Forza Motorsport’s Car Upgrades Changed After Fan Complaints

  • Thread starter Famine
The bonding with your car thing is a great idea but seeing as after 5 races you're forced into another car it semeed to completely miss the point?
I hadn't even considered this. Great observation.

I wonder how hard it would be for a developer to allow you to use a car for multiple races in a career mode, maybe 15 or 20 races. They could do something seasonal where you have six races per season to simulate an entire year.

But, yes, you're right. Once you've reached the upgrades and the tuning levels where you feel really comfortable with that car you're off to a completely different car.
Funny how you guys demand I own the game to make a comment.
Funny how alot of these same posters never bought GT7 but had lots to say about the physics..

Anyways the fastest lemans lap is 3 mins 14 seconds . If you think a regular sports car can do a lap at even a third of that speed you must be smoking good stuff.

Based on youtube videos it takes about 4-5 hours to fully level up a car , thus it will take you guys 2 .5 hours NOW to get to level 25 .

Also how is Lemans a bad track to level up when it " has long straights " . On reddit that's the preferred track to level up on .
Funny how you guys demand I own the game to make a comment.
Funny how alot of these same posters never bought GT7 but had lots to say about the physics..

Anyways the fastest lemans lap is 3 mins 14 seconds . If you think a regular sports car can do a lap at even a third of that speed you must be smoking good stuff.

Based on youtube videos it takes about 4-5 hours to fully level up a car , thus it will take you guys 2 .5 hours NOW to get to level 25 .

Also how is Lemans a bad track to level up when it " has long straights " . On reddit that's the preferred track to level up on .
Just about everything in this post is tripe (Le Mans is used for autodrive levelling, not actually doing it; you'd think if you'd gone to the trouble to check this you'd have watched the video showing it), but this:
Anyways the fastest lemans lap is 3 mins 14 seconds . If you think a regular sports car can do a lap at even a third of that speed you must be smoking good stuff.
is the most tripe.

Where has this guess come from, and why is it stated with such confidence that you think people who don't agree with your guess are taking drugs?

I mean, intuitively you should realise it's tripe. Ten minutes to do an 8.5-mile lap is an average speed of 51mph. On a track which is 65% full-throttle straights and has exactly one corner you'd even need to be below 50mph.

Fire up your choice of racing game with Le Mans in it and grab a Honda Civic Type R (any generation will do) - if that's "regular sports car" enough for you - and see how long a lap takes.

When it comes back beginning with a four and not 10 or 11, please type your apology to everyone you just insulted.

Or just do so now.

Edit: Well, what a profoundly stupid hill to choose to die on...
Funny how you guys demand I own the game to make a comment.
Funny how alot of these same posters never bought GT7 but had lots to say about the physics..
You already attempted this "whataboutism" in another thread.
Anyways the fastest lemans lap is 3 mins 14 seconds . If you think a regular sports car can do a lap at even a third of that speed you must be smoking good stuff.
@Quakebass already detected you must have also been "smoking good stuff".
11 minutes to do an ~8.4 mile lap??? That’s averaging under 47 mph on a track famous for having the longest straightaways in the world.
If a 1932 Alfa 8C w/ 142Hp can lap the track at one of its fastest configurations (before the Dunlop or Mulsanne chicanes, iirc) in at 5:41 (avg. 88mph), I'm pretty positive the modern sports car can lap under 11 minutes.
Based on youtube videos it takes about 4-5 hours to fully level up a car , thus it will take you guys 2 .5 hours NOW to get to level 25 .

Also how is Lemans a bad track to level up when it " has long straights " . On reddit that's the preferred track to level up on .
Because they're AFKing whilst the majority of us are playing?
Funny how you guys demand I own the game to make a comment.
No ones demanding you own the game, but if you're going to say things like this:
I might just buy the damn game and start a thread unlike some of you who NEVER bought GT7 and would post every god damn day about how bad the game was .
People are going to expect you to follow through. Actually, can't say that I expect you to follow through with a single thing you post, really, seeing how you've gone about things so far.

