-=Floyd's Gallery=- Jaguar XKR-R @ El Capitan

Dude what kind of question is that? Havent you visited my gallery? Everything that i have ever done has been with Photoshop 7...the only difference between 7.0 and CS2 is that CS2 just has a little more options....BUT considering that the professional version is like 1200 dollars, it really isnt worth it...

At any rate, it s a hell of a lot better than GIMP...
I though all of you guys did it with CS :confused:

Anyway, here are my very first works with PS:

Civic owning Corolla:




I did not focus on borders or text as these are my very first pictures I did in PS.

PS is incredible! So much more tools :drool: The feel you have in the tools is :drool:

In Gimp, one slice with wrong smudge and you're screwed but in PS it feels like you can't do anything wrong.

Expect a blurred picture next 👍
Are you using CS now? And what's a quick mask?

No, I still use 7.0. It does what I need it to do:)

The quick mask is a tool in PS. It allows you to create masks or use it as a selection tool. I mainly use it as a selection tool as I can't use the lasso tools effectively.

Here's a link showing how to use the quick mask: http://www.t-tutorials.com/read-tutorials/27/learn-to-use-quick-mask

Here's a link to some other tutorials on quick mask: http://www.good-tutorials.com/search/query/quick mask
I like the last update. 👍

Anyway, I do all my work with PaintdotNet, but I've recently downloaded Gimp. I don't have Photoshop as I don't have the money and I'm not one for software piracy.
A nice, sweet update. Enjoy working in PS CS, lots of fun options to edit shots awaits U:)
Nice pictures man, pretty clean and what not, doesnt look like anything that couldnt be done in GIMP, but im sure you will learn much more...
You just play around with it...a tip for you is this, when you have the wheel selected, right click and click on free transform, try to get it as close to a circle as possible, and there will be a marker that shows where the center of the entire selection is, use this as a sort of guide to tell yourself where the center of the wheel is in relation to the center of the entire selection...if you dont understand all of that, then just play with it until it looks good :P

Also dont forget to re-free transform it back to its original position, the blurred wheel will not lose quality during this...

Oh and if you need a tutorial on how to do all of this, just look at the stickied thread about tutorials for photoshop, they are really good, especially the one made by 440 charger about motion blurring, it also tells how to do wheels...thats how i learned...But the most important thing to remember is that it takes practice, so dont get discouraged if it doesnt look very good the first time...
You just play around with it...a tip for you is this, when you have the wheel selected, right click and click on free transform, try to get it as close to a circle as possible, and there will be a marker that shows where the center of the entire selection is, use this as a sort of guide to tell yourself where the center of the wheel is in relation to the center of the entire selection...if you dont understand all of that, then just play with it until it looks good :P

Also dont forget to re-free transform it back to its original position, the blurred wheel will not lose quality during this...

Oh and if you need a tutorial on how to do all of this, just look at the stickied thread about tutorials for photoshop, they are really good, especially the one made by 440 charger about motion blurring, it also tells how to do wheels...thats how i learned...But the most important thing to remember is that it takes practice, so dont get discouraged if it doesnt look very good the first time...

Yeah, I've already done the free transform thing with the above pics but when I put them on their own layer and apply the filter, it seems like the blur center is somewere else on the page :confused:
Ohh i see....Make sure that you have the wheel itself selected, like hold ctrl and click the layer with the wheel on it, this will select the contents of the layer, then do the blur!
ok do you select the wheel, and copy it onto a new layer? you should then be able to see the whole wheel on the new layer by itself if you turn off all of the other layers, then you ctrl + click on the wheel layer, you should now see the wheel selected...then you go to radial blur, and set it to around 30 - 50 strength and you can move the center of the blur, play with that until it looks good...

EDIT: i have to go to work now man, so im sorry i wont be able to help you anymore...i hope that you figure it out!!
right click on the marquee tool (the dotted box) and select the ellipictal tool. after that use that tool and draw a circle, right click > "transform selection" this should allow u to rotate and transform the circle. use this function to have the dotted circle trace around the outer rim. after ur done. hit enter then right click > make via copy. after doing so. ctrl and click on the new layer then do the radial blur. when u open up radial blur, itll have a box with dotted lines goin vertical and horizontal (thats zoom mode) if u see circles thats spin mode. the center of either one of those designs represents the center of the blur. try to align the center of that blur to the center of the rim (this is the challenging part). keep undo and retrying until u get it right ;)
The problem I had was that I thought the center of the blur screen was the center of the whole image while it's the center of the selected area 💡

Now I just need to work on my cutting skills 👍


Thanks alot guys, looks better then GIMP huh? :lol: