ForzaHorizon 2 first impressions

  • Thread starter katpeeler
Played a few hours on the One and I have to say I love this game 10x more than FH1. The feel of the cars (with assists off) are spot on...I have never been a drifter in any racing games, but the feeling of drifting around a blind corner on a city street feels amazing...BUT...@CAMAROBOY69...It seems the Forza Audio bug is back....I have quit the game but its still there but with a vengeance....whenever Anna (your GPS) talks she sounds like shes on Quaaludes..Hopefuly that will get worked out...
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Have the game sitting here, though I have 4 hours more of work. Has anyone confirmed if the Convertibles in the game have retractable roofs?
I haven't experienced the audio issue yet. Yes, I said in another thread that I usually do not enjoy racing/driving games without a wheel but this one is quite entertaining. Good job with the feel of each car and it seems the rain affects driving conditions, which makes sense. Can't wait to see if the rally/off road races turn to be muddy nonsense.
Also what I have enjoyed is the TUNING!!...I have tuned a couple cars with my Forzatune 5 app and I can tell a difference when it comes to handling...In FM5 I always put race suspension on and lowered the car as much as I could without bottoming out, and I have noticed on the two cars I tuned you cant lower them as much (ride height on the Subaru at 4 inches I think) and on the rally races I havent heard or "felt" the cars bottom out...maybe thats the "arcade" coming out...but still a very fun time
Yeah, I watched a replay of my 05 WRX and with the stock suspension, that bad boy has to be bottoming out the way it is bouncing so a low tuned car I imagine wouldn't represent Sim like qualities.

On a side note, I just finished a rally race in the rain and holy **** was it intense, so much fun this game is!
On a side note, I just finished a rally race in the rain and holy **** was it intense, so much fun this game is!

Yeah very intense....I use the hood view and its hard to see exactly where you need to go when you running thru bushes and trees...I tried the over the car cam but that messes me up where I cant drive..=(
Yeah I ve found cockpit to best for me with a controller. There are some times when I can't see anything, I am just hoping a clearing comes up quick cause I am pretty much blind for those few seconds which feel like minutes, LOL/
It is really good for what it is.

XBone, TX wheel, TH8A shifter and T500RS pedals.

Great fun with all aids off and simulation options on.

Chose 1969 Camaro as the first car and it is very enjoyable.

Controls are good - grip is a little unrealistic and there is some sort of 'hidden steering' aid going on as some of the moves I pulled would not have been possible in the real world.

A bit of a pity that the 'stock '69 Camaro has a 6 speed tranny.

Car and environment sounds are very good - makes GT4/5/6/7/8/9/10 all sound like total rubbish :)

The Forza 5 replay bug where the steering wheel does not move in in-car view is still present. this is a big disappointment since there are no static outside replay track cameras.

The on-road/off-road cross country races are a huge let down - detracts from any driving realism what so ever. 100mph through a vineyard may be 'cool' for 12 year olds and overpaid idiot Game Designers, but this type of scenario is of zero interest to many. Free roam does not have to mean unrealistic cross country destruction derby.

The gimmicks of the different in game goals and earnings are a bit of a distraction, but overall a very enjoyable game.

It has quite a bit of replay value so far.

I like it.
Yeah very intense....I use the hood view and its hard to see exactly where you need to go when you running thru bushes and trees...I tried the over the car cam but that messes me up where I cant drive..=(

In fairness, in a real car, in tall brush it would be hard to see also. I've noticed that the SUV's seem to fair a bit better off road due to their height compared to a car, which is a nice balance since they're slower on pavement. I've won many cross country races with the Bowler against cars simply because I can see better off road than they can.
True, I just raced the first race in the Extreme Offroad series and those vehicles great for seeing, in comparison.
I'm trying to determine if a separate thread is needed for us 360'ers...

Anywho, first thing I've noticed after buying my first car (MX-5, natch): vinyls can be imported from FH1, so long as you saved them in FH1. Seems to make sense, right? But most of my FH work was imported from FM4, and never resaved in FH1, so I had to just go back and save them all again. Not a huge concern, but one that should be noted.

I can't compare to the One version, but some of the wide open spaces I've come across in the first area had some short, indestructible fences right in the middle of them, which is beyond annoying. Oh, and there's only three radio stations, though that shouldn't be too surprising.
I'm trying to determine if a separate thread is needed for us 360'ers...

Anywho, first thing I've noticed after buying my first car (MX-5, natch): vinyls can be imported from FH1, so long as you saved them in FH1. Seems to make sense, right? But most of my FH work was imported from FM4, and never resaved in FH1, so I had to just go back and save them all again. Not a huge concern, but one that should be noted.

I can't compare to the One version, but some of the wide open spaces I've come across in the first area had some short, indestructible fences right in the middle of them, which is beyond annoying. Oh, and there's only three radio stations, though that shouldn't be too surprising.

