FM4 Multiscreen questions

  • Thread starter HoiHman
The Netherlands
I thinking about setting up a multiscreen setup for Forza 4.

I 've tried it before with only 2 xbox360's and could not get it to work.

So i have some questions to people who got this working:

1. Is multiscreen possible with only two screens ? (just to try it out)
2. Can i connect one slim (through wifi) with a fat xbox (cable connected)
3. Do i need exactly the same versions of the game (limited editions ect. )
4. Do the xbox's have to be connected and signed in to xbox live, or is off line also possible?
5. Is installing the game (on the clients) absolutely necessary or could i buy a xbox 360 arcade?
6. Do you have to buy the DLC for the clients?
1: 2 screens is posible
2: It's posible, but I would suggest using a extra modem/cable splitter, wifi is sure to give ALLOT of lag
3: No you don't, just the dlc's in order to see everything right
4: Ofline is posible, but once you play offline all dlc cars will be removed from your garage because xbox live would be unable to verify your dlc
5: I highly recomend it, it makes the game load sooo much better, you also have to have disc 2 installed, so an xbox arcade is not going to do the trick
6: No, just download your profile on those xbox's, and redownload the dlc, it should work, just make sure your main xbox wich you first off bhought everything, is going to be the ''host''

I don't have a triple screen settup, but I think all my answers are pretty right.
Thanks alot for the answers flo.

Are you sure about the number 4 answer?

The the place were i want to test this has no internet? Last time i tried, it didn't work. Therefore i thought that you need xbox live for multi screen.
you have to have the 2 xbox connected through a modem, LAN off course, I think it will work then, but just better be sure you always have internet...
I have both xbox's connected to a router, the both have an ip adress.

I have no internet though

The client xbox keeps hanging on "waiting for the host"
Both are connected to the same router, with cables.

I have seem that video. But he logs into live, which i don't have.
Both are connected to the same router, with cables.

I have seem that video. But he logs into live, which i don't have.

ah well that's the key part, the same profile on both xbox's, not going to work if you don't have that. Just join xbox live. It's free
(well atleast on a silver account)