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  • Thread starter Bogie 19th
Yeah, I got the update too. Now I am sucking at turning now. WTF!

Are you using a wheel?

Took me a few laps to get use to it with the GT2 wheel, but once I did it was just so much easier to turn in smoothly. Before I was jerking the car around because of the extra sensitivity. Once I do lose it it's much harder to get back, but at the same time I don't lose control as often.
Anyone know exactly what the small update consisted of this morning? Only 7MB if I remember correctly. Was it just the steering assist? Is that confirmed?
Right. So for some reason the steering assist was completely gone for a few races and suddenly it's back.

Either my game just happened to glitch 4 races in a row or....something. I'm not entirely sure what could have cause it to go away but it's back now:indiff:
Right. So for some reason the steering assist was completely gone for a few races and suddenly it's back.

Either my game just happened to glitch 4 races in a row or....something. I'm not entirely sure what could have cause it to go away but it's back now:indiff:

Did you leave your console and wheel went to sleep mode?
That sounds pretty strange. I wish I was home so I could look into this and see how mine is acting. I did notice a slight difference this morning but I have no idea if there was an assist or not to be quite honest. I was doing a rival event with the NSX and I did lose it a couple times and it felt like there was no assist.
Yeah, I actually thought about that right after that post.

I might have inadvertently used the workaround for it.
The actual assist might be gone, but it's still got the speed sensitive steering thing going on.

Luckily I now know how to get around the speed sensitive steering thing, I just hope they come out with a patch for it so I don't have to turn the wheel on and off every time I sit down to play.
According to some people the drag mode is runied, the grip was good before the update, but its now really bad, pretty funny, since the drag in fm4 should be full of grip, not like the joke fm3....
I think the steering assist is gone. Or, more specifically, the speed sensitive steering "bug" that happened with 900 degree wheels.

Logged on, got an update and suddenly I actually have to turn the wheel more than a quarter turn to go around a sharp bend.

Feels the same to me. Strangely enough, it felt less assisted in the demo.

Just need to test my wheel to see if it's different.
Oh well. Played it to death.
Going away for the weekend. Damn fun times with Family.

Can't wait to get back home. Lol.
According to some people the drag mode is runied, the grip was good before the update, but its now really bad, pretty funny, since the drag in fm4 should be full of grip, not like the joke fm3....

Don't know where you heard that from. I just went over to the forums and didn't find anyone discussing it there. Those forums would have been blowing up by now if that was the case.
Don't know where you heard that from. I just went over to the forums and didn't find anyone discussing it there. Those forums would have been blowing up by now if that was the case.

I didn't notice any change in the grip of my Fairlane 500. Maybe people are imagining it?
Don't know where you heard that from. I just went over to the forums and didn't find anyone discussing it there. Those forums would have been blowing up by now if that was the case.
Well, as you know tt3 never lies, go over to the fm forums, and read for yourself :), telling you man im serious when it comes to drag racing...
Unfortunately it would seem that I'm going to have to wait on FM4, as it looks like it has been reserved as a possible Xmas or birthday present for me, meaning that I can't buy it and play it this weekend :( Still, I'm definitely going to get it at some point, not least because I was very impressed by Forza 3 - I love the differences between Gran Turismo and Forza - each do their own things well, and the competition between the two franchises is driving both on to new heights... for that reason alone, it is probably just as well that there is no single title that can do all of what GT and Forza can do combined...
You can't ask for something else for Christmas? That's harsh man. Hopefully Santa thinks you've been a good boy this year. Don't want a lump of coal instead of Forza.
Perhaps I was being a tad melodramatic - I was asked if I would like FM4 as an Xmas gift and I (rather stupidly) said yes. Although I really enjoyed FM3, I don't play the Xbox all that much, and so I reckon I can stand the wait... especially since a certain other driving game is about to get quite alot better in the next few days, and should keep me occupied until then ;)
Hey guys, bought the game this morning. I'm pretty positive about the game, the AI could race me a bit harder but that's not the real reason I bought the game. I fired it up, and F4 detected the F3 save, so it got me some cool cars (expensive ones too). From F430 Scuderia (is this a bonus car? It isn't in dealership), Veyron, Aston Martin DBR9 to Peugeot HDI FAP and so on. Also got me a credit bonus. Bought a stock Skyline GTR33 and started playing. It feels good, and the sounds of the cars are lovely, not to forget the graphics.. I stopped playing after the bowling challenge at the TG track becaus I had to go to work.
I got loads of cars imported too, it's pretty cool. I can't believe you get a DBR9 etc. right from the off :lol: I also got some bonus cars for being VIP in Forza 3 which was nice. :)
Well, as you know tt3 never lies, go over to the fm forums, and read for yourself :), telling you man im serious when it comes to drag racing...

Yeah I just check back over there and do see some pretty long rants about it now. Tried a little drag last night and there does seem to be a traction issue now even with drag slicks and under 20 PSI. I just sent Jube a PM. I'll let you guys know if I hear back from him.
You can't change it in world tour mode. You can do so for races from the Event List, as far as I know, though.

Thats crap if u carnt change it for world tour!.ive heard that the game learns how good you are and changes accordingly but i still thought id be able to change the ai toughness..
Thanks anyway.
Doesn't going to difficulty and selecting EXPERT change the AI to expert? It did in the demo and I never scrolled down in the retail version to check.. If it doesn`t that would explain why I`m still racing against old ladies at level 20 on expert difficulty.
Thats crap if u carnt change it for world tour!.ive heard that the game learns how good you are and changes accordingly but i still thought id be able to change the ai toughness..
Thanks anyway.
In World Tour mode, the AI adjust automatically completely. I think T10 said that there's 20 difficulty levels they will go through, but you can't influence that manually. Not the best solution, I guess, but it will adapt soon enough, I think.
In World Tour mode, the AI adjust automatically completely. I think T10 said that there's 20 difficulty levels they will go through, but you can't influence that manually. Not the best solution, I guess, but it will adapt soon enough, I think.

Thanks man,hopefully it starts getting alittle harder soon then!.