For FXX-K's sake: all about the new Ferrari

  • Thread starter Moto54
I elected to go back and get the green splits I couldnt convert before.
I won the election.

You learn an important lesson here which is to combine narrow misses on quick corners with being
able to go slow effectively and precisely. There is more than one spot where you need to slow right down,
but you need to treat even the snails pace corners with their own proper aggression. Not handbraking them, but understanding them. You need to go slow- but not slower, or faster, than you must.

edit: this lap is about 4 tenths faster than the current #1 global time.
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I elected to go back and get the green splits I couldnt convert before.
I won the election.

You learn an important lesson here which is to combine narrow misses on quick corners with being
able to go slow effectively and precisely. There is more than one spot where you need to slow right down,
but you need to treat even the snails pace corners with their own proper aggression. Not handbraking them, but understanding them. You need to go slow- but not slower, or faster, than you must.

edit: this lap is about 4 tenths faster than the current #1 global time.

I think you still have world records for this and Munnar, well done. Was watching old eb4ticky on a live stream this afternoon, looks like he uses chase cam too!! He must have broke
about 10 world records during the stream. I am creeping up the all vehicles leaderboard at FVR and keeping good company, down to 46.1 now still 1 second behind eb4!
I am creeping up the all vehicles leaderboard at FVR and keeping good company

If you want to post some results then why not post a FVR FXX K hotlap? This is a FXX K thread, remember? :) Seriously man, you gotta expand your horizons! I'm not saying its easy, but you should be posting something FXX K related you drove yourself.. I dont know why you wouldnt have posted an FVR lap alreay, on your own. You know? Whats up with that? :)

..its not about being number one all the time!! nobody gives a crap about that stuff for more than 5 minutes. making a good effort is all that matters. you and your 'top driver' fixation is almost out of control.
:) i'm trying to tell you this as a friend. DJW does not want to battle with me at Glenmorgan just
to entertain you, and now that you opened your mouth about it, thats what it would feel like.
Just like you wanted me and Ozzy to battle constantly with each other. And for what?? So you could rank us? You gotta snap out of it man.
Just be the positive DC person you are. Once you start predicting other peoples lap times, or ranking other drivers, or acting as if other peoples tenth's of a second tell the whole story, you lose your way.

why not spend 30 minutes in the FXX K at FVR and post your best time here. nobody cares if you
arent #1.
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Yedapalli(R), India:
If theres a lesson I learned here in the FXX K its to keep a small part throttle happening
inbetween corners in the first twisty section. If you come all the way off the gas its that
little bit slower. The Ferrari is too much car for this track but its a wild ride for sure. If
nothing else it teaches how to anticipate and throttle discipline, but the first sector is sort
of bizarre the way one corner follows the next.. kind of feels like skiing :)

If you want to post some results then why not post a FVR FXX K hotlap? This is a FXX K thread, remember? :) Seriously man, you gotta expand your horizons! I'm not saying its easy, but you should be posting something FXX K related you drove yourself.. I dont know why you wouldnt have posted an FVR lap alreay, on your own. You know? Whats up with that? :)

..its not about being number one all the time!! nobody gives a crap about that stuff for more than 5 minutes. making a good effort is all that matters. you and your 'top driver' fixation is almost out of control.
:) i'm trying to tell you this as a friend. DJW does not want to battle with me at Glenmorgan just
to entertain you, and now that you opened your mouth about it, thats what it would feel like.
Just like you wanted me and Ozzy to battle constantly with each other. And for what?? So you could rank us? You gotta snap out of it man.
Just be the positive DC person you are. Once you start predicting other peoples lap times, or ranking other drivers, or acting as if other peoples tenth's of a second tell the whole story, you lose your way.

why not spend 30 minutes in the FXX K at FVR and post your best time here. nobody cares
If you want to post some results then why not post a FVR FXX K hotlap? This is a FXX K thread, remember? :) Seriously man, you gotta expand your horizons! I'm not saying its easy, but you should be posting something FXX K related you drove yourself.. I dont know why you wouldnt have posted an FVR lap alreay, on your own. You know? Whats up with that? :)

..its not about being number one all the time!! nobody gives a crap about that stuff for more than 5 minutes. making a good effort is all that matters. you and your 'top driver' fixation is almost out of control.
:) i'm trying to tell you this as a friend. DJW does not want to battle with me at Glenmorgan just
to entertain you, and now that you opened your mouth about it, thats what it would feel like.
Just like you wanted me and Ozzy to battle constantly with each other. And for what?? So you could rank us? You gotta snap out of it man.
Just be the positive DC person you are. Once you start predicting other peoples lap times, or ranking other drivers, or acting as if other peoples tenth's of a second tell the whole story, you lose your way.

