Formula 1:CE - Pit Stop Commands


1955-2011 R.I.P.
United States
Austin, Texas
D-Nitrate / GTP_DNitrate
F1CE does a great job making pit stops a critical and visually interesting part of a race... as they should be.

(I only hope Polyphony Digital is paying attention!)

First of all, depending on the race length and/or settings, you'll need to pit at least once. If "FUEL USE & TIRE WEAR" is set at "SCALED", and a race is at least 10% in length, you'll have to pit. If it is set to "REALISTIC", then it will depend on the length of the race, and how well you manage your tire wear. If it is set to off, you may still have to pit if you have "CRASH DAMAGE" turned on, and you have performance problems due to damage. If you have "COMPONENT FAILURE" turned on, and your car is unfortunate enough to have a problem and that problem is repairable, then you'll also have to pit.

If your team manager hasn't instructed you or cleared you to pit already, you must ask for clearance to pit by pressing the "select" button. He will respond to your request on the radio, and will let you know when you can come in. Remember, you are sharing the same pit crew with your teammate, so you do not want to come in right behind him and get stuck waiting for your turn to get serviced.

BTW: if you also have "PENALTIES" turned on, be sure to watch your speed entering pit lane, or you'll get a black flag time penalty. A large red "!" will appear on your HUD if you are going to fast. Once you are at or below the mandated pit lane speed it will fade away. Once you cross the line entering pit lane, the computer takes over... but your job isn't over yet if you want a fast pit stop time!

OK, so you are bringing in your car to be serviced. The first thing you'll notice is your crew waiting for you to stop... which is done automatically for you. Then you'll notice that some playstation controller symbols will start to appear on some of your crew with a timer going up.

Once you press the corresponding buttons on your controller, those crewman will start their task. If you do not, they will automatically start after 2.7 seconds. If you press the button before the symbol appears on the crewman, a red 'X' will appear instead of the symbol, and he wont start until after the 2.7 seconds... this is obviously so players don't simply randomly start pressing buttons as fast as they can.

Not all pit stops will be the same. If you have damage that needs repairing, that will require extra commands. If you need fuel, and how much fuel, that will also affect if and when the symbols appear in order to command the refueler to insert and remove the fuel nozzle.

However, for a normal pit stop, you'll have to do the following commands:

T = Front Jack Man - lift car
X = Rear Jack Man - lift car
O = Refueller - insert nozzle (only when fuel is needed to complete the race)

L1 = Left Front Gunman + 2 Wheel Men - replace wheel
R1 = Right Front Gunman + 2 Wheel Men - replace wheel
L2 = Left Rear Gunman + 2 Wheel Men - replace wheel
R2 = Right Rear Gunman + 2 Wheel Men - replace wheel

O = Refueller - remove nozzle (see above, amount of fuel will determine when to press O)

L1 = Left Front Gunman - lock new wheel
R1 = Right Front Gunman - lock new wheel
L2 = Left Rear Gunman - lock new wheel
R2 = Right Rear Gunman - lock new wheel

T = Front Jack Man - lower car
X = Rear Jack Man - lower car

S = Lolly-pop Man - raises lolly-pop

If you have a normal stop, and you do not press any buttons, the pit stop time will always be 20.9 seconds. However, if you time it perfectly, it is possible to have a normal pit stop time under 8 seconds. A pit stop time of 8-9 seconds is very good.

Hope this info is helpful.
Slight error.
If pits is on the left.
If pits is on right.

watch out for this.
What is T? I don't have this game, i'm not sure, but I do know there is no... T on my controller... lmao
digtal nitrate
BTW: if you also have "PENALTIES" turned on, be sure to watch your speed entering pit lane, or you'll get a black flag time penalty. A large red "!" will appear on your HUD if you are going to fast. Once you are at or below the mandated pit lane speed it will fade away.
I have never received a pitlane penalty or seen any flag about it. And I believe I have penalties turned on since I get engine rev penalties if I cut too much. And I have approached pitlane with lunatic speed (as in Montreal).

Are you sure you're not confusing this with another game?
I have never received a pitlane penalty or seen any flag about it. And I believe I have penalties turned on since I get engine rev penalties if I cut too much. And I have approached pitlane with lunatic speed (as in Montreal).

Are you sure you're not confusing this with another game?

Well, I have, and I've only had the game 1 day!
Well, I have, and I've only had the game 1 day!

That's weird.. i did a full season allready, and everytime i go into the pits, it's at full speed...
I do get the "!" as well, but i just keep going full speed and i get no penalty or a flag... i have penalties on as well, since i get penalties when cutting corners for sure.
That's weird.. i did a full season allready, and everytime i go into the pits, it's at full speed...
I do get the "!" as well, but i just keep going full speed and i get no penalty or a flag... i have penalties on as well, since i get penalties when cutting corners for sure.

If you have penalties you won't be penalized if you come to the pit lane at full speed, but you will if you go over the white line when you come out of the pits.
Does anyone know what the theoretical best pit stop is? I'm consistently getting 7.4-7.5's. I don't see how I can do it much faster but I've said that about the TT's and I'm well off the mark set in the Personal Best thread. :D
Mayby someone can help, I have tried several different approaches with buttons. I nail them the instant they appear,no mistakes and mine are always 8.3 for best. Ideals??
The first T, O, X series will always be when the car has the garage on the right hand side (most common). So one just needs to wait for the first button to show and one can then sorta immediately roll the thumb over those buttons on a standard controller. Helps alot to get consistently fast pitstops. However on tracks like Monaco and Magny-Cours the garage will be on the left hand side and that changes the O to S. Simply roll the left side of the controller buttons.
My fastest pit stop stop was 6.9 seconds, also, at Montreal, Canada, whilst in the pits, you may notice there is a 'design error' as Renault's pit wall is outside Super Aguri's garage and McLarens pit wall is outside MF1's garage and so on. Has anyone else noticed this?
Thanks for this, as I have been scratching my head about the buttons to get a fast pit time; so far I have been just madly hitting all the buttons :dopey:
My fastest pit stop stop was 6.9 seconds
I had a 6.9 pit stop or two during a couple of races in the latter parts of GTPF1WC's NTSC lifetime. Timing is indeed crucial to whether you'll be getting a 7 second pit stop or not.

I wouldn't mind a little more interactivity in the pit stop phase for GT5. For now, we'll have to deal with tire selection and whether or not we want to refuel or switch to/from B-Spec.
i always get 7.1 seconds, its good that u can use the pitstops tactically to gain or lose places, its always nice when u jump a rival who you pit on the same lap as you

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