You can only have 1 game per console you have owned/own?

  • Thread starter TypeRDC5
PS1: Final Fantasy VII
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 3
PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4
PS4: The Last Of Us Part II
PS5: Final Fantasy VII Remake
PSP: Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker
PS Vita: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

XBOX 360: Red Dead Redemption
XBOX One: Red Dead Redemption II

NES: Super Mario Bros
SNES: Super Mario World
Nintendo Gamecube: Resident Evil 4
Awww yeah, my kind of thread, let's goooo:

NES - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!!
SNES - Super Metroid (Greatest 2D Platformer Of All Time)
N64 - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (Greatest Game Of All Time)
PS1 - Gran Turismo II (Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back is a CLOSE 2nd)
Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure (Technically, I owned 50% of this console with my roommate in college)
Gamecube - The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
PS2 - Gran Turismo IV (2nd Greatest Game Of All Time)
Wii - The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword (barely edging out Twilight Princess)
PS3 - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II (the worst console Sony's ever made)
WiiU - The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
PS4 - Grand Theft Auto V
Switch - Super Mario Odyssey
PS5 - Gran Turismo VII?, Grand Theft Auto VI? :P

Atari 2600: Pitfall
PS1: Gran Turismo 1
PS2: Gran Turismo 4
PS3: Gran Turismo 5
PS4: Gran Turismo Sport or Horizon Zero Dawn (I've played the hell out of both of them)
SMS2: Wonderboy III
SNES: Mario Kart
PS1: GT1 / NBA Live 98
XBox: PES 4
PS3: Tiger Woods 09
Wii: Mario Kart
PS1- Gran Turismo 2
PS2 - Dynasty Warriors 3
PS3 - Metal Gear HD Collection
PS4 - Ghost of Tsushima
PS5 - GT7?
C64 the untouchables, still cant complete it

Master system alexx the kidd in miracle world, awesome platformer that still has me playing it to this day

Gameboy dr franken 2 fun little adventure game

Mega drive virtua racing simple yet rewarding arcade sim racer

Ps1 gran turismo 1 classic

Ps2 dues ex greatest game of all time

Xbox grand theft auto legendary game

Ps3 the saboteur an under appreciated gem that is pure mayhem and fun

Ps4 Wrc 9 a step up in rally games

Xbox x star wars fallen order awesome game that the sequel is day one buy

Wii mario kart not much choice on this console

3ds ace attorney

Anbernic 351mp pure emulation goodness