) where there are many people carry just because a gun will help more than a cell phone will....
I carry ... just because a gun will help more than a cell phone will....


I'll be damned if there isn't a cc security camera in a college with as much spotlight as them...
I was thinking last night as to how people could carry into a school, like @Slash said, a piece of paper with bright colors and fonts won't do anything to stop people like this. They don't want to abide by the laws/rules because they see this as their ultimatum.
Revolvers are the only pistols which I think should be allowed in. You're not gonna find some speed shooter walk in "guns a-blazing" with one of those, simply because in 5-7 shots, he's out. If someone walks in though with a any other type of rifle pistol, at least someone tried if they were carrying.