Forza Horizon 4 - Colour Creation Database (CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS) *READ FIRST POST*

  • Thread starter Mitcho2001

McLaren Cerberus Pearl: Which Version Should be Added to the Spreadsheet?

  • JaCor653: Base - 0.72 L, 0.71 L, 0.97 R/Highlight - 0.11 L, 1.00 R, 0.96 R (Two-Tone Polished)

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Mitcho2001: Base - 0.63 R, 0.65 L, 0.98 R/Highlight - 0.08 R, 1.00 R, 0.99 L (Two-Tone Polished)

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
People asking questions that they can easily find the answer to with a small bit of effort on their own part is something that genuinely frustrates me and angers me. It's like people think to themselves, "Well, I don't know how to find the answer, so I'll just ask someone." I don't like it. Take 2 seconds to find the answer to your own question. If you have put effort into finding the answer but genuinely cannot find the it, then you can ask someone. What do you think?
I agree which is why I told him he should’ve Googled it himself because I’m not here to do research for people also. It doesn’t even take a minute to do a quick Google search to find the answer you’re looking for, then checking the chart to see if it’s already on it or not. If not, then a request can be made. People need to take that into consideration when making requests.
And in general. I work at a grocery store, and this kind of thing happens all of the time.
I also wanted to bring up that I believe that Forza Horizon 5 is going to use the same type of paint options as Forza Horizon 4 so people can just use this chart for it as well. On the off chance that it doesn’t, I don’t think I’ll remake all the colors for Forza Horizon 5. That’d be way too time consuming and I’ve already put a lot of time into this alone, just like you and @Mitcho2001 have.
I also wanted to bring up that I believe that Forza Horizon 5 is going to use the same type of paint options as Forza Horizon 4 so people can just use this chart for it as well. On the off chance that it doesn’t, I don’t think I’ll remake all the colors for Forza Horizon 5. That’d be way too time consuming and I’ve already put a lot of time into this alone, just like you and @Mitcho2001 have.
I agree. If, for some reason, the paint system is changed drastically and all of our values are broken, I won't be redoing them either. The enly exception to that would be if I want a specific color.
Damn you some snobby pricks huh. You people getting angry over some foolish stuff, I mean you could of just say “Oh, I don’t know maybe google it” or be nice and check.
Damn you some snobby pricks huh. You people getting angry over some foolish stuff, I mean you could of just say “Oh, I don’t know maybe google it” or be nice and check.
The thread is full of random people throwing out requests for stuff that's already been done, that's why the people working on making colours and fulfilling requests are sick and tired of having to ask people to do the bare minimum before requesting things. You didn't even list a car model, never mind a colour name, never mind just looking at the list to see if it's there. It's not going to get you anywhere being huffy because the people that you want to do you a favour are annoyed by that lack of effort on your part.
Go back and reread what I said here I’ll done one better and say it just in case you’re too lazy and by the looks of you were “What’s the name of the color of shmee’s GT4 and is it on the chart?” If you don’t know what a GT4 is then you should probably learn about cars and second of all how am I supposed to post what color the car is if I don’t know what the color is smh and I never asked them to do me a favor all I was trying to ask was what the color was and if anyone remembers it being on the chart and someone could have just said “I have no idea, just google it then check the chart” instead of making a big deal out of it like good lord.
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Go back and reread what I said here I’ll done one better and say it just in case you’re too lazy and by the looks of you were “What’s the name of the color of shmee’s GT4 and is it on the chart?” If you don’t know what a GT4 is then you should probably learn about cars and second of all how am I supposed to post what color the car is if I don’t know what the color is smh and I never asked them to do me a favor all I asked was what the color was and if anyone remembers it being on the chart and someone could have just said “I have no idea, just google it then check the chart” instead of making a big deal out of it like good lord.
Step 1: Open up an Internet browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or, if you like waiting forever for things, Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Navigate to

Step 3: Type a search query along the lines of, "shmee150 porsche gt4"

Step 3a: Do not use punctuation or proper capitalization. It is a Google search. It does not matter.

Here is where it gets difficult. Shmee has or has had a couple of different GT4s over the years, in different colors. In October 2015, he obtained a Cayman GT4 painted Sapphire Blue. This car was later wrapped with Arlon Electric Lime wrap by Dub Customs. In April 2021, he obtained a 718 GT4 painted Carrera White. This car has since been wrapped with Inozetek's Midnight Purple vinyl.

