Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Ran into something I thought I didnt experience before in this game surprisingly, I must have just ignored it during the previous 963 event. I chose the cadillac for the lmdh event and immediately it looked and felt like steering in driver cockpit view was not 1:1 with my wheel. I was doing almost hand over hand in the hairpins while on screen the wheel input was barely reaching 90 degrees.

I had a similar problem once before where the steering input was not 1:1 because the steering filter setting was accidentally turned on, but not the case this time. I did more testing in free play and realized the lmdh cars all seem to stop visually moving the wheel in cockpit earlier than other cars, it reminds me of old forza honestly, just a bit passed 90 degrees in either direction. I don't remember seeing other cars like LMP or open wheelers in the game doing this but I'm sure they exist, I just have not tested every car available or maybe I was able to ignore it before.

Based on telemetry the cars do allow more steering angle even though the wheel/hands physically stop moving. so while realistically the cars are probably set up to only need that much steering input to get good steering angle for rotation, in game it is still allowing more input even though visually the wheel stops moving, a bit jarring.

I found the easiest solution is to reduce the steering lock input % per car in the tuning menu, this at least lets it be a one and done solution without effecting the steering on other cars, but only once you guess the correct %. I found someone on reddit suggesting 50% for the cadillac, but to me 60% potentially feels more correct? Neither feel perfect but both improve over 100% for the lmdh cars. A better solution would probably be to actually reduce the steering angle on the settings of my wheel so that I cant push past the stop point, but this would take just about as much guess work/trial and error to get the setting right, and will annoyingly have to be adjusted every time I switch between using one of the lmdh cars and another type, and I often jump between events rather than knock all the races from one event out in a row.

Not sure if anyone else has run into this, and if there is something else I may be missing? When everything is working the immersion I get while driving this game is amazing, but little stuff like this can really pull me out of it.
I think it was mentioned earlier in this thread, but I'm sure I saw that rough ratios for 1:1 steering are:

Road car - 100%
GT2/3 - 85-90%
Vintage race cars (whether F1/LM) - 80%
GT1/LMP (any age) - 75-80%
F1 (1970 onwards) - 60%

This will make the cars a bit twitchy, but much more responsive. F1 cars handle a lot better.
I can kick myself for not thinking of this right from the beginning of the game. I usually always check to see if there is an adjustment to either steering lock or steering ratio in a game if I'm having trouble but for some reason I never checked it in Forza Motorsport.

So I went in and tried some adjustments using @DG_Silva suggestions and I do wonder if it could be brand of wheel specific. Because for my Fanatec CSL DD I tried GT2/3 at 90% and the wheel on screen was turning a lot more than my physical wheel was. But back at 100% it's pretty close to 1:1 and the car is easier to drive.

I tried the Lamborghini SC63 at 75% but again the onscreen wheel was out of sync with my turning of the wheel. 80% though puts it very close to 1:1 and improves the handling. It could probably stand another % point or two up but I'll mess around with it later.

But adjusting the '86 Lotus 98T to 60% helped it tremendously. All of those type cars I have are very lose handling so I need to try and fix them.