Free stuff for 2013

  • Thread starter Skuh
Seen the new requests, will answer everyone and make a list today or tomorrow.

Merry Christmas :)
Any chance of a level 15 ticket please? Thank you

Yes, just send fr stating you want the lvl 15 ticket.

May I please have the 1967 or 1970 Birthday Ticket? Desperately trying to get a Chaparral 2D and 2J, among other cars for my collection.

EDIT: Friend request sent. Also, do you have a 1969 Birthday Ticket?

1970 Ticket sent, not got a '69. Just what was listed.

May I have a level 23 ticket please. PSN is scozach

Yes, but you have to send the fr :)

A '70 ticket!! Thanks. PSN: Mountain_Man_37

Certainly, but you have to send fr :)

Hope everyone had a good christmas. List updated in OP.

Hi, bud. Do you have Gris Fer Pe paint chips? Looking for those I can dupe :) Thanks in advance!
Got you down for 1st trade of the new year.

What country are you in? It's 4pm here, no 2013 for 8 hours :( lol btw thanks! I'll check when I can go to my ps3!

Edit: Sorry, I read it wrong... Thanks in advance though.
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All existing trades are completed, there are some people who have asked for things and not sent a fr. They are on the list in the op.

Due to being drunk over xmas I have lost my lvl 24 and lvl 6 ticket (don't dupe drunk kids!!) , so they are on hold for now. I will try and get other copies.

If I haven't had the fr by the end of the week the list is getting wiped.

All things still available though. Just ask, and remember you must say what you want on the fr. Any blank fr's will be assumed to be from randoms I met in cod/bf3.

Hope you all had a great holiday guys.


A nomad diablo please when ever you can skuh

and FR sent from BigBadWolf_786
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