Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels Expansion Pack

  • Thread starter Famine
A Hot Wheels expansion? Have to say I'm not interested.

I get that the Horizon series is supposed to be the one of fun and games, but I always thought things like Hot Wheels and Lego were going too far. I mean, it's still supposed to be a Forza game right? When you start adding play bricks and floating orange racetracks in the sky, the immersion is a bit killed off for me.

And also, with Hot Wheels Unleashed being a thing, I feel like I would go there for my Hot Wheels experience. There, you get to drive the actual toy cars, customize them and build your own tracks, module by module. That, to me, feels like a more complete and legitimate experience of the brand.
It is worth noting - as indeed I did in the article - that the two cars shown are not Hot Wheels.

They are full-size, real-life, driveable cars from the Hot Wheels Garage - like the existing Twin Mill & Boneshaker, and the FH4 HW Legends DLC. That firmly hints that the expansion isn't Hot Wheels per se, but Hot Wheels Garage/Legends.

It also looks like a new area of Mexico and of course the orange track... and if that's included as usable objects in EventLab...
I fully expect half the cars to be hot wheels and the other half being a mix of brand new cars and hot rods. With one or two barn finds (wink DE TOMASO PANTERA wink ).
So exactly like FH3's Hot Wheels expansion.
pretty much. because they keep adding real life full size Hotwheels cars, instead of just toy models. They would also need to avoid older HW models that were in previous FH games. That narrows their choices down by a lot. Plus adding real new/old cars that are heavily requested entices players that are on the edge of getting the expansion.

I can count only 8 that haven't been in any prior horizon.
Two are already on the cover (Deora ii and Bad to the Blade)
others have been in FH4/Fh3 (Boneshaker, Twin Mill, Rip Rod, Mustang, 2Jet Z)
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The expansion will probably release in a couple weeks, with Forza Motorsport releasing somewhere around November.

Yes but we never got a expansion so late after launch so that keep me woundering i would not be supriced if forza motorsport release in 2023 i know its different devs,
Well, I'm actually a bit excited for this expansion. I thoroughly enjoyed driving around the islands in FH3, plus the city at night was spectacular (especially now that I have a 4k tv).

When people complain that they just "can't get into it" when asked to drive toys or Legos, I can kind of understand even though I personally enjoy it. Not everything can be for everyone.

However, I really don't get the "losing the immersion" or "lack of realism". That all went out the door the first time I played the original Horizon. "So I actually get rewarded for crashing into things?? Okayyyyy..."
However, I really don't get the "losing the immersion" or "lack of realism". That all went out the door the first time I played the original Horizon. "So I actually get rewarded for crashing into things?? Okayyyyy..."
OMG THANK YOU! Let's not forget we couldn't even fine tune our cars in that game either. So our cars drove like ****. But for most folks "StIlL tHe BeTtEr HoRiZoN tO dAtE". Don't you just love the internet sometimes? :lol:
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I'm more disappointed than angry at this. How can one defend the game from those who say it's just a mess of recycled content, when even the expansion is now a recycled theme?

I feel borderline scammed now. I knew very well there would be an unrealistic expansion when I paid $100 for the Premium Edition, as I was willing to ignore maybe for the possibility of a decent map layout for making tracks. But Hot Wheels again? That map didn't even have normal roads in FH3! Not to mention, Forza's physics don't fair too well with this kind of roads. You can see it well in all those weird Event Lab creations.

My biggest fear now if that the second expansion will also be some ridiculous thing like this. What's next? Minecraft? Fortnite? Micro Machines?
However, I really don't get the "losing the immersion" or "lack of realism". That all went out the door the first time I played the original Horizon. "So I actually get rewarded for crashing into things?? Okayyyyy..."
It's about how much suspension of disbelief you are willing to take before it starts bothering you. This varies from person to person, but is also conditioned by the overall tone of the game. Let me explain what I mean by this, using Forza Horizon.

At its core, Horizon features real, photorealistic cars, in photorealistic environments that are largely grounded on realistic landscapes. Suddenly having a giant orange floating track, straight out of a playset, when everything else looks real, or driving your realistic car through a world made of Lego bricks, creates a visual dissonance that is hard to deal with, at least for me.

Sure, you can smash through certain things and take huge jumps, without damage, but that's within what you expect from an arcade racer. The other thing I expect from an arcade racer, or any other racer for that matter, is consistent aesthetics, which I feel are broken when you go overboard with certain items.
It's about how much suspension of disbelief you are willing to take before it starts bothering you. This varies from person to person, but is also conditioned by the overall tone of the game. Let me explain what I mean by this, using Forza Horizon.

