Forza Motorsport Review: Rebooted and Resuited

  • Thread starter Famine
I guess it's a little disappointing that there are inconsistencies in the graphics, sound and physics. I somehow was hoping for a more positive review 🤣 Probably because it's been 6 years since the last Motorsport iteration and so you'd think that would have given T10 more time to finesse all these areas....
From the review it seems like T10 really are coming into this game as a starting point for a longer term service, rather than making a big splash with everything there from day 1.

They have clearly focused on the core software to deliver content over time, shown clearly by the very limited 90 race single player mode at launch (as compared to 72 series of 4-6 races each plus 30 showcase events in FM7 single player, i.e. roughly 390 races total!!). They would need to add a new 5 race series every month for 6 years to catch up, which sounds just silly but could be on the cards...

For me, the news that graphics is inconsistent is unfortunate but not hugely surprising since FM7 had the same issue. It's just a shame when FH5 lighting does such a great job. Make me feel once again that Horizon is the main Forza game now and Motorsport is the lesser known relative.

However, the news that the controller driving is more stable is all I really need. That alone will make it a lot more fun than FM7, and the rest will come with time. I am not in a rush here.
I want interesting battles on the tracks vs AI with decent physics and handling, even if they are simcade. And I'm sure that this part will be far better than in GT7 where we have only catch-a-rabbit races from last grid's place with rolling starts vs chilling cruising bots.
I want interesting battles on the tracks vs AI with decent physics and handling, even if they are simcade
And you'll find them in Forza Motorsport. New AI creates some exciting unpredictability on race tracks. And you're given the choice if you want to see it from the back of the pack or start from P3 and battle only the quickest drivers :)
I am especially curious about the gameplay in comparison to GT7 and FM7. @Famine how did you find the driving experience compared to GT7?

I have to admit that I was hoping for a lot here. FM7 was fun to play... but it never got to the feel of GT7, PJC2 or Assetto. This is where I think GT7 does a great job.

But from tomorrow I can test it myself.
What stresses me out in advance is that the steering wheel animation will be limited to 180° again... I can't understand that.
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Which is simply not good enough after 6 years.

Agreed here. Obviously I’ll wait fully until I’ve explored the game myself, but, it reminds me of when Forza Motorsport 5 launched and it didn’t really have much content, but lots of technical prowess.

Disappointing to read that there’s so few events in the main single player too, clearly haven’t learned from GT7s mistake with the Cafe.
Just watch Rory race at Watkins Glen in the rain… what I like was the rain did get heavier as the race progressed.. however the grip look as if it wasn’t getting worst… he actually was faster it seemed.
Ooh, that's not the most encouraging review. I've predordered and was really excited to see it but this tempers it slightly because the reviews on here do tend to know what they're talking about...I think the thing is, the days of massive leaps in tech and "wow this is incredible" are kinda gone partly because the hardware doesn't make such big gains but partly because of the level of familiarity with a game like this whether its all new or not - maybe its good to go in with slightly tempered expectations.
They have clearly focused on the core software to deliver content over time

Shame that the core software is what most of the criticisms from this review (and others) are targeting - the driving, the AI, the lighting of course can all get patches, too, but I'm not optimistic about fundamental stuff like this changing much in the future.

Am pretty disappointed after reading this, still gonna check it out on gamepass but I think I've cancelled my purchasing plans for now.
Just watching Rorys stream. There is some nasty flickering /FSR breakup on fences. (Xbox)
I'd expect this in Performance RT mode where resolution is 1440 or even 1080 rendered at times. FSR isn't great at that.
We'll have to wait for DLSS streams to see how it compares. Usually DLSS is better at picture quality of lower resolution rendered images.
One thing is clear

Mode Free Play, you can choose the car you want!

Mode Arcade or Custom Race (In Gran Turismo 7) you cannot choose the car you want or have before starting a race...

Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin
I'd expect this in Performance RT mode where resolution is 1440 or even 1080 rendered at times. FSR isn't great at that.
We'll have to wait for DLSS streams to see how it compares. Usually DLSS is better at picture quality of lower resolution rendered images.
DLSS is 100% better at dealing with fences. FSR really sucks at it.
Not sure which mode Rory is playing in, I would assume perfermance non-RT (which is recommended)
Quite disappointed to hear the campaign has just 95 races, but that's the paradigm now. The marketing boffins of the world have found the optimum minimum base game length to appease early reviewers (one week), and if you're lucky, it'll be fleshed out later with monthly updates. In three to six months the reviewers and the grassroots fans will both laud the game's post-launch support, and word-of-mouth will be strong.

Dejection aside, I'm keen to play the game! I'm interested to see if I can make an endurance race at Bathurst with engaging AI and a fair reward.
Interesting mix of reviews today. A lot seem to be settling in the 80-85 ballpark - I can see why - but it is unusual that many reviews are picking up on a couple of the same core things as other reviews but no two are picking up all of the same things as each other.

So, just to answer a few of the queries posted elsewhere and cover off a few salients that you might miss on skimming...