why not spend 30 minutes in the FXX K at FVR and post your best time here. nobody cares if you
arent #1.
Sorry matey, points taken. I am missing the fact DC should be about enjoyment and learning. I will have a go with the Fxxk'n ferrari somewhere and see what I can do. I did FVR with it the day it came out, got the WR and it still stands. People seem to be raving more about the P1 GTR, be interesting to race them both together, maybe that's one for another thread later. I will get the Leaderboard for yedapeli and see if you have number one there too.
Sorry matey, points taken. I am missing the fact DC should be about enjoyment and learning. I will have a go with the Fxxk'n ferrari somewhere and see what I can do. I did FVR with it the day it came out, got the WR and it still stands. People seem to be raving more about the P1 GTR, be interesting to race them both together, maybe that's one for another thread later. I will get the Leaderboard for yedapeli and see if you have number one there too.

Let me put it this way: we've had more than a few hotlap contests where new people did not
enter. They love Driveclub, but they werent competitive so they stayed away. Theres a new
Weekly hotlap contest in another thread happening now and they have plenty of participants!!!
I am very happy for them, because Driveclub is fun to race, but I would never dream of trying
to boost my ego by joining them. I'm more than happy to leave them to their thing, again,
because Driveclub is a buzz to compete with, and I envy all the fun they can have as a group.
The last thing they need is for a 'known fast guy' to show up trying to hog all the glory and
soak in all the spotlight yet again. That would be immature and pointless and it would spoil
the fun they can have without a (KFG) there. Its about fun, too. Nobody gives a crap about DC
if it isnt fun, and a leaderboard-hog spoils the fun for some people.

and yes, sure, i'm interested to know how my lap at yedapalli stacks up. i'm not without that
element of ego.. but lets not become too crazed :) ..if i could have my wish it would not be that
you were #1, but that you got a wheel instead of a controller. dude, you would seriously love it.
Let me put it this way: we've had more than a few hotlap contests where new people did not
enter. They love Driveclub, but they werent competitive so they stayed away. Theres a new
Weekly hotlap contest in another thread happening now and they have plenty of participants!!!
I am very happy for them, because Driveclub is fun to race, but I would never dream of trying
to boost my ego by joining them. I'm more than happy to leave them to their thing, again,
because Driveclub is a buzz to compete with, and I envy all the fun they can have as a group.
The last thing they need is for a 'known fast guy' to show up trying to hog all the glory and
soak in all the spotlight yet again. That would be immature and pointless and it would spoil
the fun they can have without a (KFG) there. Its about fun, too. Nobody gives a crap about DC
if it isnt fun, and a leaderboard-hog spoils the fun for some people.

and yes, sure, i'm interested to know how my lap at yedapalli stacks up. i'm not without that
element of ego.. but lets not become too crazed :) ..if i could have my wish it would not be that
you were #1, but that you got a wheel instead of a controller. dude, you would seriously love it.
Just moved into my new flat at the weekend, a new wheel is next in my agenda. Any recommendations?? About £200 to spend. I play games for fun, the prestige of good times is just a bonus if I get there, like you Moto. Will switch the ps4 on and check times. I briefly tried it this morning and was way off the pace. I see what you mean about ski slalom though!!
Not bad! And thanks. Yedapalli can be extremely frustrating. Certain sections of track seem to run as if they were a phonograph record with a hole pressed off center. There seems to be a certain amount of
almost luck involved in the 2nd split. But the first split is kind of cool.. skiing :)

I cant suggest a wheel-- I'm out of touch with whats available. Congrats on the new flat! Let me
say that if there was ANYONE in the history of Driveclub that is going to love a wheel its you. For
one thing you love the game, so the rest will be easy (adapting, etc.)
Oh, and DC does not have strong FFB effects through the wheel so you dont need a top of the line model. I almost pity the beating you are going to give that wheel :)

American comedian George Carlin said this about driving: "Have you ever noticed that
people driving slower than you are idiots and people driving faster are maniacs?"

Its harrrd to master a new track. It really is. So much to observe and not forget.
Pretty damn rewarding though. This lap here is 4 thousands of a second off #1,
which would be a bummer for me if I had to see myself in 2nd place because of that!
I cant say enough about what you learn at a new place.
Driveclub might be semi-arcade to hop into and drive,
but theres a lot going on if you want to make the top.

(replay deleted - see below)
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So my lap is 4 thousandths behind the #1 leaderboard one. You gotta watch this standup bit
about coming in second. Its really really good.

So my lap is 4 thousandths behind the #1 leaderboard one. You gotta watch this standup bit
about coming in second. Its really really good.