All you asked for was the color of "Shmee's GT4." As you see, there are two different GT4s in question covered in four different colors from three different manufacturers. This is why you need to put in this level of effort when making a request or asking a question. There are four different colors. Which one do you want?
Do you think people actually watch YouTubers to watch their old vids or More likely to watch their newer videos. I didn’t need all that but thanks for the read though and you must feel quite big. Also if you work at the grocery store and get a lot of stupid questions should probably quit oh wait the whole world is filled with people with stupid questions sometimes you have stop crying and man up not everyone is thinking the same thing you’re thinking. But I don’t need that now already looked it up when that first dude was crying about what I asked thanks again for the read though.
You’re acting like an entitled prick and if you don’t like it, you’re more than welcome to do the color yourself. We don’t do this because we get paid for it or anything like that; we do it because we enjoy it and, I’m assuming, are all not only Forza fans but fans of cars as well. That being said, you come in here expecting us to make the color for you without even checking the chart or doing a Google search to see the name of the color you’re asking and seeing if it’s on the chart before making a request. We’re not here to do only your bidding, lad, and if you can’t understand that then I don’t know what to tell you. Being rude to people that are providing a free service is kind of being really ungrateful, don’t you think?
didn’t ask anyone to do the color for me was basically asking if anyone knew what the color was or if they remember it being on the chart but nah you and two other felchers had to make a big deal out of it. I mean you could have literally just said you don’t know just google it then check the chart and if it’s not on there request it easy just like that but no some felcher had to chime in. And I never said I didn’t appreciate the work which I do since that’s a lot of work that went into that chat but also gotta think people don’t alway think the same thing as you.
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Just found this site and forum today since I’ve be trying to figure out how to make some of my favorite manufacture colors until I found this. I was also wondering if I could request a couple colors, they’re from HRE wheels and they’re not on the chart if anyone’s interested in making them would much appreciate it, no rush will also add pictures and color name if request is accepted.
Just found this site and forum today since I’ve be trying to figure out how to make some of my favorite manufacture colors until I found this. I was also wondering if I could request a couple colors, they’re from HRE wheels and they’re not on the chart if anyone’s interested in making them would much appreciate it, no rush will also add pictures and color name if request is accepted.
You can definitely request some colors, but there is no telling when they will be done. @MadaraxUchiha does not do rim colors, and @Mitcho2001 and I are taking a break from this for a while.
No rush! And do you know who does the wheel colors? And don’t wanna sound like a pain in the ass but I have another color I’d like to have done that’s also not on the chart but again no rush at all just let me know when you’re back in it.
Hi guys, i want to request some colors if you guys don't mind :)

Canepa Racing Green (probably a custom color)
canepa racing green.jpg

Blu Nereid
blu nereid.jpg

Blu Notte
blu notte.jpg

Serpentine Green
serpentine green.jpg

And some wrap colors if you don't mind

Metallic Midnight Blue
inozetek midnight blue.jpg

Metallic Midnight Green
inozetek midnight green.jpg

Metallic Midnight Red
inozetek midnight red.jpg

Metallic Midnight Purple
inozetek midnight purple.jpeg

Metallic Racing Green
inozetek metallic racing green.jpg

Thanks Guys!!
(Sorry if any color has been done, but i checked the spreadsheet and hopefully none was there) :cheers:
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If you guys are going to continuously and flagrantly disregard what we say and refuse to do what little things we ask (checking to see if colors are on the chart already) then I just won’t do requests anymore and you guys can learn how to do them yourselves. I’ll still do colors, but only colors that I want to add and not those people request. I’m tired of sounding like a broken record and so is @JaCor653 and @Mitcho2001. It’s really old and tiresome and just so damn annoying.
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If you guys are going to continuously and flagrantly disregard what we say and refuse to do what little things we ask (checking to see if colors are on the chart already) then I just won’t do requests anymore and you guys can learn how to do them yourselves. I’ll still do colors, but only colors that I want to add and not those people request. I’m tired of sounding like a broken record and so is @JaCor653 and @Mitcho2001. It’s really old and tiresome and just so damn annoying.
No promises, but I might get back into this when Forza Horizon 5 comes out. If/when I get back into this, I will not be honoring requests. At this point, the vast majority of colors are in the spreadsheet. Any that aren't will probably be there eventually. As you said, people can and need to learn how to do this themselves. That's actually how I got into this; in about 2017 or so, I discovered @Terronium-12's version of this project. While there were a lot of colors (for the time) available on that spreadsheet, there were a lot that weren't there, colors that I wanted to use. I posted requests in the Forza 6 and Horizon 3 editions of this thread, but to no avail. So, I decided to learn how to do this myself. At first, my recreations weren't 100% accurate, but they got better to the point where I'm at now.
No promises, but I might get back into this when Forza Horizon 5 comes out. If/when I get back into this, I will not be honoring requests. At this point, the vast majority of colors are in the spreadsheet. Any that aren't will probably be there eventually. As you said, people can and need to learn how to do this themselves. That's actually how I got into this; in about 2017 or so, I discovered @Terronium-12's version of this project. While there were a lot of colors (for the time) available on that spreadsheet, there were a lot that weren't there, colors that I wanted to use. I posted requests in the Forza 6 and Horizon 3 editions of this thread, but to no avail. So, I decided to learn how to do this myself. At first, my recreations weren't 100% accurate, but they got better to the point where I'm at now.
I’m feeling the same way about the requests. The way people have been and the way people go about things has left me feeling really jaded about doing requests for people. I had to learn how to do it myself just like everyone else, which is why I’m where I’m at with creating colors, too. Too many people are being pushy, too lazy to check the chart to see if things are already on it, or just insufferable in general.
If u guys can continue doing the work for fh5 got a suggestion. Not sure it's been done but I know you guys had done very familiar versions of it.

