Ford Escort Cosworth

  • Thread starter takumi64
Nightmage - I think the Lotus Carlton is probably the most-abused car in history... :D

BigJim - The Ford RS200 had nothing at all to do with the Escort. No parts at all in the RS200 were from, or even derived from, Escort parts.
I know

I dont think I made reference to an escort RS200

Aww screw it - it dont really matter anyway

And yes the Lotus Carlton has probably taken a few beatings in its life !!! similair perhaps to the XR4 i I bet for the amount of caning its received !!!!
never been in a lotus carlton but i've loved it ever since i saw my first one. my local vauxhall dealership is officially licensed to fix them so there are plenty there all the time. they look so sweet and look so similar to a standard carlton that they can even be called sleepers. they also had an outrageous amount of torque, something close to 500ft/lbs. :cool:
I think if you put a std carlton next to a lotus carlton the difference wud jump out and hit you in the face !!

But I know what you mean tho - there arent any stupid wings and spoliers sticking out everywhere - and a sleeper - yes its fast asleep until sum1 say in a vts or an xr2 tries it on then the monster is awakened !!!!!!
I'm with you, screw it :D Intentions don't always come across well typed...
you know what I pictured ? A big debate about who said what and when and why etc etc Like you see sumtimes !! but Im a bit more mature than having a Forum "Row" and I see from your last post that you are too !! Good man !!

👍 to Famine !!
Originally posted by BigJamesGTI
you know what I pictured ? A big debate about who said what and when and why etc etc Like you see sumtimes !! but Im a bit more mature than having a Forum "Row" and I see from your last post that you are too !! Good man !!

👍 to Famine !!
maturity in a forum? that has to be a first heh, nice one :cool:
heh!!! yeah I know, well I figured best to be mature about stuff if you wanna keep on using the forum - if you start bein stupid then no-one is gonna bother with you and you'll end up gettin kicked out probably.

And I like it here so maturity is the order of the day I think !!!

I just go on the theory tha life's too short to get all hot & bothered about a few misplaced typings - or even implications - here & there. Even when there's a genuine disagreement I prefer to just agree to disagree.

Pints all round! :D