Not only three. :D
True, I just raced the first race in the Extreme Offroad series and those vehicles great for seeing, in comparison.
Now why didnt I think of that...I only have the Camaro, Subaru and the Ferrari right now...When I get home tonight going to go on a spending spree....Gonna have to get a vehicle in all classes to compete in the Online part....BTW I was a VIP in FM5 and got it in Horizon 2 for $10...and it seems to double all my money I win at the Slot Machine

I have run into unbreakable fences trying to get to a checkpoint also Slip

I can't compare to the One version, but some of the wide open spaces I've come across in the first area had some short, indestructible fences right in the middle of them, which is beyond annoying. Oh, and there's only three radio stations, though that shouldn't be too surprising.

I have run across unbreakable fences too on the One when Im trying to get to a checkpoint only to fail at the race

Sorry for double post but didnt know how to Edit..=(
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I played for some hours before work tonight. I'm on the blue wristband so far.

My very first impression was a bit emotional, because I had been waiting for years to play a game like FH1 and I almost can't believe it got a sequel. It only sunk in once I began dancing over crests in the opening drive with the Lamborghini. :cheers:

Second, I like the way they've reorganized things and streamlined the gameplay. Being able to buy and browse your cars at any time, events automatically tailored to your car and PI, etc. It reduces the number of trips to and fro, so I haven't used fast travel yet. As a veteran of the first game, I might try restricting myself from ever using fast travel. 👍

First complaint: You are encouraged to use shortcuts when you challenge the AI to "head to head" races, but if you defy the GPS in certain situations -- like driving the wrong way up a freeway offramp, as I discovered -- the game forcibly resets you...

I can't wait to get back to it tomorrow!
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Yeah, it is annoying when I'm trying to follow the track and I look to my left and see the ai cutting through a corner, big time. I need to get the circuit racer out of my head while playing this I suppose.

Yeah, as I am waking up, sipping my coffee, I am just thinking about where this game will take me today. Very fun game!
Played a few hours on the One and I have to say I love this game 10x more than FH1. The feel of the cars (with assists off) are spot on...I have never been a drifter in any racing games, but the feeling of drifting around a blind corner on a city street feels amazing...BUT...@CAMAROBOY69...It seems the Forza Audio bug is back....I have quit the game but its still there but with a vengeance....whenever Anna (your GPS) talks she sounds like shes on Quaaludes..Hopefuly that will get worked out...
X1 version.

I haven't heard any major audio bugs like in F5 yet in FH2 but it doesn't surprise me the issue is still present since its using the same F5 engine. I have FH2 as a disc but F5 came as a dl code with my X1. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I put in a very solid 4 hours last night and mostly online with friends. Honestly FH2 has been one of THE most fun racing games I have played in many years. Absolutely loving this game. It simply just destroys F5 in almost every way IMO. I have very few complaints about this game. Out of the 4 hours I have played, I would easily give this a 9/10 just for the fun factor alone.

  1. Outstanding graphics
  2. Excellent physics
  3. Night / day cycle
  4. DYNAMIC WEATHER!!!!! Love this feature so much!!!
  5. Very good audio (some audio bugs carried over from F5 as expected)
  6. Larger map than FH1
  7. More free roam (not 100% but a huge improvement over FH1)
  8. Many more activities than FH1
  9. Wide variety of fun events for online.
  10. Really enjoy the RPG element with the game for leveling up
  11. The reward "Spin Wheel" is a blast. (reminds me of the Happy wars spin wheel and TDU2 slot machine in the casino)
  12. The ability to vote after an online event is finished.
  13. The amount of color, life, and energy
  14. User interface is wonderful
  15. Forza rewards can be accessed from the in game hub.
  16. Accessing the GPS called "Anna" via the Kinect works quite well most of the time.
  17. Online traffic unlike FH1
  18. Money is very generous in this game and very rewarding.
  19. Tuning and upgrade options are excellent. Must better than FH1.
  20. Paint system is almost identical to F5 in a good way.
  21. Dirt collects and builds up on the side of vehicles during the race
  22. Very nice damage model similar to F5.
  23. Great variety of offroad and race vehicles
  24. Excellent variety of scenery. One minute you are in the city, next minute racing through and open field with flowers, another minute on tight turns in dirt, next minute at a boat container dock. Wonderful variety.
  25. If you rent a vehicle you still earn money and credits....unlike F5.
  1. Some audio bugs carried over from F5 but not quite as bad.
  2. Most co-op bucket list modes are only 2 player but it doesn't indicated "2 player co-op". So if you have multiple friends and try the event, it disconnects all the players besides the first 2 that are ready.
  3. Not fully free roam but it is an improvement over FH1. Still a fair amount of boundaries and invisible walls.
  4. Currently the online storefront and features don't work yet. (Minor complaint)
  5. Game freezes if you unplug or plug in the play and charge kit. This happened to several people last night. This is a major bug that needs to be fixed.
  6. Vinyls and paint jobs don't carry over from F5. (minor complaint)
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Addressing some of your comments:

