Free Paints

  • Thread starter dazzee
it is ok then you will still get paint but i have trade for that already

Ok then. If there's a particular brand new (premium) car that your after let me know.
Even if it's a colored X1 ;) nothing is out of my price range hahaha.
I think it's great that you are doing this.

Is there any chance I can get a chrome?

I'd like to return the favour and send you anything you don't have, but it's hard to see what you don't have. Do you know any of the colours you require? I've got over 350 chips, so I must have something you don't yet have :)


Edit: just checked, I've got nearly 450 now, so really hope I've got something you don't :)
I think it's great that you are doing this.

Is there any chance I can get a chrome?

I'd like to return the favour and send you anything you don't have, but it's hard to see what you don't have. Do you know any of the colours you require? I've got over 350 chips, so I must have something you don't yet have :)


Edit: just checked, I've got nearly 450 now, so really hope I've got something you don't :)

bright orange metalic or pearl if u have
I am really, really looking for a BAYSIDE BLUE paint chip. If anyone has BAYSIDE BLUE, MATTE BLACK, VW R-SERIES BLUE, VW GTI RED or MIDNIGHT PURPLE, it would be awesome of you if you could send it to my account - GTPr01. :)
I am really, really looking for a BAYSIDE BLUE paint chip. If anyone has BAYSIDE BLUE, MATTE BLACK, VW R-SERIES BLUE, VW GTI RED or MIDNIGHT PURPLE, it would be awesome of you if you could send it to my account - GTPr01. :)
i shall see what i can do
chrome or matte red please
pm me

get you 1 soon
In need of Matte blue's, any dark, light and normal.

will for normal paints if you need a random one that i could have
Can I have chrome silver matte orange and pink. Psn name is killalude

Ill also send you the couple I have that I didn't see on your list like midnight purple and milno red
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