Forza Motorsport 7: Auction House

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Seems I can't buy hoonigan cars either as I didn't do the pre-order. What is the point of auction houses if you can only buy cars readily available to buy from the dealer?
Same problem would love to get the holden ute but i'm blocked. It seems that only hoonigan cars can be bought by other hoonigan owners, if this is correct it makes no sense at all. Why put them in the auction house
I find it more annoying when the deals page is occupied by gift cars fast and fuious hoonigan and forzathon cars. Maybe they can some how tag them to appear in another section or something
I find it more annoying when the deals page is occupied by gift cars fast and fuious hoonigan and forzathon cars. Maybe they can some how tag them to appear in another section or something
Just a toggle for "cars not in my garage" would make it infinitely more usable, but knowing that the auction house is traditionally a dumping ground for those kind of things I imagine the results would be mostly blank if that were turned on.
Just a toggle for "cars not in my garage" would make it infinitely more usable, but knowing that the auction house is traditionally a dumping ground for those kind of things I imagine the results would be mostly blank if that were turned on.
Could always use the search area as the menu starts a to z of manufactures then there are the cars available to find which model you are after. IE FORD ... Lotus Cortina then search will find all the Lotus Cortinas this available at this time. Hope this might help.
Sold an extra 911 RSR for its exact value.

Anyone with a spare 911 RSR interested in selling to a fan? PM me if so please.

Edit: I was able to find one last night. The Pink Pig flies! :cheers:
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I did my part to help you out. I went through all of the designs I downloaded and applied to liveries and "liked" them all. It is a pain in the butt to do. You have to go into the Paint Car menu, then to my designs, and then it shows you all of the designs you ever applied to liveries. From there you can select each one and Like. I suggest you do it to all. And yes, you can like your own designs. I don't know if this helps.

I feel everyones pain as a painter except...I'm a tuner and I generally tune for specific tracks so getting good ratings when 80% of the player base doesn't understand why a tune for LeMan would be terrible on Leguna Seca don't give you a vote. Even people who I've made custom tunes for and have loved them often don't vote despite the fact that if your even an ok player one of my tunes will easily put you in the top 4% lap time.

I'm trying painting now but it will end up being awful and I'll stick to tunes.

As far as the auction house goes I definitely think if a car is kicking ass and making tons of money because it has a tune and a paint job then everyone should get a cut. They shouldn't take money away from the person selling the car or extra money from the buyer. The system should just give a % of the total sale to the painter and tuners.

Especially if the car is going to be raced and shown off. If I make a tune that can pull top 10% laptimes on almost every track and be in the top 5% on a few tracks I should get some kind of reward even if it's just an achievement...but if it's a car sold via auction the game acts like it's a normal car instead of asking the person if they like the tune or paint.
I completely agree with you, but in actuality it wouldn't work. When it comes to tuning, "Raceboy77" somehow has the market cornered, and seems to get ALL the love. Everyone knows his name, and downloads his tunes, and this just propagates all through FM7. I go out of my way, to avoid his tunes, and buy anothers, (RPM Bibblefish, GTz LIquid, etc) but even I have a dozen or so of his tunes. You would be hard pressed to find an online race that doesn't have 1 of his tunes running in it. Almost all of his tunes have ratings of 5 stars, no one else is even close, although a few others have a decent amount. And you are correct about the tunes for different tracks. It makes a huge difference. Unfortunately, I think what happens MOST, is that a racer posts a great time, scrolls through the leaderboards, sees a top time, wonders how, sees the tune, and downloads it. This way just makes it so lazy to pick and choose, highlight and click, and now it belongs to you. And this is how Raceboy77 has so many highly ranked tunes. (He has made a lot of great tunes for key division cars, and it seems that he started tuning right from the beginning of release, that also helps).

Painting is different I think primarily because it's just the look, and not performance based. And so many people have differing opinions on what "looks" good. Still, go to the auction house and you will see the same painters designs, over and over. Mass produced. I am very picky when it comes to what I download paint wise. Sometimes Racing designs, other times Street designs. I am a lousy painter so my designs are very simple. (except for my GMC Vantura A-Team van, it might be my best work, but still simple by most standards). My favorite painters are LOLO 80, Wombi62, The REAL DRdeluxe and a few friends from this site (:gtpflag:) but mostly I never know until I see it.

Your proposal is inspiring, because I believe you should be compensated for what you take the time to build and create. But I think it will make the rich get richer. Greed seems to always win over.

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