free will?

  • Thread starter epic
United States
does it really exist? do we really have all the choices that we let on to have? or are we just a random collection of thoughts, ideas, & feelings that we have picked up from experiences.. from other people, or just other living beings...

do you ever wonder why it's so hard to give up old habits? like maybe some cosmic underlying force, arranges your sub atomic particles to perform certain acts, and your mind is just a tool that justifies those acts...

Can I have some ? Its gotta be good , everybody should rearrange their particles now and then , it cleans out the system:D
I think you may be onto something,... and yes, it also seems that your ON something :lol:

IMO, old habits do die hard,..... I believe that learned tendancies are encoded genetically and then passed to off-spring.
Well, a little off topic but still has to do with it. If you think there is free will, doesn't there have to be fate also to allow the other extreme to exist?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
I believe that learned tendancies are encoded genetically and then passed to off-spring.

Drug users and alcoholics like to use this to unproven excuse pass responsibility off themselves.
I think a lot of people use destiny or some unseen force that guides their life as an excuse for their own behavior. Its not their fault they are they way they are, its must be the gods, stars, or karma, etc.
I believe that we have a road which is our life and many times in this road their are forks "choices" . Its these "choices" that determine where we go in our lifes. There is a few times when I wanted to turn the clock back and made a better choice on a few decesions
We have free will; I don't believe we are dictated by any greater being. You always have at least two choices.