Ford? or Lambo?

  • Thread starter Tom M
I should have known that Ford would never be the creator of a car so dear to my heart. Grrrrr:mad: How did I miss this little piece of info. Was anyone else aware that the GT40 wasn't really a Ford?

Now I have a new pic with both to see the major difference between the, and how similar they really are
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
I should have known that Ford would never be the creator of a car so dear to my heart. Grrrrr:mad: How did I miss this little piece of info. Was anyone else aware that the GT40 wasn't really a Ford?
Well, the GT40 is a Ford, but it looks like one company or the other was seriously borrowing the design... :odd: What's the story on this picture, Tom? :confused:
Originally posted by Jordan
Well, the GT40 is a Ford, but it looks like one company or the other was seriously borrowing the design... :odd: What's the story on this picture, Tom? :confused:

Well, I was joking with Pako in his request for an avatar that morphs from the first Lamborghini design to the last and all inbetween. I found this website looking for pics on altavista:
(Actually the link to this pic and a few others is It's just that the whole site has such good info.)
Since I love the GT40 so very very much I've since looked into this. The GT40 started it's conception in the same year as the Miura. Both Mid engine design. Lambo used a V12, ford a V8, but that's just what was available at the time to each company. (no specially designed engines quite yet)
From the front the cars don't look quite as exact, but they are way too similar for coincidence. My guess is a common designer somewhere (both were designed in England)
On an interesting note, I ran across three pieces of info in my travels.

The first is that Shelby (who had a hand in GT40's Design and tweaking) hated Ferrari. He blamed Ferrari racing for the deaths of close friends of his on the track, and was obsessed. The second piece is that Ford made a bid in the early 60's to buy Ferrari. Ferrari backed out, announcing that they were no longer for sale. Ford was left with no choice but to develop their own racing team, and that brought about the conception of the GT40 which ran very successfully until 1970 when a rule change made it obsolete.
Shelby wasn't the only one who hate Ferrari, read this quote:
"The following is a compilation of hearsay, legend, and gossip. Like all legends, it probably has at least a germ of truth. Unlike some, this legend does not make me want to investigate and determine where the fact lies. The legend is too much fun.

Ferruccio Lamborghini was a successful Italian industrialist. He owned factories making tractors and air conditioners, and had done quite well. Because of this, he also owned one of the great Italian success symbols -- a Ferrari.

That much is accepted as fact.

One day (the story has it) he was enjoying the fruits of his labor, tooling around the countryside in his Ferrari, when it began misbehaving, making noises he felt were not appropriate to Italy's finest sports car. Being in the neighborhood of Modena, and Ferrari's factory, he dropped in to get it serviced. Since Signore Lamborghini was something of a VIP, while the car was being serviced, he was shown into the Presence -- Il Commendatore himself, Enzo Ferrari.

Naturally, the conversation soon turned to cars, Ferraris in particular, and Signore Lamborghini helpfully offered some suggestions to improve the cars. Signore Ferrari was not appreciative -- rather, he suggested that Signore Lamborghini ought to confine his attentions to farm machinery, and leave the sports car business to Ferrari.

Lamborghini responded to this verbal slap-down as any hot-blooded Italian industrialist would -- he announced that he would build his own sports car, to show Ferrari how it ought to be done.

Ferrari's response was a classic of grand hauteur, and has been preserved for posterity: "Ecco," he replied, "une trattore gran turismo!" ["Well -- a sports tractor!"]

Doubtless Signore Ferrari later had many moments in which to think those words over. He had cast the gauntlet, and Lamborghini picked it up, determined to beat Ferrari at his own game. He gathered his best engineers, hired designers (in that part of Italy auto designers fall out of trees on you), and a year later, in 1964, unveiled the Lamborghini GT350 at the Paris Auto Show. It wasn't until 1967 that he achieved his goal, however. That was when he presented one of Marcello Gandini's designs, the Miura, to a stunned world -- the year he stole Ferrari's thunder."

