After reading these comments, I have to say that I disagree with majority, if not all of you. I don't want to troll anyone, and I totally respect everyone else's right to their opinion AND their opinion, nor am I drinking M$/T10/PG's cool-aide either. In fact I've been very critical about them, especially with FM7. So with out of the way, I'll get started.
The only argument that I agree with 100%, is the crappy servers and people not having reliable internet connection. Those are really a major suckage, if you have to rely on network play to earn a prize.
XBL Gold, I just can't see the issue. People have bought the console, right? They've also bought the game, right? I know, there's always birthdays and Christmases, but it seems that majority of people making an issue out of it are grown-ups. XBL membership is an 60€$£ extra/year. That makes a 5€$£/month. It's not that much.
Daily challenges. You don't actually need to do them daily. You have three days to complete one, so if you make it to the game three times during a season, you'll be able to complete them. And those challenges aren't really challenges, you'll pretty much get them done just driving or racing around.
Ranked adventures. Once you're qualified, you're good for the whole series. And for the next series, run one adventure and you're good again. I know it's an issue if you're just starting out and have to grind through eight (or ten?) adventures to qualify and get the achievement. But compare this to other games with network play, it's a similar situation. You need to play the game to earn the goodies. FH4 is still play-to-win, not pay-to-win game.
Playground games (not the publisher). This is something that I have a little issue with. What I've run into is that when a team loses the first round, most of people flee and there is one or two players left. And the fact that you have endure through all five rounds to finish the event, instead of it being best-of-five like free-for-all team adventures. In the end, people can't win every time, so if you don't, just try again. At worst I had to do a second round of games to win the prize.
The Trial. It's doable. Just pay attention to what kind of event it is, and pick and tune your car accordingly, and hope that other are people have done the same and/or can drive even a little. Like playground games, you just might have to try again.
I don't have time/It can't be done on one sitting. I'm 100% done with summer playlist, and 44%/36%/44% done with the rest. Once you've put in the effort for the first season, it'll get easier and you don't have to spend that much time to achieve the rest. I also happen to work full-time, I have family, I have hobbies, I have active social life, and yet somehow I manage to find time to play almost daily.
I don't see lowering the percentage or giving money or wheelspins for 100% achievement as a good solution. What am I going to with the money if can't spend it? I can't buy cars, because I'm about to run out of garage space. And the wheelspins give out duplicates that nobody wants buy in the auction house. While it's unfortunate that not everyone is able to get 100% prizes, I'm okay with the way it is.
And finally, if you happen to miss out on a prize, there will be another opportunity to earn it. Have a nice day, people, grandpa has to take off to work!