It was the ethnic vote that cost the separtists the 95 referendum.
1995 question:
"Do you agree that Quebec should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Canada for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Quebec and of the agreement signed on June 12, 1995, Yes or No?"
NO - 50.58% -
2 362 648 votes
YES - 49.42% - 2 308 360 votes
Participation rate - 93.52% - 4 757 509 votes
Seems to me that everytime the Bloc gets a lot of seats in an election they infer quebecois want to seperate, but it appears to me that they win those seats because they offer to look after the interests of Quebec only, every other party tries to have broad appeal, some more successfully than others, but the Bloc only has members in that province. Who wouldn't support a party that is primarily, if not solely, concerned with issues of local importance?
Many pundits have compared Quebec to a spoiled teenager that threatens to run away from home when things don't go it's way, I can't say I disagree.