Frequent B-spec Grinders Club 2

  • Thread starter frason
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Jut wanna say thanks to everyone in the club for including my guys hope I've been including u all in return. And any who keeps adding me as a friend sorry to say I won't accept u noobs until your on the grind list, club comes first!!!

Yes maybe Martix2k10 can add in bold to the OP "This thread is not for Friend Request"

I'm getting them everyday guys, and I know its this thread because they say B-Spec, or grinder, or something like that. I just hate having to deny everybody.

I'm 28 btw guys.

<-------- Thats where I'm from. :D

And here's my dog damienfoto:
Sorry for not having full activity, I've been a bit busy with school. Starting as good as I can tonight.

Now I suppose the question should be am I paying with a bunch of ten year olds or are we all serious racers of age ??

As you see above, I'm probably the youngest here. My age begins with a 1.
Yes maybe Martix2k10 can add in bold to the OP "This thread is not for Friend Request"

I'm getting them everyday guys, and I know its this thread because they say B-Spec, or grinder, or something like that. I just hate having to deny everybody.

I second this. I get at least three everyday.
Now I suppose the question should be am I paying with a bunch of ten year olds or are we all serious racers of age ??

Sweden (obviously), 35, my mind is still at 20 though. ;)
Wife, no kids, no pets. :)
Good to hear were all serious racers , 1 ex wife 1 son 2 dogs 5 fish and 6 birds lol sound like a zoo. And I say it again if your not on the list don't add me as I also hate turning u noobs away looking for a quick buck with no pay back. I had to turn away 4 today sorry guys.
What a bunch of middle aged "teens" we have here! ... Grow up guys.

Ohh, I'm 45 as well btw. :dopey::dunce:
Single, no kids or pets.

LOL, and I thought I was old, I'm only 30. It is really cool to see people that are in their 40s playing this game, though. The age span for GT seems fairly vast. It just goes to show that this game can appeal to anyone of a certain age.

Jut wanna say thanks to everyone in the club for including my guys hope I've been including u all in return. And any who keeps adding me as a friend sorry to say I won't accept u noobs until your on the grind list, club comes first!!!

Yea this is funny, yesterday alone I got 3 guys asking for remote racing. Being the nice guy I am, I added them, but I told them I can't guarantee when they will be ran. I have the club as the priority at all times.
Yea this is funny, yesterday alone I got 3 guys asking for remote racing. Being the nice guy I am, I added them, but I told them I can't guarantee when they will be ran. I have the club as the priority at all times.

Those are the ones I probably denied. I can't stand this 100 friend limit, I play other games too believe it or not. If frequent grinders expanded any larger I would have to drop just because I can't handle any more friends.
Noticing that 3 members have been removed from the list but only 2 have replaced them,could that 3rd spot have my name on it?

p.s I'll take a vow of relentless bob abuse and sacrafice a small animal if need be.
Noticing that 3 members have been removed from the list but only 2 have replaced them,could that 3rd spot have my name on it?

p.s I'll take a vow of relentless bob abuse and sacrafice a small animal if need be.

It's 31 now I think and from what I've understood the club should be 30 members..

I guess some more will drop off pretty soon.
A check on activity again (only on the ones which says I can check).

Gabkicks (only one race today)
FishyJuice (no race since 11th, 2 races on the 11th, 2 races on the 10th, 4 races on the 9th)
IMPORTED_RICEBOY (no race since the 12th)
JAG_-DA-_BEAST (no race since the 12th)
Martix2k10 (no race since the 9th)
Qoncip (2 races today the 13th)
twitchyzero (3 races today the 13th)
WakeStriker (no race since the 12th)

The following I couldn't check because gran-turismo told me I couldn't or I cannot find them in my friends list.


I know a5ayaka & Jiggymax are racing though.
As frason pointed out, everyone stop grinding mine until the at least the week end. I feel bad seeing everyone racing mine, and me not returning the favor. I'm deeply sorry, I'll really try to do some tomorrow, but since my PC went down, and can't get it working right on my Mac. Sorry, again.
Original BSpec Frequent Grinder Here... looking to add some real Grinders back to my list after cleaning out the Riff Raff.

Running the widget 24/7.

You can check the original thread for my credentials.

PSN: blacktalon2001
The following I couldn't check because gran-turismo told me I couldn't or I cannot find them in my friends list.


I know a5ayaka & Jiggymax are racing though.

Ran remote races all weekend, gotta give the old PS3 a break once in a while.

Log Check:
a5ayaka, good, last race on 6/11.
Jiggysmax, good, but last race on 6/7.
RLR_KartRacer32, about 20 races in last week, including some today.
Westey90, good, last race on 6/10

P.S. Both BlackTalon2001 and TwitchyZero are top notch remote racers. Both of them have my vote 👍
As frason pointed out, everyone stop grinding mine until the at least the week end. I feel bad seeing everyone racing mine, and me not returning the favor. I'm deeply sorry, I'll really try to do some tomorrow, but since my PC went down, and can't get it working right on my Mac. Sorry, again.

what's it doing on the mac? I run mine on a macbook and it goes just fine.
The following I couldn't check because gran-turismo told me I couldn't or I cannot find them in my friends list.


I know a5ayaka & Jiggymax are racing though.

I can vouch for Westey90 - very active during the weekday last week.
Now I suppose the question should be am I paying with a bunch of ten year olds or are we all serious racers of age ??

body of a 43-year old, mind of a 21-year old...also married with 2 kids, a cat, and a fish named "GTR". :)
I'm 20 :) sorry I haven't had time to race the past few days because of finals. Today was my last of class so I should grind more often :) I love you guys! (no homo)
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