And still no Monza raceway… 😩 Instead : a fictitious raceway !
Bathurst is good news, it reminds me a lot of fun 🙂
Another thing : why can’t we, as in Forza Horizon, start the game with the last car used ? Waste of time in many case to choose a car in the list. And why, when we look for a Zenvo, must we scroll at the beginning of the list to choose an Alpine ?! It could be so simple to scroll from « Z » to « A ». As in Forza Horizon, again.
And in the tuning section, when we change of motor, for example, we cannot see a curve showing how it impacts power and torque ? Once again in FH 5 (4,3, etc….) this function is very very practical to see immediately the result of any changes.
Last, any chance to see a 992 Turbo S which should be very different from the old 2014 Turbo S ?…
Well, still a lot to do, simple options which can be added without developing millions lines of code and give us a better experience.