Well, I think 99.9% of Americans and Europeans (besides France) don't know or care much about Quebec separatist movement.
Here's a brief historic summary of the origins of the separatist movement in Quebec, for those interested:
Personnaly, I'm being more and more fed up seeing all the energy and ressources lost up until now in this crusade for our "freedom", and I just wish that they'll give it a rest ASAP. When the separatists were elected for the first time in 1976, Montreal was as big and strong as Toronto, but it's now less than half of its size. While not being the only factor, the instability that arose with the separatist movement and the exodus that followed really didn't help our situation.
Yes, French Canadians have been oppressed in the past, both by english government and corporations (but equally so by our own religious authorities). The thing is that in the last century we overcame these issues and stood for our rights through democracy, so to me the victimization discourse still going on is now getting very tiresome, and disconnected with reality.
And while we're not doing bad for our size, I just don't see how being on our own, 7 millions (probably much less due to a massive exodus) surrounded by over 300 millions of english speaking people would give us more strength. Oh, yes, our sacrosanct cultural identity wouldn't be diluted... now what about reality? (e.g. economic strength)
Another point: as of now we had two referendums who failed... let's say the 304th referendums finally wins by 55% (can't see how it could get much higher than that), we'd be starting a new country that 45% of the population just doesn't want it... way to go!! 💡 (elsewhere).
But let's just forget about these petty issues, and let our emotions speak... Vive le Québec libre!!!
Edit: Oh, by the way, congratulations on the "NUKE THE FRENCH!" entry. Free french bashing has always been a remarkable demonstration of very good taste and judgement, very well thought. 👍 (even more given the violent nature of the sentence, really, hats off to you sir.)