At its core, Horizon features real, photorealistic cars, in photorealistic environments that are largely grounded on realistic landscapes. Suddenly having a giant orange floating track, straight out of a playset, when everything else looks real, or driving your realistic car through a world made of Lego bricks, creates a visual dissonance that is hard to deal with, at least for me.

Sure, you can smash through certain things and take huge jumps, without damage, but that's within what you expect from an arcade racer. The other thing I expect from an arcade racer, or any other racer for that matter, is consistent aesthetics, which I feel are broken when you go overboard with certain items.
THANK YOU for taking the time to explain. I simply thought in terms of my previous example of all the unrealistic things we can do in the base Horizon games, but didn't think that an inconsistent or mixed aesthetic would be "a thing" for some folks.

I learned something new today.
Not much of a fan of another Hot Wheels DLC but it could be good I guess. I'm more disappointed with the top secretness and quietness from them about ANOTHER Hot Wheels DLC! We waited months for this?!? No news for over 6 months?!? Yeah ok ...not a fan of this kind of business practice. Listening to the fans is a thing of the past. They don't care what we want and that just seems crazy to me. I don't get it.
It's incredibly disappointing that they're going back to the Hot Wheels well as the first expansion no less. The HW expansion for FH3 exposed the worst parts of Horizon's physics engine when it came to the racing within, and I imagine it will be the same here.

What I find hilarious though is the consternation about 'realism' from some and wanting something more grounded and 'hardcore'. Yes, because the game where you can race hypercars on dirt is meant to be 'realistic' lmao.
It doesn't have to be black and white "hardcore sim" vs "over the top wacky." Sure, there are big jumps and silly drivetrain/engine swaps that allow you to build rally cars out of silly things, but those are optional for the most part and a lot of the game is still fairly grounded in reality. I don't think anyone who wishes it would stay a little more on the believable side of things is being unreasonable or silly and I don't see what's to be gained by trying to make them feel as such.

Ordering a cheeseburger and being angry that it isn't a chicken sandwich is silly/unreasonable, but wishing your cheeseburger had cheddar instead of american cheese is just personal preference.

I think some of it is a lack of alternatives as well though... If you want a sim-y open world driving game and don't have a PC, then Horizon is as close as you can get, so there are definitely people (myself included) that might have different hopes for DLC/expansions and can't just "go play the sim open world racing game."
I wonder if this has anything to do with there being 3 expansions, also I bet the "recycled content" thing (which I think is overblown, we are undoubtedly getting an original location) had to do with it coming first. Both make sense to me.
Pretty much this. As others have pointed out before, the expansions are usually a test bed for other environments/features that get implemented into the following game (intense weather for Storm Island, snow for Blizzard Mountain, heights for Fortune Island, accolades in Lego Speed Champions). I wouldn't be surprised if expansions 2 and 3 are entirely new concepts.
(I'm gonna remove my smartass comment)

I love Hot wheels from Horizon 3 and so does my Dad but we're hoping it won't be medal based progression.
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Like others, the FH3 Hot Wheels expansion was my favorite to date. So while it feels somewhat like a cop out rehash to do it again, I am actually cautiously optimistic.

I do expect:
  • full Hot Wheels tile sets available in Eventlab, to replace the crappy replicas people currently use
  • tweaks to grip and track shapes compared to FH3 to work better with the improved physics in FH5
  • more than just the two poster cars being new to Forza. ideally I'd like both Star Wars cars from the HW Garage, but that is unlikely
  • something other than the medals or accolades approach for assessing completion of the expansion, hopefully a completely new mechanism
  • Better integration of the expansion pack into seasonal calendar than the lackluster approach from FH4
if we get that and the driving is fun enough, then it will be a success
The nvidia leak indicates 2 other expansions, none being a tie in like HW (Upside down, i think).
Safe to say its not LEGO
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Like others, the FH3 Hot Wheels expansion was my favorite to date. So while it feels somewhat like a cop out rehash to do it again, I am actually cautiously optimistic.

I do expect:
  • full Hot Wheels tile sets available in Eventlab, to replace the crappy replicas people currently use
  • tweaks to grip and track shapes compared to FH3 to work better with the improved physics in FH5
  • more than just the two poster cars being new to Forza. ideally I'd like both Star Wars cars from the HW Garage, but that is unlikely
  • something other than the medals or accolades approach for assessing completion of the expansion, hopefully a completely new mechanism
  • Better integration of the expansion pack into seasonal calendar than the lackluster approach from FH4
if we get that and the driving is fun enough, then it will be a success
Adding some Star Wars cars will also require sub-licensing from Disney.
I'm sure I'll have fun with it, like with the FH3 expansion but there was literally no excitement because I've already done it. Had it not leaked, this would have been incredibly disappointing...

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