I have FM5 and FH2 on discs and only had slight audio issues when I was driving a Diablo SV. The game fixed itself rather quickly, though.
I also have a Play and Charge'd Controller and haven't had an issue with the game crashing or hanging.*
*I'm not saying these issues don't exist, i'm just saying that I'm not having these issues. :lol:

Another minor gripe (aside from my button mapping one):
Forza Rewards doesn't cover FH2 but i'm still being rewarded on FH/FM4.
I'm trying to determine if a separate thread is needed for us 360'ers...

Anywho, first thing I've noticed after buying my first car (MX-5, natch): vinyls can be imported from FH1, so long as you saved them in FH1. Seems to make sense, right? But most of my FH work was imported from FM4, and never resaved in FH1, so I had to just go back and save them all again. Not a huge concern, but one that should be noted.

I can't compare to the One version, but some of the wide open spaces I've come across in the first area had some short, indestructible fences right in the middle of them, which is beyond annoying. Oh, and there's only three radio stations, though that shouldn't be too surprising.
Can't comment on game because it's not out yet, in my country.

No Xbone Slippy? Are you done with the Forza series?

Edited to mention I read in another thread you have the one version too?? I'm confused lol.
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I know I'll be getting an XBOne eventually @Spagetti69, but right now finances are better put elsewhere. So I grabbed the game figuring I'll probably have one around the holidays this year.
Aha, dipping a toe in eh, well you'll just have to get a console to match then.
You won't be disappointed. Online is smooth as ever and the nightmare Kinnect spying on you is overblown nonsense.

My only negative is the lack of support for previous wheels.
Addressing some of your comments:

I have FM5 and FH2 on discs and only had slight audio issues when I was driving a Diablo SV. The game fixed itself rather quickly, though.
I also have a Play and Charge'd Controller and haven't had an issue with the game crashing or hanging.*
*I'm not saying these issues don't exist, i'm just saying that I'm not having these issues. :lol:

Another minor gripe (aside from my button mapping one):
Forza Rewards doesn't cover FH2 but i'm still being rewarded on FH/FM4.
That's leading me to believe that my F5 audio bug is probably because it is the downloaded version. Honestly after playing FH2, I really have no interest in F5. F5 came with my X1 for free so at least it was free. I just don't see myself playing it much after playing FH2.

When it comes to the FH2 play and charge kit bug, did you unplug and plug it back in WHILE online? That seems to be the issue. If it is unplugged or plugged in while online, it freezes either the controller or game. Not a big deal and could have just been because it was the first day. I am just glad I currently don't have the F5 audio bug. I hate that bug in F5.
When it comes to the FH2 play and charge kit bug, did you unplug and plug it back in WHILE online?
If you mean like in an online game mode, then I have not. Actually, I haven't tried online mode at all other than one car show (outside of the manditory one). I should.. try it.
If you mean like in an online game mode, then I have not. Actually, I haven't tried online mode at all other than one car show (outside of the manditory one). I should.. try it.
Ahhh see that is most likely when the issue happens. Same with Forza 5. I never had any problems in the campaign, but if I went online, I would have some issues.

Also you really should round up a few friends and try the online. It is VERY fun.
Yup, I tried the game, but sadly it's not my thing, I am going to trade it in today for:

Having some minor issues now......when I started playing the game (and demo) I set my TX wheel to 900 in the game great..up until last night..The game says its at 900 but it feels like its on 1200..From dead center I have to rotate the wheel 180 (completley upside down) to make a 90 degree turn in the game..I had to go in the settings and put the degrees to 750 in order for me to even drive...I have tried to reflash the wheel but it doesnt seem to help. Also Im getting alot of stuttering while playing the will freeze for a couple seconds then pick back up.....At the moment I have unstalled everything and re installing right now...When I was installing it the first time I didnt wait for it to completely install before I started maybe thats it......Anybody have problems like that before?? feels like its on 1200..From dead center I have to rotate the wheel 180 (completley upside down) to make a 90 degree turn in the game..
I had the same issue with the demo and my TX. Not sure about the full version; I just downloaded the game today and haven't hooked my wheel up yet.
I had the same issue with the demo and my TX. Not sure about the full version; I just downloaded the game today and haven't hooked my wheel up yet.

Hey let me know how it turns out...The Demo worked great for me but I didnt spend but about 30 40 minitues on it....I had to leave the install so I could go to work and going to check it out when I get home tonight...I was thinking about throwing FM5 in to see if its the wheel...but I feel it has to do with Horizon