Formula 1 Heineken Grande Prêmio do Brasil 2019Formula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
A full Sebastian would be if he tandem-spun with Albon

Yup, this was a Demi-Seb.

Hamilton just said it was his fault, I think that gives him the penalty

I think it was racing, Albon left the gap and came across too late. Hamilton had gone into the gap and would have done so whatever happened. I wonder if Hamilton will reconsider after seeing a better replay?
I think it would be a racing incident between Albon and Hamilton even with Lewis saying it was his fault. Albon just went too wide and gave Lewis a hole to shoot through then closed the door on him. You can run that line in that corner if you're not defending but Alex should have been tighter to the apex.
What a ridiculous race to observe. It was a fun watch, I still wish everyone finished, but at least we get to see Gasly on podium. It’s crazy we’ve seen two Torro Rosso podiums this year.

It reminds me of the earlier days of the team, back when I didn’t know the difference between the Redbulls.
Abu Dhabi has a quite a few corners, I really don't see Ferrari getting anywhere on that track with their current pace. I'm betting it's going to be another battle between Red Bull and the Merc.
Sky Sports being biased for Lewis? Shocking! /s
Even when Lewis is accepting blame for it in now multiple interviews. Like Max talked his way into a penalty in Mexico, Lewis is deliberately talking his way into one, which might not even be given!

We will see I suppose.