The new 2021 GT-R T-spec has 2 new colours. I'm not sure how much different they are to the original ones. but according to Nissan, the new Midnight Purple is a modern interpretation of the original colour inspired by the "colour-shifting of the Aurora Borealis." Another is the Millennium Jade, a colour that first appeared on the GT-R V-Spec II Nür, an ultra-rare variant of the R34. If they are indeed different from the originals do you think you can do the modern versions of them? The car itself isn't available yet but according to a certain article which I saw claims is that it will be available for the US by winter. don't know if any of there is any good pictures of the colours though. So you may have to wait until it is available.
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No promises, but I might get back into this when Forza Horizon 5 comes out. If/when I get back into this, I will not be honoring requests. At this point, the vast majority of colors are in the spreadsheet. Any that aren't will probably be there eventually. As you said, people can and need to learn how to do this themselves. That's actually how I got into this; in about 2017 or so, I discovered @Terronium-12's version of this project. While there were a lot of colors (for the time) available on that spreadsheet, there were a lot that weren't there, colors that I wanted to use. I posted requests in the Forza 6 and Horizon 3 editions of this thread, but to no avail. So, I decided to learn how to do this myself. At first, my recreations weren't 100% accurate, but they got better to the point where I'm at now.
I'm considering the same thing over here. I'm more or less looking to continue this when Horizon 5 is launched, but the requests are becoming quite overwhelming - especially the repetition. That's why I made note of checking the spreadsheet in the first post after quite a while. Plus, it's kinda put me off doing this for a bit, truth be told; not posting updates as often as I was a few years back.
If u guys can continue doing the work for fh5 got a suggestion. Not sure it's been done but I know you guys had done very familiar versions of it.

The new 2021 GT-R T-spec has 2 new colours. I'm not sure how much different they are to the original ones. but according to Nissan, the new Midnight Purple is a modern interpretation of the original colour inspired by the "colour-shifting of the Aurora Borealis." Another is the Millennium Jade, a colour that first appeared on the GT-R V-Spec II Nür, an ultra-rare variant of the R34. If they are indeed different from the originals do you think you can do the modern versions of them? The car itself isn't available yet but according to a certain article which I saw claims is that it will be available for the US by winter. don't know if any of there is any good pictures of the colours though. So you may have to wait until it is available.
As far as I'm aware, Millenium Jade has not been revised compared to Midnight Purple. I might have a read around and see if it is indeed the same as what was painted on the BNR34 V-spec II Nür. To my knowledge of the pre-existing Midnight Purple variants, they don't have a light blue tint to it like this new shade. I'll see what I can do about this one.
I think waiting for Horizon 5 is a good idea. I think they're going over the Paints and Designs on tomorrow's stream, so they could've changed stuff to make more accurate colors.
I think waiting for Horizon 5 is a good idea. I think they're going over the Paints and Designs on tomorrow's stream, so they could've changed stuff to make more accurate colors.
Who said they’re going over the paints tomorrow? I’m not sure if I remember them mentioning that on the last stream.
Well, they're going over the Livery Editor. But they have to go over the paints too.
I’m honestly not expecting the way paints are done to change. I don’t even think they’ll add new paint options, either, but they might. I just hope they fix it so there are more areas of the car you can actually paint instead of having to use decals to cheat the system :(
I’m honestly not expecting the way paints are done to change. I don’t even think they’ll add new paint options, either, but they might. I just hope they fix it so there are more areas of the car you can actually paint instead of having to use decals to cheat the system :(
I wouldn't mind having metal flake decals though.
I’m honestly not expecting the way paints are done to change. I don’t even think they’ll add new paint options, either, but they might. I just hope they fix it so there are more areas of the car you can actually paint instead of having to use decals to cheat the system :(

Considering that the livery editor changes are pretty much just a rearrangement of the UI, I think it is probably safe to assume there won't be any substantive changes to the paints, either.
Considering that the livery editor changes are pretty much just a rearrangement of the UI, I think it is probably safe to assume there won't be any substantive changes to the paints, either.
That’s what I thought when I watched the livestream, which means that people can just refer to this chart for Forza Horizon 5 as well. There’s no sense in recreating every single color for Forza Horizon 5 since they’re going to be using the same setup for car colors, it seems.
does anyone have a good match for the lime green on the 2 tone s13? couldn't find it on the spreadsheet


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