Haha, hilarious, I like your humour, must be frustrating though!! I think there is one of the all vehicle records out there, might be Tamal Nadu 2 where the gap between 1st and 2nd is one one thousandth of a second!!
Getting back to your impending wheel purchase Mcparty.
I've done extensive window shopping for a wheel,problem is as much as i drool after one,my home situation isn't suited to one atm.The one i would get if i could is the Thrustmaster T300-rs,there have been some issues with the pedals looking at reviews but overall this seems to be the best wheel tho it's slightly above budget.But then if you play DC as much as i do spending a little more for a more robust model would make sense!
Getting back to your impending wheel purchase Mcparty.
I've done extensive window shopping for a wheel,problem is as much as i drool after one,my home situation isn't suited to one atm.The one i would get if i could is the Thrustmaster T300-rs,there have been some issues with the pedals looking at reviews but overall this seems to be the best wheel tho it's slightly above budget.But then if you play DC as much as i do spending a little more for a more robust model would make sense!
Cheers for the advice bloodborne, I think I may have seen something about the next update fixing whatever issues with this one so may be the way to go. Be great to get a decent seat too if anyone has any suggestions??? Apologies if I am turning this fxxk'n thread into a shopping expedition for myself Moto it was unintentional!!
Cheers for the advice bloodborne, I think I may have seen something about the next update fixing whatever issues with this one so may be the way to go. Be great to get a decent seat too if anyone has any suggestions??? Apologies if I am turning this fxxk'n thread into a shopping expedition for myself Moto it was unintentional!!

Not to worry-- getting a wheel for the PS4 is a priority.
Go on dude, post pictures of the one youre thinking of getting!

A good seat is actually important! I remember going to a few
local office supply mega-stores to see what chairs might work. Some of
them looked sporty, but none of them won out. In the end I bought a
solid and simple chair and added parts to bring it up to standard.
I added a Tempurpedic (sp?) memory foam pad that absorbs my butt into it,
and a lumbar pad with high sides for the chair back. The flimsy strap that
came with the lumbar pad needed the help of a red motorcycle tie-down strap
to keep it in place :) All the parts came off

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The way I drive it, two main skills are needed.
Number one is dealing with 2 wheels in the dirt on some corners. Anticipating how much
it will slow you. Or not. The knack is to judge the speed you carry going in against the
slowing effect of the dirt, balancing them to arrive at the correct momentum on exit.
The second skill, and its tricky, is to not have the throttle go completely dead between
corners. The best example is the right hander at the end of the short straight
in split two. You go from 5th down to 2nd, but the throttle should match the rev's when
you hit 2nd gear and accelerate.. not have the throttle go dead while you downshift and then
jumping on the gas full blast. What you're trying to avoid is useless spinning of tires.

The lap below is over 4 tenths faster than the current Global #1

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This is a computer game rim from the days before FFB walked the earth. Back then everything
serious in racing was happening on pc; consoles were very basic. There was a company called
TSW that made wheel and pedal sets almost entirely out of metal, wood, leather, and wire. Thats
who made this rim, and if I remember right I won it, by beating everyone on the planet racing Codemasters TOCA2 online.

Being a family operation TSW could not make the switch to the high dollar, high volume world
of FFB hardware once consoles took off. Thems the breaks. But when they were happening, they
were really happening.. look at that tank-like construction and materials. Just fantastic.

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The way I drive it, two main skills are needed.
Number one is dealing with 2 wheels in the dirt on some corners. Anticipating how much
it will slow you. Or not. The knack is to judge the speed you carry going in against the
slowing effect of the dirt, balancing them to arrive at the correct momentum on exit.
The second skill, and its tricky, is to not have the throttle go completely dead between
corners. The best example is the right hander at the end of the short straight
in split two. You go from 5th down to 2nd, but the throttle should match the rev's when
you hit 2nd gear and accelerate.. not have the throttle go dead while you downshift and then
jumping on the gas full blast. What you're trying to avoid is useless spinning of tires.

The lap below is over 4 tenths faster than the current Global #1 time.