  • All 511 cars at launch are available all the time, none for more than 450,000cr (the Jesko being the only one at that price). There's four that are rewards, I don't know what happens with these if you want a second one.
  • You don't need to own any of them to make liveries for them - this is FANTASTIC
  • You can rent any car for any event - but you don't earn CarXP for it if you do.
  • Weirdly, renting cars turns off the whole sector assessment thing; I have no idea why this would be the case
  • There are 48 track configurations, but only one of the 20 locations has more than three (VIR, with five).
  • It is bizarre that the fictional tracks all have one layout without a reverse direction and one with a reverse direction even though they share pit lanes.
  • Yes, all tracks have dynamic weather and time of day. Stop asking.
  • Laguna Seca Short is the "historic" layout - and it's the only one. You miss the Andretti hairpin, driving past it to its right, before a left-hand kink followed by a shallower left-hand kink back onto the track at turn five.
  • There are 95 races in Builders Cup plus, at present, five more in the first featured Track Tour
  • It's pretty linear, unlocking like an event chain chart.
  • After the three-race Introduction you have access to ONE event: Modern Tour - Practical Performance.
  • Each event on Modern Tour unlocks the next Modern Tour event and the first event on a subsequent Tour:
  • MODERN/Practical Performance unlocks MODERN/Built for Sport & ENTHUSIAST/Track Specials
  • MODERN/Built for Speed unlocks MODERN/Super Sedans & POWER/Iconic Muscle
  • MODERN/Super Sedans unlocks MODERN/Premium Performance & LEGACY/Vintage Hatch
  • MODERN/Premium Performance only unlocks the MODERN/Showcase
  • Each event on each tour unlocks the next event in that tour; each tour has five events consisting of four series and a Showcase
  • Each event except the Showcase (one race) and the Introduction (three races) consists of five or six races - so far at an average of six laps per race. I haven't found a way to adjust these distances.
  • Practice is NOT compulsory despite some reviews saying it is forced, but the only way I've found to skip it is to start it, then pausing and selecting exit and "skip practice"
  • The championship points are nuts - 28 for a win, 25 for second, etc.
  • You must complete all of the races to progress; you can't skip even if the race is a dead rubber
  • Oh and you can't see what all the races in each series actually are, only what the next one is...
  • Multiplayer offers much more variety and more events than GT7's Daily Races
  • Weirdly, even in "Spec" races, you have access to all vehicle settings (if you have the parts fitted, of course), even in the Qualifier Series
  • The Qualifier Series is neat too - much better than watching two videos or just jumping in at DR E for five races (but not being told that)
  • You must qualify for each individual race if you want a decent grid spot; you have a maximum of three laps to do so
  • The game always overfills your fuel tank. Make sure to change it in the 30-odd seconds you have before the race
  • FRR is pretty hyperactive, constantly checking everything.
  • It's also pretty dense. Sideswipes do not result in penalties, ever (or at least any time I've done it to the AI) so I expect that to be the move of choice for dirty racers online. Also unpenalised contact before going off-track appears to negate off-track penalties entirely, so sideswipes followed by corner cuts will likely be de rigueur.
  • Driving, for me, is midway between FH5 and GT7. I was expecting something on the GT7-PC2 spectrum, which is probably why that bit might read harsher than intended. It's not that it's not enjoyable when you get your head around it, just that it's not in the ballpark of what interviews suggested.
  • Soft tyres seem guaranteed to drop off a cliff after 3 laps (2.5 at Spa...), Mediums after 6-7. There's not much sense of degradation until the cliff
  • It's all perfectly fine on controller (although it's no DualSense :D )
  • Generally it's good fun, but hasn't gripped me
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Interesting assessment of the driving physics.

I guess we have to conclude that T10 put in many physics improvements then dumbed things down to ensure their core controller-wielding gamepass user base isn't put off by excessive difficulty.

Since I personally want FM2023 to be a chill controller experience to complement more serious racers, this is fine with me. Time will tell how the overall Xbox user base feels about this compromise.
Weirdly, renting cars turns off the whole sector assessment thing; I have no idea why this would be the case
I believe that's because the sector assessment is strictly connected to CarXP system which is disabled for rental cars.
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I guess we have to conclude that T10 put in many physics improvements then dumbed things down to ensure their core controller-wielding gamepass user base isn't put off by excessive difficulty.
I, and my relatively untroubled wet lap of Suzuka in the R30 Silhouette despite redlining it everywhere, would not argue with that supposition.
I believe that's because the sector assessment is strictly connected to CarXP system that's disabled for rental cars.
Indeed, but it's senseless that it can't be decoupled. There's no reason I shouldn't be told that my sector was an 8.8 even if I'm not getting 100 CarXP for it; learning the track shouldn't be tied to owning the car.

Also I found it just about impossible to get a sector better than 6.5 with all of the driving aids on. My first sector with them all off (except ABS) was a 10.0 :lol:
How are the replays, are they an improvement over previous Forzas and closer to GT? Are replays only 30fps on console or are they 60fps in performance mode?
How are the replays, are they an improvement over previous Forzas and closer to GT? Are replays only 30fps on console or are they 60fps in performance mode?
I can't say how much they improve over previous Forzas, but they are 60fps (XSX, Performance RT) and not far off GT. Changing target car is more of a hassle - it goes by start position, and you have to select the car you want to watch; there's a short loading period while it switches, so it's far less fluid than GT.
I'm positively surprised that there aren't extremely expensive cars in the game. I never grind to buy some 10-20 mil classic I'm likely not even going to race.
The negative surprise is the career length. 95 races is a laughable number. They should've made much more, even if the limited number of tracks would mean racing on the same ones in different championships.