Funny how alot of these same posters never bought GT7 but had lots to say about the physics..
Like who? Can't see a single person in either thread doing that here. Once again, you're exactly the person you're complaining about, which is just odd.

Anyways the fastest lemans lap is 3 mins 14 seconds . If you think a regular sports car can do a lap at even a third of that speed you must be smoking good stuff.
It's crazy how far you fly from one end of the time spectrum to the other.
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11 minutes to do Le Mans in a sports car? (Different game I know,) but I must be some sort of alien.

Gran Turismo™ 7_20231018213102.jpg
I'm going to be one of the few that liked the old level progression. I get some just want to build meta cars and uncontrollable rockets, but it seemed it directed you to a build that handles over straight line wall riders.
I'm going to be one of the few that liked the old level progression. I get some just want to build meta cars and uncontrollable rockets, but it seemed it directed you to a build that handles over straight line wall riders.
What sucks for me is that I liked to make unconventional builds. So if I had a ton of credits I'd pick something random that I wasn't sure how it would perform and do my usual tweaks to it, and if it didnt work, scrap it. Now I have to invest a significant amount of time before I can even get that going, and if it ends up being fruitless in the end, then that's where I get bummed about it.
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I spoke too soon; it still takes exactly the same amount of time to get to lvl 50 and you earn car points at the same rate so you can’t apply unlocked upgrades until you get to the same level as before. It is really nice now for cars with just a handful of upgrades like most race cars; I don’t have to get to 35 just to change the pistons.
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Forza Motorsport’s Car Upgrades Changed After Fan Complaints

Barely a week into Forza Motorsport’s life, Turn 10 has partially walked back a key game mechanic following a poor reception from fans...

They changed the speed in which parts unlock but you don't still have to wait to the same crazy level to afford those new parts and optimist the car, it now takes approximately 3hr going round in circles on your own to update a car to A Class.. I proper face palm moment.. promoting antisocial gaming.
That's good news. But 2 hours is not accurate. It takes one lap to do 1.5 levels on lemans and a a lap can be upwards of 11 mins on a regular car.
with this update .
In an hour you will level 9-10 levels. .
With this update the full level up goes from 4-5 hours to 2 hours. Seems fail but credits seem like a smarter idea.
Which track has an 11-minute lap time with any car? Also, the progression is linked to sectors not the amount of laps. So the time taken depends on various factors such as how good you are at completing the sectors with a "good" or "great" score and overtakes. I hate the system but let's not post falsehoods.
They changed the speed in which parts unlock but you don't still have to wait to the same crazy level to afford those new parts and optimist the car, it now takes approximately 3hr going round in circles on your own to update a car to A Class.. I proper face palm moment.. promoting antisocial gaming.
The whole point is that you still have to drive the car to be able to fully upgrade it, but now you have way more freedom in which parts you choose in which order. I think this is fine and much better than before.
Funny how you guys demand I own the game to make a comment.

Based on youtube videos it takes about 4-5 hours to fully level up a car , thus it will take you guys 2 .5 hours NOW to get to level 25
The reason you should own the game to comment on this stuff is it would mean you've been able to test it yourself. With the game driving the car you gain around 16 levels per hour on Homestead Oval at 500 PI. A slower car will level up a bit slower, a faster car a bit faster. You can stop it every now and again, say after 1 hour and 2 hours, and make the car faster with the upgrades available. It takes a little over 3 hours to get a 500 PI car to level 50 with the game driving the car. Driving it yourself will do it in under 3 hours.
Think what they should have done was increase the amount of CXP you get when doing a lap by about 1.5x and maybe for clean laps give you an CXP bonus instead of just lowering the levels to buy the upgrades, as you still need to get the CarPoints to buy the upgrades and they haven't changed the rewards for those.
Re the earlier discussion about how long it takes to get to level 50, I just levelled up the '97 Civic on Homestead Oval, letting the game do the driving. I spent the initial 300 CP on improving its performance, which took it to 386 PI, but left it in that state for the rest of the time. It actually lapped quite quickly for that PI, so it was a little quicker than my earlier post suggested. This was the only driving the car did - I bought it and took it straight into rivals and ran it continuously until it reached level 50. It would take less time than this if a human did the driving as you could lap a few seconds quicker, and probably get some extra CXP for good/great segments.

