For those who have a PS3! NFSC vs. GT4

  • Thread starter URBsmkr
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Some dude wrote a frigin' essay on the slight comparisons I've been making between GT4 and NFSC on a thread I created, and while coming to the end of the lengthy essay, Dude says he dosen't even have a PS3.So I'm asking all the people who have NFSC on PS3(no offense to the people who don't have one yet, I've only had mine for a month). Which game do you think is better GT4 or NFSC/PS3? Just to note my opinion I think that NFS kicks GT4 a$$ x 20 in every category, and I have bought every GT game that has ever came out!!

Note: That in no way am I saying that NFSC is going to be better than GT5, but with the PS3s graphic capabilities who knows what the future may bring, PD is really going to have to step up GTs gameplay w/ more game modes etc.
-> First of all, you're in the wrong place. This should be posted on Games in General forum. :indiff:

-> Plus, you're comparing two different games on two different systems. So meaning to say that if NFSC has better graphics than GT4 means the game is 20x better? :dunce:
NFSC was alright for a arcade style racing game. It, however, no way compares to the driving sim nature of GT4. Keep in mind that GT4 is a driving simulation by it's nature. Your comparison is like saying "Blazing Angels" is better than Microsofts Flight Simulator verson 6. The only thing these games have in common are planes and that's it, like wise, the only thing NFSC and GT4 have in common are cars.

Not to dog you, or to try and change your opinion, but I wanted to make sure you understood the differences. So what you're saying is that you like Arcade style racing games better than Simulation racing games and that's a fine argument to have.
Some dude wrote a frigin' essay on the slight comparisons I've been making between GT4 and NFSC on a thread I created, and while coming to the end of the lengthy essay, Dude says he dosen't even have a PS3.So I'm asking all the people who have NFSC on PS3(no offense to the people who don't have one yet, I've only had mine for a month). Which game do you think is better GT4 or NFSC/PS3? Just to note my opinion I think that NFS kicks GT4 a$$ x 20 in every category, and I have bought every GT game that has ever came out!!

Note: That in no way am I saying that NFSC is going to be better than GT5, but with the PS3s graphic capabilities who knows what the future may bring, PD is really going to have to step up GTs gameplay w/ more game modes etc.
You're comparing a PS3 game (NFS Carbon of all things) to a PS2 game? Wow, get a grip.

And if you think the NFS series kicks GT4 ass x20, then get the NFS game. :dunce:
Basically the point I'm trying to make is that even with as sick as GTHD graphics are, if they don;t step up the gameplay of GT5, they will no longer be the racing title champ, because with the PS3s potential there are going to be all type of racing games coming out that rival GTHD/GT5s graphics! Which seems to be the only basis people on this site have for determining how sweet a game is. OK....PD wowed me with its graphics on GTHD but the game is fukken boring. If I want a driving simulator, I'll just start up my own car and take a spin. REMEMBER this is a video game here( for you people caught up in the MATRIX)I'm trying to have FUN!!!!
but the game is fukken boring.
Don't bypass the curse word filter, please.

As for your other points, I have to agree. The only reason GT4 lasted so long for me was because of the DFP - nothing else.

Then again, GTHD has only 10 cars on one track with no opponents. It's bound to be boring. And Carbon isn't exactly all that entertaining as well.
And you have to remember that GT is a driving simulator. NFS is all about arcade style, unrealistic, but fun, driving. Even if you were comparing a NFS that was on the ps2 to gt4, it would be ridiculous. Mods, please do us all a favor and close this thread.
Then again, GTHD has only 10 cars on one track with no opponents. It's bound to be boring.
I noticed a small word underneath the tittle game that said "demo". I was taught that a demo was just a small taste of what it is now, an incomplete game.

If people start worrying about GT5 this early just because of a DEMO, specially knowing PD's reputation of always being late with games, then you need to sit down and take relaxing pills. Play another game if you'd like, just don't start moaning a crying this early.
but the game is fukken boring.
HUm, I wanna ask you a couple of questions:

You do realize Gran Turismo is a game designed to be a driving simulator right?

Another question: what does the GT slogan says on the cover of the box?

Assuming that you have read what the slogan says, how on earth, do you think Polyphony Digital will make its next-gen game less realistic and less technical so it can match up with your beloved Need for speed carbon?

What really makes you think that?

Why would PD bring the game to such low standards?

Another question: Why did you join this site if it's not because you like the game?

Let's assume you joined because of GT4. Fine, so wouldn't you like PD to come out with something more realistic than GT4?

If I want a driving simulator, I'll just start up my own car and take a spin.
So WHY on earth did you buy the game if the everyone knows GT is supposed to be one of the most realistic driving simulators? Why did you bother?

I'm trying to have FUN!!!!
Well, based on your racing game preference (NFS), I can tell you, you won't have fun with the GTHD demo, nor with GTHD Prologue, nor with GT5.

And you have to remember that GT is a driving simulator. NFS is all about arcade style, unrealistic, but fun, driving. Even if you were comparing a NFS that was on the ps2 to gt4, it would be ridiculous. Mods, please do us all a favor and close this thread.
URBsmkr, tattoo this post in your forehead, hands, or write it down with a black marker on your TV screen because like I said before, YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD, you cannot compare both games, they are totally totally totally different.

From word
dif·fer·ent /ˈdɪfərənt, ˈdɪfrənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dif-er-uhnt, dif-ruhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. not alike in character or quality; differing; dissimilar: The two are different.
2. not identical; separate or distinct: three different answers.
3. various; several: Different people told me the same story.
4. not ordinary; unusual.

Comprehende? capsci? Do we have to speak in chinese?
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