Free Red Bull anyone?

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The site with the online claim form is getting so much traffic that it crashed. But I'm totally getting my $10 from Red Bull as soon as I can
The site with the online claim form is getting so much traffic that it crashed. But I'm totally getting my $10 from Red Bull as soon as I can
Yeah it keeps crashing for me. I'm going to wait until traffic dies down lol
Well, since the other free thing I tried to get my hands on online just failed (damn you, Book-It, for limiting the website to US alumni only), sure, I'll take some free money from Red Bull.
Not only that, but do you really think this isn't an attempt to get people's email addresses to spam them?
Great job, buzzfeed. Now by the time everyone signs up, you're gonna be looking at a free dime. Not worth giving your info.
Only in 'Merica could this happen, right?

I'm lost for words.

I just remember that one quote from a guy who claims that his athletic abilities were not improved by drinking Red Bull.

You think? Idiot.