Another site goes on to talk about how the Lambo bull is the final slap in the face of Ferrari. (Being a farm animal)
I wonder if these 2 stories find some common ground somewhere...
The GT40 was an American and British project. Why would that picture make one think otherwise? The GT40's styling was not revolutionary, I think. Is it the similarity? I think there were other Lamborghinis and Ferraris with a similar design before that. But this was racing, and ripoff or not, you use what works. Change with the time, maybe revert if technology will allow, such as with the Panoz cars in the ALMS
Originally posted by Pako

Yes, very interesting. *As the story goes*

Yes, I too took it with a grain of salt. I also believe in the addage that fact is stranger than fiction.

As for Talentless,
There are similar cars, but not by Ferrari or Lambo until after. (lots of cars had the front end style though, it was definitely the thing to do in racing. Seems to be spawned by Porsche) I'm really just pointing to the fact that if I had cropped that photo and came on here (now that I think about it, I wish I had) and posted the image with just the car. I wonder how many of use could tell the difference. (from the front it's easier.)
In fact, after this, I'm changing the photo to include both.
This is the MKII version if the caption under it was right. It is also a racing modified version. Slight differences off others, but this is predominantly how it looks. The lambo basically is a smoothed out version of the same silhouette
This isn't me arguing, you just made me think about it a little more.:thumbsup:
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell

Just the top car. The bottom car is the Lamborghini Miura.
Can you believe it? It's true.

The top car, meaning the red one right?

I love Miura, they are my second favorite Lambo, besides the SUV!
The GT-40 was concieved as Tom said when Ford wanted into Le-mans, and thought the best way of doing so was to buy Ferarri. Things happened Ferrari backed out (thank god) and they (ford) basically copied the Ferrari cars at the time and made the GT-40 (40= height 40 inches, exactly 1meter.)

Personally, I hate the GT40. It handles so BADLY!

where the **** have you driven a GT-40????!?!?!?! The last one I saw up for sale (real) was for $400,000! That was a racing version. The Street legal ones (non kit cars) they made Seven of. They arn't for sale and probably never will be.

If you have one, hook me up with your address so I can get a track day organized. I have considered buying a kit of one.....

Further Reading
Sorry I lied, they wern't 400,000. They were 1.7 MILLION

1968 FORD GT40, S/N 1076. Blue/Black. Final of three Gulf Team race cars. Finished third overall at Le Mans in 1969! $1.7M. Symbolic. (619) 454-1800. Check out their site for the latest bargains!

The GT-40 is one of my favorite cars of all time.
Originally posted by Deathhawk
Sorry I lied, they wern't 400,000. They were 1.7 MILLION

1968 FORD GT40, S/N 1076. Blue/Black. Final of three Gulf Team race cars. Finished third overall at Le Mans in 1969! $1.7M. Symbolic. (619) 454-1800. Check out their site for the latest bargains!

The GT-40 is one of my favorite cars of all time.

I think I know where you got the 400k, I watched an auction last year with one up for sale, and the bidding was up around 400k, but the reserve wasn't met, so the car was passed on.
I definately like the Ford GT40, but that's pretty much the only car I like from Ford. I would go for the Lamborghini Diablo VT or SV, it's so much cooler then the GT40. Too bad it's not in GT3!
quite honestly, I think if you look at any of the racers from that time I think you will find similarities

Ripping each other off is part and parcel of racing...
gee, thats wierd, might as well be comparing a 91 Firebird and Camaro. I never noticed this either, although I'm not a huge enthusaist of either.
Wasn't the GT40 based around a Lola body?

I seem to remember Ford bought the original cars from someone running Lola cars with Ford engines when they set the racing division up, and to save development time they pretty well ran the cars with some development.
I have seen a road version of the GT40 with an asking price of $500,000. I still have the add, and can scan it if you want. It was red, and quite beutifull. Too bad i don't have that kinda money :D
The miura is slimer than the gt 40, and I dont remember the body flying off the GT40 tests, like the miuras did. I read up on the miura years ago and I remember that the body would fly right off the car at about 180 MPH. So that would lead me to believing that the two cars have nothing to do with each other. And I would hate to make any kinda connection between FORD and LAMBORGHINI.