Very impressive, be interesting to see where that ranks on the all vehicles list. This is such a bendy course an out and out speedster like the one may not be the quickest!! You are cleaning up with that Ferrari!! Looking at a wheel which gets rave reviews but it's somewhat over my budget at £300. Will post a pic.
Three leaderboards to check there. Yedapalli reverse FXXK and all vehicles, Bandipur FXXK. Interestingly the only car to beat your FXXK time is the equally new P1 GTR. Have you trird it, as fast as the Ferrari but easier to control?? I might do Bandipur with the FXXK too, I got a 104.657 with the One there a long time ago and haven't driven that course since. Will also send some info on the wheel I'm looking at, love your adapted chair!!!
I have the thrustmaster 300 rs bought recently for PCars. I find after that using on DC isn't easy as the wheel doesn't have too much feedback and tried all settings and gone back to the DS4 for Driveclub. You may get used to a wheel as each person drives different, but I found I was quicker with the DS4 but do swap between the two and it is obviously more fun with pedals and a wheel. (pedals are pretty good and never been a problem for me)

Regarding a chair it isn't cheap but I am limited on space and went for this Challenge Play seat, It is more robust than it looks, pretty comfy to have a nap and beer in after ;) and well made materials, it also holds various wheels. i.e thrustmaster. The bonus is it just folds up and I tuck it away after use if you didn't want a permanent set up it is a great idea and I use it alot.

Here is mine set up

Still working on those times..I might have a go on Glenmorgan this weekend as I love that track and have't tried it with the FXXK :cheers:
I have the thrustmaster 300 rs bought recently for PCars. I find after that using on DC isn't easy as the wheel doesn't have too much feedback and tried all settings and gone back to the DS4 for Driveclub. You may get used to a wheel as each person drives different, but I found I was quicker with the DS4 but do swap between the two and it is obviously more fun with pedals and a wheel. (pedals are pretty good and never been a problem for me)

Regarding a chair it isn't cheap but I am limited on space and went for this Challenge Play seat, It is more robust than it looks, pretty comfy to have a nap and beer in after ;) and well made materials, it also holds various wheels. i.e thrustmaster. The bonus is it just folds up and I tuck it away after use if you didn't want a permanent set up it is a great idea and I use it alot.

Here is mine set up
View attachment 430572

Still working on those times..I might have a go on Glenmorgan this weekend as I love that track and have't tried it with the FXXK :cheers:
That looks a nice little set up you got there. Interesting trade off, most fun versus better times. I remember on GT5, I was better with the DS3, got a wheel and was never as good with it at first but persevered and eventually was better with the wheel. That's the one I am looking at, around £300 I think. Try the FXXK around Bandipur normal, Moto will be having a crack at that and I aim to do likewise!!
Interestingly the only car to beat your FXXK time is the equally new P1 GTR. Have you tried it?

I like the new McLaren a lot but I dont care for all that KERS and DRS
business. No judgement on anyone else, I just dont want to bother with
the variables of it. You should try Bandipur in the FXXK. Its a track I
think others had mastered months before I even got the game so for me its
been a slog these last hours. Started to feel too much like a rat on one
of those wheels they set rodents to run around on, so I stopped trying at
Bandipur. I got close though.
Thats what she said.
Bandipur is a case of not being able to say ME, but WE.
Its one of those tracks thats been driven to death and theres
zero chance of finding any easy green once you get into the low
1:05 bracket.
When I say Bandipur and WE, I mean the current #1 and myself are
in the high 1:04's. So 'we' are in the 1:04's and the rest of the
unwashed, stinky, poopy-pants world is not! (pardon my attitude
but thats how you get when you cant find a tenth on a track you
dont particularly like)

In the meantime heres our lap. I mean my lap.
(tip: turn 1 is followed by a kink and then turn 3, which has to be
taken without lifting! its not as bad as the death-chicane at autodromo
03 but its a bitch. the boulder at turn 3 apex will either
be a friend or an enemy. it doesnt care. its a boulder.)

I think it was silky extreme at number one. He is very good, I've seen him atop of quite a few leaderboards. My recollection of Bandipur is that it's very fast and feels almost claustrophobic with trees tightly packed either side. A bit like Munnar there are a couple of small turns you can virtually take at full throttle if you turn early enough. Just resting before having a go later. I wore my eyes out spending a solid 4.5 hours this morning before eventually getting a record I was after in the P1 GTR! FXXK time for the remainder of the weekend.
Heres a replay improvement and also an extremely important tip for you all.
The tip is: once you have tapped out all the obvious time at a track- to the point
where progress seems hopeless, from that point on NEVER COMPLETE A LAP where
you make green or close to green unless the entire lap feels good.

Dont worry- the game will keep feeding you green splits, no matter how impossible it
seemed moments earlier, just as long as you keep restarting instead of crossing the line.
Once you 'cash in' something seems to get reset, and green splits become difficult again.
Dont take my word for it. Try it yourself.

Wow that's mad!! I did a few laps earlier and got down to 106.6. I will try your restart tip. My lowest first split is almost identical to yours so I need to work on the last two. Cheers for the tips matey!!
The margin is small, but the margin is real. This one was tough, tough, tough!

Well done, having tried it and been nearly 2 seconds off I can imagine how hard that was. Might try again but not sure I've got it in me to get near that time!! Not without lots abd lots of restarts. Top stuff!!!