For those who surf...

  • Thread starter vat_man


Staff Emeritus
I know there aren't a lot of surfers here but for those of us who do (okay, I spunj) I thought you would appreciate this...

From (web reports on Sydney surf conditions). 20/12/01

"A point of etiquette.............. Some short time ago this very morning your correspondent was earnestly researching the properties of a mid tide peak @ Joe’s reef, a responsibility never taken lightly despite the rigours of surf reporting on a working day..... So.., in the tradition of all serious longboarders, your scribe was gracefully heading shorewards on a reasonably shaped right, magisterially erect and awaiting the pleasures of a little rip & tear along the shorebreak and into the rocky corner,when he noticed, all nakedly asprawl on said rocks, two entirely unclothed young women basking in the warm sunshine..... Limbs akimbo, in a word...... One face up, the other belly down......... What does a man do??? Throw a big roundy and head the other way? Fade into the pit and hope for a coverup? Chuck a head dip? – ..... or stay with tradition and go for Length of Ride?"
Originally posted by vat_man
I know there aren't a lot of surfers here but for those of us who do (okay, I spunj) I thought you would appreciate this...

From (web reports on Sydney surf conditions). 20/12/01

"A point of etiquette.............. Some short time ago this very morning your correspondent was earnestly researching the properties of a mid tide peak @ Joe’s reef, a responsibility never taken lightly despite the rigours of surf reporting on a working day..... So.., in the tradition of all serious longboarders, your scribe was gracefully heading shorewards on a reasonably shaped right, magisterially erect and awaiting the pleasures of a little rip & tear along the shorebreak and into the rocky corner,when he noticed, all nakedly asprawl on said rocks, two entirely unclothed young women basking in the warm sunshine..... Limbs akimbo, in a word...... One face up, the other belly down......... What does a man do??? Throw a big roundy and head the other way? Fade into the pit and hope for a coverup? Chuck a head dip? – ..... or stay with tradition and go for Length of Ride?"

Is there really a question here? Even a good Christian fellow like myself would coast on in there and claim, "Hey, you got in my way. Nice to see- I mean meet you ladies." And be on your way.

I just had another thought. If you were my friend Brad, you'd surf on in, hop off your board and proclaim, "Greetings! I am the Sun screen patrolman! I was about 300m out noticed your beautifully bronzed bodies with potential for life threatenting Sun damage on the beach! In just a short moment's time I can have you completely rubbed down in protective Sun block! This process should take aproximately half an hour for each of you, unless of course you'd like to give me a rub down as well?"

His standard pickup line was, "hey bebbe". I guess that's better than Zach's prefered line, "Nice shoes, wanna ****?"

Originally posted by vat_man
I should warn you those are particularly pointy rocks

Then maybe asking directions back to the beach would be appropriate? See, there's always a conversation starter in such situations. There's a NEED to get into these situation, because the conversations are begging to be ... conversed (:

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Then maybe asking directions back to the beach would be appropriate? See, there's always a conversation starter in such situations. There's a NEED to get into these situation, because the conversations are begging to be ... conversed (:


Well - good point