Forza Motorsport 7 is IGN's Racing Game of The Year

One they release some more content I am sure it will become the best racing game of this generation.

It has a long way to go to compete with FH3, which is frankly head and shoulders the best racing game of this generation so far.

I dont really take IGN seriously when it comes to racing games so this a laugh to me.

IGN jokes aside, most of their racing reviews are done by Luke Reilly who is actually pretty good. He has a broad knowledge of the genre, and discusses in depth in his reviews what he does and doesn't like and why. You can't really ask much more from a reviewer than that.

I don't always agree with him, but I find his reviews worth reading and I wouldn't dismiss his opinion offhand.

They have a history of being unreliable but they always deliver, eventually.

No, they don't. How about that monthly track DLC in GT6? The rest of the VGTs that those of us who bought GT6 paid for but never received because they were pushed into GTS? Matchmaking in GT5?

They drop stuff when they feel like it, it's just that mostly people are so surprised to be getting anything out of Polyphony at all that they forget about the promises that went unfulfilled.

I've never taken IGN seriously when it comes to racing games as years of experience with their site has shown that they dont have the credibility with reviewing racing games as opposed to say your latest shooter like Call of Duty.

Got any recent examples of racing game reviews from IGN that stretch credibility? I can't think of one.
Got any recent examples of racing game reviews from IGN that stretch credibility? I can't think of one.
None from English language IGN but IGN Italy did give the console version of Assetto Corsa 9/10 I believe. Seems like they let patriotism get in the way of an objective review ;)
None from English language IGN but IGN Italy did give the console version of Assetto Corsa 9/10 I believe. Seems like they let patriotism get in the way of an objective review ;)

Lol. That reminds me of the Gamereactor Sweden review that gave GT6 a 5/10. I am far from the world's biggest GT6 fan, but even I think that was a little rough.
They Call this the best racing game?

Please, don't make me laught hahaha, and that is a simulator? Haha, It is so acarde...
They Call this the best racing game?

Please, don't make me laught hahaha, and that is a simulator? Haha, It is so acarde...

You're going to have to elaborate a bit because I'm not going to watch some youtuber play for an hour. :lol:
Forza Motorsport 7 is IGN's Racing Game of The Year

Is it the best simulator released in 2017? Probably not.

There's more to a good game than simulation value however, but that's not what IGN were looking for when they made their opinionated list.

Sure it's a contender, probably the best out of the ones available this year. Doesn't mean it is a great game by any means.

I've been gaming for 30+ years, on all consoles every generation. From original GT and FM to current titles. Forza 7 ultimate edition is the ONLY game I've refunded....EVER.

All the issues have been discussed at length already, most are not apparent in a short review window, hence the great reviews.

For me the game crashed constantly, locked up in car select screen, during multiplayer races, etc. This really made it frustrating to play.

Then there was the god aweful sound of most the cars. How the heck did they go soooo far backwards?!? Sure every now and then I found some that sounded nice and accurate, but mostly just garbage. ALL cars lack any LFE (low frequency bass) that makes them all sound tiny and gutless, although menus and fireworks have plenty of bass.

Of course the online aspect has been severely neutered by the homologous bologunus, effectively making 6 generations of tunes obsolete, and removing what 6 generations of players loved. Not having any incentive to race clean for the new players is still mind boggling. The track selection in online and leagues is still oddly limited, many tracks never come up. They still make bone headed decisions in leagues. NASCAR for instance, ovals never come up, and it's raining every other race.‍♂️

It was just too much taken away, and not the direction I wanted to go. If they fixed all the crash bugs, and fixed the LFE on the cars, I would possibly buy for $5. The career mode was a large one, boring as usual, but huge. There are literally thousands of requests in the wishlist for many things, and they just don't listen. I'm just gonna speak with my money. Would love them to come back around, but they are not interested in the longtime hardcore players, they want that quick easy money from new ( demo derby) players.

So ya, it got driving game of the year. The competition was easy to beat, but I'm having much more fun with GT than I ever had with FM7. Quality over quantity any day!
Sure it's a contender, probably the best out of the ones available this year. Doesn't mean it is a great game by any means.

I've been gaming for 30+ years, on all consoles every generation. From original GT and FM to current titles. Forza 7 ultimate edition is the ONLY game I've refunded....EVER.

All the issues have been discussed at length already, most are not apparent in a short review window, hence the great reviews.

For me the game crashed constantly, locked up in car select screen, during multiplayer races, etc. This really made it frustrating to play.

Then there was the god aweful sound of most the cars. How the heck did they go soooo far backwards?!? Sure every now and then I found some that sounded nice and accurate, but mostly just garbage. ALL cars lack any LFE (low frequency bass) that makes them all sound tiny and gutless, although menus and fireworks have plenty of bass.

Of course the online aspect has been severely neutered by the homologous bologunus, effectively making 6 generations of tunes obsolete, and removing what 6 generations of players loved. Not having any incentive to race clean for the new players is still mind boggling. The track selection in online and leagues is still oddly limited, many tracks never come up. They still make bone headed decisions in leagues. NASCAR for instance, ovals never come up, and it's raining every other race.‍♂️

It was just too much taken away, and not the direction I wanted to go. If they fixed all the crash bugs, and fixed the LFE on the cars, I would possibly buy for $5. The career mode was a large one, boring as usual, but huge. There are literally thousands of requests in the wishlist for many things, and they just don't listen. I'm just gonna speak with my money. Would love them to come back around, but they are not interested in the longtime hardcore players, they want that quick easy money from new ( demo derby) players.

