Just some supersoft suspension settings. I was experimenting with the suspension. It's really fun to play around with it. Gotta love some bodyroll aye 👍
Wow, this place is a ghost town. None of my cars have changed in over 2 years. I find them a bit cheesy now. The pictures is recent though. Heads up people, Imageshack is charging now. Hope all my pics don't get removed. Nice rides everyone!
You know... I've gotta say.. for an X360 game, it really looks very impressive even to this day. And graphically, it's not TOO far off from Forza 5.
There are moments though, when FM3 clearly outshone 4 in terms of visuals. But while we're on the subject, I'd happily choose F4 over 3 - physics and Oh those meaty engine and exhaust notes!