Well, there's nothing wrong with hoping for a positive outcome. But ATM, it's pretty clear cockpit animations haven't been a priority for T10.
They've worked on everything from the look of the dash, to the camera movement and muffled sound that you get from inside the car.. but when it comes to animation.. no sirree! I've always despised the cockpit view for this reason. With the standard hood or bonnet/bumper cam working much better; you can at least tell what the front wheels are doing. Using the cockpit view in Forza may actually hamper your real-life driving! If you drive fast that is.
I had a chance to experience FM5 the other day. Can anyone confirm if the bumper cam now sits at the correct height? In previous Forza games the bumper view always felts like a roof cam view as it used to sit a little higher than the hood view - particularly noticeable on really low and sleek cars like the 458 or F1.
I hope they have. A proper bumper cam makes for great sense of speed!