civic 97 level 50.jpg
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Re the earlier discussion about how long it takes to get to level 50, I just levelled up the '97 Civic on Homestead Oval, letting the game do the driving. I spent the initial 300 CP on improving its performance, which took it to 386 PI, but left it in that state for the rest of the time. It actually lapped quite quickly for that PI, so it was a little quicker than my earlier post suggested. This was the only driving the car did - I bought it and took it straight into rivals and ran it continuously until it reached level 50. It would take less time than this if a human did the driving as you could lap a few seconds quicker, and probably get some extra CXP for good/great segments.

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Yeah, but it takes 5 days to max out the levels.... /s
Yeah, but it takes 5 days to max out the levels.... /s
Bought me a C7 Corvette earlier today after finishing the first race-serie. Took it to Indianapolis Brickroad and raced it 100 laps x2. Was lvl 31 after first race, got 133k and well over 6000CP, on "easy". Maxed difficulty incl gas/tyrewear just as a test and won again, but "only" 142k, that`s not much of a bonus.

Leveled up a 1973 Corolla to lvl 15 just now, fighting Mazda RX3`s on the Glen :cool:
Re the earlier discussion about how long it takes to get to level 50, I just levelled up the '97 Civic on Homestead Oval, letting the game do the driving. I spent the initial 300 CP on improving its performance, which took it to 386 PI, but left it in that state for the rest of the time. It actually lapped quite quickly for that PI, so it was a little quicker than my earlier post suggested. This was the only driving the car did - I bought it and took it straight into rivals and ran it continuously until it reached level 50. It would take less time than this if a human did the driving as you could lap a few seconds quicker, and probably get some extra CXP for good/great segments.

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Good thing this game dropped in the autumn - it would have been a waste of energy to let a computer game playing itself consume ~1 kWh of electricity to unlock items for one virtual car in the middle of the summer, where there's no need to heat our houses (in this hemisphere, at least.) People did the same thing with GT7, by the way. During the European energy crisis where people were encouraged to save energy.

I wonder if any climate activists play Forza (or GT7) - letting their PC/console at home run at full tilt to "upgrade" their cars, while they lie glued down to a road somewhere in the fight to lower carbon emissions.
it would have been a waste of energy to let a computer game playing itself consume ~1 kWh of electricity to unlock items for one virtual car in the middle of the summer
It's not ideal, but I run it on a low power PC that uses a total of 80W while running it at low res 30fps, so it's about a quarter of a kWh per car. Still would be better if it weren't necessary.
Funny how you guys demand I own the game to make a comment.
Funny how alot of these same posters never bought GT7 but had lots to say about the physics..

Anyways the fastest lemans lap is 3 mins 14 seconds . If you think a regular sports car can do a lap at even a third of that speed you must be smoking good stuff.

Based on youtube videos it takes about 4-5 hours to fully level up a car , thus it will take you guys 2 .5 hours NOW to get to level 25 .

Also how is Lemans a bad track to level up when it " has long straights " . On reddit that's the preferred track to level up on .
I think you're the one who's smoking here:lol:
I have no complain before, too bad they have already change the system, they could at least make it optional for more casual players
Car leveling is one of the key Cons point in steam review. I vote to the idea to low more car level bar with more CP, so people can do what they like to tweak and enjoy the car.

As a racing game, I prefer a "Rich" start, not spend too much boring time there for digital asset. It is in a game, not real.

For me, just few cars need to be take the level to the top.

Would like level 50 more discount, In FM23 , Credits are not the major focus, as FM23 rewards race much better and the car is much cheaper in my view.
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