will take sls amg for it
100% Yours if you can wait until Saturday.
Which color do you prefer?hm just checked the color
i dun like gran turismo blau on that color
so i will hold off unless u have another sls paint that can go with it
If that's a factory color than yes I've got it.le mans rot/mystic weiss2
btw this is the RS200 '84 just so we are on the same page...i will buy it if u confirm u have sls in mysteic weiss2 or leman rot
K dealyes the colors are stock SLS colors that you can choose from the dealership
mystic weiss2 is the white color on the most left option
leman rot is red color on the right
k just bought the RS200
can u tell me the exact time we can trade next saturday?
i am on pacific standard time on north american west coast
i have my work xmas party that evening
i may not be able to do it 9pm sharp
will do so when i return home hopefully within 2-3 hrs after 9pm