Formula 1 Emirates Gran Premio Dell'emilia Romagna 2020Formula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
As it stands everybody racing gained or stayed in the same position except for.... wait for it...

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Not even 3 seconds into the restart and the Mercs are 5 seconds away from the rest of the field.

The current state of F1 is so ridiculous right now
Iconic track. Dull race until the Safety Car. Gripping sprint to the checkered flag.

Great race and fortune for Ricciardo and Kyvat, and a bump of a couple places for McLaren. Nice. Nice...

Congrats to Mercedes for their sev... zZz...
As it stands everybody racing gained or stayed in the same position except for.... wait for it...

Has Bottas ever actually overtaken Lewis on raw pace? Only moves he’s made as far as I can remember are either by jumping him at the start or when they’re on different pit strategies.

I have honestly reached the point where I think I’m sick of F1. I’ll watch the Bahrain quasi-oval and Turkey along with next year’s Zandvoort and Vietnam and that proposed Saudi race all for the sheer novelty, but after that I don’t think I’ll be following this sport anymore. Just not fun or entertaining to watch the Lewis & Mercedes Show for seven bloody years straight. The only reason Nico won in 2016 is because of dumb luck of the draw when it came to reliability. 2022 will just be more of the same because the engines are staying the same and the majority of Merc’s performance advantage comes from their engines (small fecking wonder why they veto’d the more comprehensive engine changes originally tabled). Even when Lewis retires, it’ll still be Mercedes and their replacement #1 driver dominating. What’s the point anymore? Unless the FIA starts over from scratch, it’ll just be multi-season domination from if not Mercedes then someone else. Been the case for the last 20 years, and will continue to be until they make drastic changes. Wake me up when they do.
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