Forza Horizon 4 Series 13 Preview: Porsche, Porsche, and More Porsche

I don't think it has anything to do with the controller settings. Simply put, I don't have the luxury of playing the game for hours and hours and honing my skills.
Don't understand why the two options can't both be available to players.
Simply put, I don't have the luxury of playing the game for hours and hours and honing my skills.

And that's your choice, but still, that's one of the more important things about any game with a difficulty curve, right? Learning what said difficulty is about, adapting, and overcoming?

Don't understand why the two options can't both be available to players.

Aside from cratering the value of Forzathon cars instantly, it wouls be pretty ****** for the people who did the Forzathon challenges and won them to have people get them without much effort?

I'd see the reasoning if this was at the end of the game's life, and stuff was being packed up and moved over to FH5. But now seems like not a good time.
Well I just hope that when the game does reach its EOL status that they make all cars available to everyone who purchased the game (or at least available in the autoshow)
DLC was something which was always part of the Forza games and this is the first game which has utilised this form of obtaining new content.
It penalises those that don't have XBLG and also those who are either not good enough drivers or simply those that don't have enough time to improve their skills.
The difficulty for me on Highly Skilled is still too high. Could just be that I'm a crap driver. Which is why I still don't understand why they can't add these cars as paid DLC?
Been trying to get the new Z4 but never ever see it in the Auction House.
Luckily obtained the BMW M3 GTR a few weeks ago for bargain basement price but that was probably more a fluke than anything.

As I said before, PG have properly fuked this game up.

You might know and have tried this, but the key I found is to try different cars to get the best lineup. It can make a seemingly impossible task fun and challenging or even simple. Don't give up!
Or do give up and just live with the fact that certain cars are not for you in this game. I know I do : )

Presenting a challenge is the whole basis on what the gaming industry is founded. Games that do that while avoiding micro transactions are certainly not ****** up...

Have your skills not improved after all these months with the game? Have you tried calibrating controller settings to your liking?

Games are an odd combination of challenge and entertainment and it completely depends on the game, the specific challenge and the player whether or not the challenge itself is entertaining.
When the challenge is the game and thus the entertainment (Most Super Mario Bros games and pretty much all early Nintendo games) it is quite simple. However, a game like FH4 has a broad spectrum of entertaining features, some of which are not challenging at all.
I've always found this tension between the two, entertainment and challenge, interesting, especially when certain parts of the game (that would give a player the entertainment (s)he likes) are hidden behind challenges that are not entertaining.
I often wonder myself why I go through some of the things games force me to do to make a game more entertaining. When I was explaining what I had to do to get 'free fast travel anywhere', my daughter (6) said: "So it is a bit like work?"

I am all for having several ways to unlock or acquire game content. I kinda like the wheel spins in that regard, as it can get you some cars that are hard to find otherwise. Making rare cars cost an insane amount of credits or FP can also help. I am not a fan of grinding, but having a choice between a challenge or a grind could be nice for some players.
Another way is to have a sort of early access for players who did the challenge. Give a challenge in one series, make the car available in a different manner two series later for example (or three). I think FH4 does a bit of this already.
Especially the latter works pretty well. The people who are up for the challenge can flash their cars for a month or two for bragging rights, and the more casual player who just likes to drive the car can do so at a later date.
You could also give players a 'choose your special car' card once every month, so they can acquire one car they would particularly like each month.
Another option is to have vanity items locked behind more difficult challenges and have cars more easily accessible.
I don't know... there are many options to make all the content accessible to (but not necessarily easily acquirable for) all players and still give people who care about showing off the rewards of their effort the option to do so.

And ultimately, if someone would be okay paying for the content, why not let them? Just have a $50 unlock all code. And if that doesn't "spark joy" with the hardcore players, they can add in a 'flair of shame' behind a player's name who bought it. I don't think the paying unlockers care :D

Anyway, I am not ranting here, just looking from a different point of view.
The difficulty for me on Highly Skilled is still too high. Could just be that I'm a crap driver. Which is why I still don't understand why they can't add these cars as paid DLC?
Been trying to get the new Z4 but never ever see it in the Auction House.
Luckily obtained the BMW M3 GTR a few weeks ago for bargain basement price but that was probably more a fluke than anything.

As I said before, PG have properly ****ed this game up.
I was also having difficulties until I completely changed my approach. I was using a fully tuned McLaren Senna and the AI cars were ridiculously fast and turning like F1 Cars. I almost gave up but then I changed to a stock Lamborghini Aventador. I think the AI cars adapted to mine bc they weren't as fast as before. In the end I managed to get 1st place in all races.
Also turned almost all assists on except steering and braking.
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