ForzaCentral down?

  • Thread starter Leadfoot53
Glad I found this, cuz I was wondering what was going on there.

Wow, guess my signature really is true now. 5 year member and 2 posts! w00t!
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heh, I just tried to log on and JUST saw it, lol. good thing 5 out of the 5 tries, I got my password right on here, lol. IMO, both games are good in their own right. just, for PS3 you don't have to pay for online play, lol. it is just my secondary PC until GT5. can't wait til both systems will be burned out from gameplay

EDIT: oh man, I forgot I had those cars in my signature from GT! going to play again now with my memory card adaptor!....and.....

Mar 01 2005 <~~and it still says I am a new member..?
After 50 posts you are a Junior Member.
100 posts => Active Member
200 posts => Senior Member
etc etc etc.

And for $20.00, you will be a premium one with the added benefit of the Daily Babe Thread. :)
Indeed. That's site has become a bit of a dead horse really. Hope the same thing thing doesn't happen to the Forza Motorsport series. They really need to up their game, the bar has been set pretty high. ;)

It's a bit opposite to Gran Turismo in that way, the official GT forums are not so popular but GTPlanet is, while with Forza most of the community hangs in the official forums. Although when I feel like browsing Forza info I always go to as the official forum ( is awful place.
With regards to the allegations of "fanboyism" going on here, remember Greenawalt describing Gran Turismo 5 as a "PS1 game?" I've never known a developer tout this much bullsh** about a game that clearly doesn't speak for itself technically. Turn 10 are clearly so insecure concerning the quality of their product that they feel the need to spread nonsense about their competitors. Remember the deletion of topics criticising their game and unexplained termination of all connected accounts? That's why I never went near their official forums, even when I did still hold a modicum of respect for them and their games. ForzaCentral seems to be devoid of such asshattery, but as I already mentioned, I'm no longer interested in what Turn 10 has to offer.
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With regards to the allegations of "fanboyism" going on here, remember Greenawalt describing Gran Turismo 5 as a "PS1 game?" I've never known a developer tout this much bullsh** about a game that clearly doesn't speak for itself technically. Turn 10 are clearly so insecure concerning the quality of their product that they feel the need to spread nonsense about their competitors. Remember the deletion of topics criticising their game and unexplained termination of all connected accounts? That's why I never went near their official forums, even when I did still hold a modicum of respect for them and their games. ForzaCentral seems to be devoid of such asshattery, but as I already mentioned, I'm no longer interested in what Turn 10 has to offer.

I don't remember Mr Greenawalt refering GT5 as a PS1 game- if he did, he must be either delusional or really stupid which I don;t think he is. But what he did say when comparing PD to T10 fell more in the the category of "Foot in Mouth". Personally, I don't think the Forza series will survive to see the next iteration. The dismal sales more than anything put them very close to the trash can of MS.
I don't remember Mr Greenawalt refering GT5 as a PS1 game- if he did, he must be either delusional or really stupid which I don;t think he is. But what he did say when comparing PD to T10 fell more in the the category of "Foot in Mouth". Personally, I don't think the Forza series will survive to see the next iteration. The dismal sales more than anything put them very close to the trash can of MS.

So, props to Kazunori Yamauchi-san and the PS1 team. That said, I feel that he's passed us the baton. Perhaps he hasn't meant to, but we have taken the genre to new levels and they've stopped evolving the genre. So again, tremendous respect to him, but I'd say the differentiator is they're old school. The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now.

This guy is not only arrogant, but a fool who is digging Turn 10's own grave.
I don't remember Mr Greenawalt refering GT5 as a PS1 game- if he did, he must be either delusional or really stupid which I don;t think he is. But what he did say when comparing PD to T10 fell more in the the category of "Foot in Mouth". Personally, I don't think the Forza series will survive to see the next iteration. The dismal sales more than anything put them very close to the trash can of MS.
The sales issue is misrepresented. It has sold more than what what game websites will make you believe.
This guy is not only arrogant, but a fool who is digging Turn 10's own grave.
I think you looked a bit too far into that quote.

Regardless, if you want to talk about this kind of stuff, go to the GT forum. This section has managed to avoid many FM vs. GT "debates", & you'll a find a lot more people to agree with your opinion in the other forum.
The sales issue is misrepresented. It has sold more than what what game websites will make you believe.

