Free Paints

  • Thread starter dazzee
well i am trading the zonda in 8 hours which is past my reset so i cant send you till next reset
Well I'm quite busy doing homework so I got delayed by about an hour, so I'm sending rams_man now, what was it that he wanted?
Why? arn't you in school anymore? im 15, almost finished year 10 :D
done at least 1/3 of my GCSE's for most of my subjects :nervous:
I thought you already had a trade planned for tonights reset? and I thought you were sending the zonda next reset?
Yeah I do, quick reply :lol:!
remember I have every matte, most colour shifters (missing 3 which your sending tonight anyway ;))
lol i have 3 accounts
my friend gifted me a X1 on each and now i have built a collection
so i have 1 trade set up on acc2 your nismo on acc3 and unsure about acc1
Oh right ok, so your saying you'll gift me the Nismo from account 3 (dazzeeboy) for ??, and tommorrow your sending a zonda LM (which acc??) for free.?
Yeah I do, quick reply :lol:!
remember I have every matte, most colour shifters (missing 3 which your sending tonight anyway ;))

oh yeah and the nismo is not fully tuned but hey it almost free i just want a cheap evo if you get it in your UCD

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