So ya, it got driving game of the year. The competition was easy to beat, but I'm having much more fun with GT than I ever had with FM7. Quality over quantity any day!
It's a good game, albeit one that has some head scratching game design decisions, and while you're opinion is fine or just sounds a bit extreme giving that each game out definitely has their fair share of those.

I'm assuming you're coming from PC, as it yet to have a single crash thus far. I do definitely dislike the homologation but I'm impartial about it. It is fine for some cars but absolutely worthless for others. What I hate most about it is that it butchered the Rivals mode.
There are literally thousands of requests in the wishlist for many things, and they just don't listen.

Isn't that the case with every video game on the market? This site has a whole subforum dedicated to what fans want to see in GT and not many things made it into GT Sport. Does that in itself make PD a bad developer that doesn't care about their fans? No, it means they have priorities and limits on what they can do in a given time frame, just like every other developer.
Isn't that the case with every video game on the market? This site has a whole subforum dedicated to what fans want to see in GT and not many things made it into GT Sport. Does that in itself make PD a bad developer that doesn't care about their fans? No, it means they have priorities and limits on what they can do in a given time frame, just like every other developer.

Very true. I didn't clarify well. What I should have said:

Turn 10 continues to add features not in the wishlist that no one was clamouring for, while removing features and other things that were popular in the franchise.

Example: Driver Gear, losing spectate mode, losing storefront, lots of off road vehicles, garbage sound, very poor drag and tag options, no more A.I. In multiplayer, no visible vote to kick, and no penalties for idiotic driving. Just a few off the top, now you understand what I was going for I hope.

I held FM in a special place in my gaming heart for many years, I have high standards for it, higher than what I ask of GT. It's just a shame that this iteration is worse than previous versions in many areas, that's unacceptable, not GOTY worthy in that regard.
They Call this the best racing game?

Please, don't make me laught hahaha, and that is a simulator? Haha, It is so acarde...

At least it works consistently unlike PC2. Perhaps you can go make another 10 posts in that forum, and keep the trolling there.
Turn 10 continues to add features not in the wishlist that no one was clamouring for, while removing features and other things that were popular in the franchise.

PD has done the same thing. Track creator (twice now), B-Spec, vehicle upgrading, traditional offline campaign, used car dealership, classic cars, photo locations (scapes should supplement, not replace), dynamic weather, day/night cycles, iconic PD tracks and probably a few other things that slip my mind have been removed from the launch version of GTS. Meanwhile they've added tons of fantasy cars, a museum, ovals with no proper oval cars, and an insane overkill amount of detail on the car models.

Example: Driver Gear, losing spectate mode, losing storefront, lots of off road vehicles, garbage sound, very poor drag and tag options, no more A.I. In multiplayer, no visible vote to kick, and no penalties for idiotic driving. Just a few off the top, now you understand what I was going for I hope.

Some of those I agree with, but things like driver gear are sort of hard to criticize them for considering people always want more customization so that was the next logical step.

And going back to something I missed in your first post...

Of course the online aspect has been severely neutered by the homologous bologunus,

How is PD's GR1/3/4/N setup any better? If anything it's worse when you get outside of the race categories.
Ah, it makes sense now. You're giving one a pass.

100%, GT has never had many of the features in FM, so yes I don’t give it bad marks for continuing to not have things like a storefront, or drag racing. I do however take points away from Forza for removing features. It’s just my opinion, I know it’s not entirely sensible, but that’s how I see it.
How is PD's GR1/3/4/N setup any better? If anything it's worse when you get outside of the race categories.

Agreed. Although GT has Custom Public Lobbies for anything you want. We haven’t had those in Forza for a few games now. Also with Forza we have had the class based lobbies pretty much since day 1, now they are pretty much being phased out. Again we had it, it worked, now poof it’s on the way out.
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I’m in no way saying GT is better than FM. If anything by saying FM won racing GOTY because of lack of competition, I’m bagging on GT. It’s 25% of the game FM7 is. I just wanted 100% of what FM7 should’ve been. Maybe 8 will be better, but feels like GT a few iterations ago. PD was comfortable doing what they thought was right, didn’t listen to fans. That’s were T10 is for me now.
Driving(!) Game of the Year to me would be GT Sport as i find that just for driving a car around the track it looks and feels brillant and also online racing and just the pure feeling of competitiveness.
But as a complete package, number of cars and tracks, tuning options etc Forza 7 gets the title. For some reason people seem to be reluctant in regards of PCars2, for whatever reason. I heard it drives nicely with a wheel but maybe not as approachable with gamepad and also still a bit buggy and graphics not really consistent, whereas GT Sport and Forza are kings in that regard.
I also find that GT Sport looks on the Pro better than Forza 7 on the X relatively. Meaning: For what the Pro can handle, GT Sport looks superb. That HDR is just king of the class. Forza 7 tends to look a bit bland (and its HDR is often too subtle and car rear lights and brake lights dont pop at all) in comparison because they wanted those native 4k. Maybe some more details and graphical bangs and whistles would've been better instead of the resolution. 1800p would've done the job also.

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