FM5 - The Realistic Photo Thread

  • Thread starter Evian
We're gonna have to rename this the Unrealistic Photo Thread :eek:

I know this is quite late but I've never seen such high-res 2d crowds! Compared to the standfillers at GT's Indianapolis these are quite amazing. Unfortunately, most of them don't look like they're watching the race at all, or even meant to be there, especially mr duplicate in the middle.
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I feel like simply removing that black outline would make a world of difference in how convincing the crowds look, but they do still have this problem where they all look like they don't want to be there.
Wouldn't you be annoyed if you were either shopping or recovering from the night before's stag antics and some brash yahoo decides this is the perfect place for a race track...
How did you get the camera that high?

It's a little difficult to explain because not only did I find it on a whim, but I've yet to discern how it works 100% of time.

However, what you'll want to do is take the camera to the limits of its viewing range, hug the corner of the "wall" that prevents the camera from going any further, and attempt to elevate the camera. If it reads 0.0 for elevation and the camera is rising overhead you've done it properly. You won't be able to get too high as it'll be reset after a while, and do not trying moving the camera to the left or right even after you've gotten it where you want it - it'll instantly reset itself.

If it raises to 5 or 6.x ft and it keeps bouncing (it's being reset), keep trying until you find a point where you can do so.

EDIT: You know what? I can get a video up on Upload that'll show it off.
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Thanks for the tip. I won't be able to give it a try until sometime tomorrow, but I'll definitely try it out.👍
No problem. :D

The video is up if you (or anyone else) need a visual explanation of sorts. Filter by Help & tips and look for "FM5 Camera Exploit".
The Ferrari wheel is immense. I for one am glad T10 learnt to make materials and the whole Forzavista concept.
I know this is quite late but I've never seen such high-res 2d crowds! Compared to the standfillers at GT's Indianapolis these are quite amazing. Unfortunately, most of them don't look like they're watching the race at all, or even meant to be there, especially mr duplicate in the middle.
That awfully looks like Dan G looking pensive.

Heck, you may as well have added in Sad Keanu in the crowd for a laugh...
Nice shots guys. Tried to get a realistic looking rally shot. Top of the corkscrew off in the dirt at Laguna is a pretty decent spot. I'd love to see T10 add a rally pack like they did with Horizon.

thats really a nice shot