Forza Horizon 5: Share Your Creations

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The new Ford Focus St is a nice car at A class. I made a A800 tune, a mean green livery and used it to drive the 4 new routes.
Ford Focus ST.jpg

A class tune
A class.jpg

Mean green livery
Mean green.jpg
Try using my tune on the Ferrari SF90 Straddle for the Hyper Cars Championship in Hot Wheels World, as you can see it smokes the competition.



The new Fiesta ST is a good new addition to the hot hatch class. Fun to drive and very good for the "little rally" championship.
Share code for the livery "Charcoal" if anyone is interested: 962 784 083
It´s a GM color, but it looks so good on this car 😅
Ford Fiesta ST.jpg

Tune for B-class street and dirt (with bodykit) and good for the seasonal dirt championship. It`s a bit loose because of the standard tires and suspension but that is where most of the driving pleasure for this car comes from 😁
I made a tune for the new Dodge Durango SRT for this seasons "Run Raptor Run" rally adventure championship. I focussed mainly on the handling since the engine is already powerfull enough. It is very dominant in 2 of the 3 races. Just in the last one with the many tight corners it is a bit more difficult to get it to turn😅 Quite pleasant to drive. Did not expect it to be such a fun drive in the rally DLC as it was the car I was least looking forward to.
Tune Screen.jpg
Three Hill Race.jpg
Hey up team. I'm on the look out for your Eventlab custom races please. I'm weird and love a good long race over a quick 3 to 4 minute sprint.

If you have any Eventlab creations you want to share that are 20 to 40 miles long, on any surface, post them here please. I'll race any Eventlabs you post. I just want some new long races to do.

Not a very long track, but quite the tour. 729 708 632 is the share code.

Be careful for a lot of fish-tail obstacles. A tribute to Coco, the fluffy Cat-eared and Dilated Cat-eyed Catporeon, a guest who was very shortly in a not-really worked-on RPG Project with lots of Gran Turismo references that I tried to work on in 2023. Kitty was supposed to be Johnny Caisse's ''Fully Pacifist/Can't be hurt due to being too nice'' pet. He can even speak French and English.
Capture d’écran 2024-10-28 233928.png
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Not a very long track, but quite the tour. 729 708 632 is the share code.

Be careful for a lot of fish-tail obstacles. A tribute to Coco, the fluffy Cat-eared and Dilated Cat-eyed Catporeon, a guest who was very shortly in a not-really worked-on RPG Project with lots of Gran Turismo references that I tried to work on in 2023. Kitty was supposed to be Johnny Caisse's ''Fully Pacifist/Can't be hurt due to being too nice'' pet. He can even speak French and English. View attachment 1401139
Cheers bud I'll give it a go later after work.👍
Cheers bud I'll give it a go later after work.👍
Warning, Some of the stuff is poorly placed. I suck at creating maps. Edit: I suggest to add rewinds and driving line for the time of this racing event. Also, low difficutly should be tried as I play on Average or less.
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The new AMG Wagon ist a fun car in B-class and sounds awesome
I made a simple road racing tune with the stock engine and focused on improving the handling.
I painted it "AMG Dark Silver", paint code 142 685 572 to keep it clean and mean looking 😁
AMG tune.jpg
AMG code.jpg

AMG Wagon.jpg

Paint code
AMG Paint code.jpg
I made a AWD drag tune for the ´66 Chevy Nova for this weeks drag races championship.
Drag Tune.jpg
Share Code.jpg
Here is an A class tune for this weeks Dodge Challenger Trial.
I used last weeks Dodge Challenger Super Stock 2022 and it did very well. Managed to block the AI cars for my teammates and Won both races too. Mind you, it is still a boat while turning but it runs nicely. Don´t expect any sophisticated handling, but it will turn. And the engine will slingshot it right out of the corners.
Dodge Charger super Stock 2022.jpg
share code.jpg

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