Do you think anyone should be able to say and do what they want here at GTP and the site owner not be able to control that? After all GTP is easily the largest social media site in the sim racing community?
I don't know how many times I have to answer this. No. This is a message board. It's not even a news aggregate open community type of thing like Reddit (which yes I include with Twitter and the rest).
they would be subject to government oversight and control for all content
Where have I said that? No one's auditing anything. If an individual feels like he's being censored, he goes to court to settle it. I've not once proposed that the government can initiate any control. Only the users can, and for their own accounts.
That aside defending the rights of criminals doesn't make you a criminal, thinking it dies is an authoritarian trait.
Don't know where this insinuation came from. Of course they can be defended. I don't even think they should lose the right to vote while in prison. That shouldn't stop them from being on a list somewhere. It's one thing to say violent things, but to put your money where your mouth is and donate to a terrorist who filmed himself shooting innocent people..? List.
Then you still don't understand how the 1st works, which of the non protected categories does it fall under and why?
Oh, and with a discretion warning, yes it could be shown in the US on TV, and has been. Most outlets chose not to, your proposal would remove that option.
There's no discretion warning in public. I'm not aware of a precedent with violent imagery but with porn there's the miller test. Not hard to stretch that to videos of an actual murder spree. Do you really think it's okay for you or your children to walk down a public street and see gore displayed on a giant screen?
No business needs a social media presence and I would wager most small businesses operate without one.
Boy would I love to get into that. Another thread, another day. I'll remember.
Telegram says your wrong, as do a multitude of others.
What exactly about telegram? Have I missed something? They died off, came back and still not as strong as WhatsApp.
What you also fail to understand is your argument not only stops the sites from removing speech, but it also stops users from doing so. Right now if anyone posts racist crud on one of my YouTube videos I just delete it, under your new rules I can't do that.
It wouldn't be the site removing speech, it's you. Even then, I don't see this as a big deal. Users, including yourself, can have filters that hide comments people flag as nasty.
but it would also make for a worse experience because a small portion of the users would ruin it.
A small portion of humans ruin the world for the rest. At least online you can filter content with warnings.
You can be arrested because saying that word can lead to other issues in a public area.
The keyword is LEGALLY arrested. I'm 100% those charges would be dismissed if the guy decides to fight them. Police violate people's 1A rights all the time with false arrests. "Interference" and "disorderly conduct" are the common excuses.
But, they absolutely do go elsewhere
Yeah where it's an echo chamber with zero influence and no one to rebut. I wasn't saying they're going to disappear from the face of the earth.
what you're arguing for is literally exactly what the far right wants
They only want to do that now because dems succeeded at pressuring social media companies to censor the right (and pro-worker left). Democrats wanted control Twitter and others for years. Neither US parties have any interest in the good of the people.
That is identical to how the Texas law is designed to work.
So no, I don't want the federal government to set up some sort of arbitrary level at which they are allowed to force social media to be regulated to force all speech using nonsense justification 6 months before 2/3rds of the government is almost sure to be completely controlled by GOP assholes who will use such regulation specifically to punish those companies for daring to try and stop them from spreading lies about COVID or overthrowing the US government; but I'm damn sure when that happens in 6 months they are going to try just like they have in Florida and Texas and have been threatening to do federally since before Biden was even sworn into office. Why should I be? Because of tortured analogies about how cell phones are the same thing?
I'm not sure how that Texas law works, but as I've said 100 times, the court room would only be involved if the censored user decides to sue to uncensor himself/herself.
I'm sure Tumblr cries itself to sleep every night wishing that were true.
Shouldn't have banned porn.
If this is really what you want, why are you not advocating for the government buying Twitter and turning it into a true public service?
Compartmentalizing the data, mostly. The same with phone companies. With energy and healthcare on the otherhand, 100% in favor of nationalizing them. Even if they could theoretically have access to medical records.
Not that it makes a difference but at least that's how it should work. Spy agencies around the world, private entities and even some citizens now have digital surveillance suites that gives them access to whatever data they need