Formula GT

  • Thread starter niknokers
I have a green FGT and willing to trade for:
- Ford Mark IV Race Car '67‎
- Ferrari 330 P4

Are you still interested in Ferrari 330 ( NEW 0 miles ) ? I'd like to trade it with your FGT.

I am able to trade now, add me PSN ID Bintara12a
i can trade either of the cars you want now. when are you available?

I have a Ford Mark IV Race Car '67‎ & 330 P4, pick one and we can do the trade in 2hours when I get home? What do you say?
I have a Ford Mark IV Race Car '67‎ & 330 P4, pick one and we can do the trade in 2hours when I get home? What do you say?

confused... my post was for the OP. He wants a mark IV or 330P4.... I said I could trade either for the FGT...
I have a mark IV and would be happy to trade... i have been trying to get the fgt. I am ready as soon as you are
Sure no problem, so my ferrari 330 with your FGT right?

Cause i saw one of your post said that you already have the 330 and looking for the mark IV. I have the mark IV also with low mileage

Im interested with your 330 P4 with 0 Mileage