VGChartz begs to differ.

Forza Motorsport 3 (3.02 million copies sold

Gran Turismo 4 (10.39 million copies sold)

Regardless, if you want to talk about this kind of stuff, go to the GT forum. This section has managed to avoid many FM vs. GT "debates", & you'll a find a lot more people to agree with your opinion in the other forum.

No one was claiming GT5 to be superior. Many of Dan Greenawalt's preposterous comments regarding Forza are unrelated to Gran Turismo.
VGChartz only lists the first 20 weeks. That doesn't do your argument any good when the game's been out close to a year. :rolleyes:

No one was claiming GT5 to be superior. Many of Dan Greenawalt's preposterous comments regarding Forza are unrelated to Gran Turismo.
But you came here, first sentence relating to how Dan spoke about GT & followed it by how much "BS" T10 spews. Couple that with the fact that you went ahead & linked a GT sales chart as well.

This kind of talk can go to the GT forum. I don't put up with it anymore on FC, & neither will some of the mods here. It's a beaten horse.
VGChartz only lists the first 20 weeks. That doesn't do your argument any good when the game's been out close to a year. :rolleyes:

That's entirely irrelevant. Your argument was that Forza enjoyed decent sales. Does the fact that, in its first 20 weeks on sale, the title achieved less than a third the sales of another driving game during the same period, despite having a much wider target demographic, support this argument?
I knew there would come a day when this saved picture would be of some use....


Everywhere you go now - "GT this, GT that." Even in the damn F1 2010 forum for crying out loud, just shut up about Gran Turismo already in any place of the forum not labeled "Gran Turismo".
That's entirely irrelevant. Your argument was that Forza enjoyed decent sales.
Wrong. I said it had higher sales than gaming websites will make you believe. I never said the sales were decent.
Does the fact that, in its first 20 weeks on sale, the title achieved less than a third the sales of another driving game during the same period, despite having a much wider target demographic, support this argument?
During the same period? Last I check GT4 was released in Feb. 2005, whilst Forza 3 was released in Oct. 2009.

Nice way to throw your argument right out the window, there.
That's entirely irrelevant. Your argument was that Forza enjoyed decent sales. Does the fact that, in its first 20 weeks on sale, the title achieved less than a third the sales of another driving game during the same period, despite having a much wider target demographic, support this argument?

Less than a third? Lets see...

Forza 3 through first 20 weeks of sales: 2,285,198
Gran Turismo 4 through first 20 weeks of sales: 5,769,783

That's 39.6 percent. Not quite the "less than a third" you claimed.

But that's even more irrelevant. These are games. They're not holy wars. People can enjoy both. Pope Yamauchi has not called on the faithful to wage holy war against Caliph Greenaway, or vice versa. They're a couple of businessmen who love cars making video games for people to enjoy, and God will not rain holy terror down on upon us because we enjoy both.
No one was claiming GT5 to be superior. Many of Dan Greenawalt's preposterous comments regarding Forza are unrelated to Gran Turismo.

Which is why all the ones you've brought up are GT-related? I genuinely want to see where the guy called GT5 a PS1 game though.

Call me crazy, but when has a game ever been considered a failure for selling 3+ million copies in under a year? Comparing its sales to a competitor on another console isn't much of an indicator; I'd love to see the projected sales numbers that Microsoft had before release, out of curiosity.
How about looking up the definition of that word?

20 week sales do not attribute to as being the "same period", when there's a 4 year span in between. Anything from GT4's massive hype to 3 FM games to even the economy & everything in between could have had a potential effect on sales.

I'm helping you out since the Forza section obviously isn't for you.
How about looking up the definition of that word?

20 week sales do not attribute to as being the "same period", when there's a 4 year span in between. Anything from GT4's massive hype to 3 FM games to even the economy & everything in between could have had a potential effect on sales.

I'm helping you out since the Forza section obviously isn't for you.

I never claimed Forza's poor sales were down to the game itself being poor; indeed, any of those factors could have attributed to its demise. On the other hand, some truly terrible titles, which Forza is by no means, have enjoyed decent sales in the past.