Frequent B-spec Grinders Club 2

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You can add me, I grind all the time. I been doing it 24hrs the last 3 days :D
Just got this on Facebook:

Sony Computer Entertainment will restore all PlayStation Network services, including full functionality on PlayStation Store, in-game commerce, ability to redeem vouchers and codes, full functionality on Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity for PS3, PSP, VAIO and other PCs, and full functionality on Media Go by the end of the week.
Just a quick 👍 BIG THANKS! 👍 to you guys, for racing my bob's, even though I'm not racing any of yours much
Will race you all back, as soon as the server gets live again here.
Hi All

Apologies for my rather intermittent grinding since joining the club - been suffering server issues, PSN boots and "Event not found" on the PS3 when leaving it! I am trying...!
Been racing bobs all day using widget but people who added me recently aren't on my widgets friends list. How long does it take until it updates?

Please add me. I already have some of the ppl here in my friends list. Started grinding regularly but then got logged out last night and then locked out by server maintenance :(

PSN: segan5
yeah I am locked out for maintance. I am gonna give my PS3 a nice break tonight then try again tomm.
Been racing bobs all day using widget but people who added me recently aren't on my widgets friends list. How long does it take until it updates?

Whenever I add people, I have to log out online also and it'll refresh your driver/friend list.
Little update,...
PSN is down for me :grumpy:
Thanks for the guys, who can actually run :)
Add me, PSN: keptang
Running B-Spec 24/7, except when I play myself, which doesn't happen very often.
I'm keeping my PSN friends list clean. :)
I try to host pretty often, but I don't know if I qualify even then. I've tried to grind, but I'm more dependant of the widget since neither it or the website works for me.
You could add me if I qualify.
Still cannot log in with the widget despite the 2.5.1 update. Thanks to those who have been able to. I can only run manually from the PS3, so doing the occasional one.
I grind frequentley using the widget, I can't at the moment due to psn's problems, but when it is up properley again I will carry on grinding.
Still cannot log in with the widget despite the 2.5.1 update. Thanks to those who have been able to. I can only run manually from the PS3, so doing the occasional one.

Wow Gonzo. I had no idea you were running manually as you still host more than most everyone else. Very much appreciated.

Frequently grinding at the speed of maintenance -.-;

Edit: I am currently doing college enrollment, admissions, VA claims and finding a job (x_x) So its hard for me to do manual races at the moment. I will try to get a few in.
Try and be patient. Not everyone has the time to race manually so things will be slow until the widget can again be used by everyone. We all appreciate the manual racers' efforts and will reciprocate when it's feasible.
I would like to be added, psn robbversion1.

I'm new to bspec and plan on hosting a bunch of races during the next few months.
Widget has been down for me guys, I politely ask any of you to not manually grind my drivers as the entire point of this thread is to use the widget. Once you see me in your logs, well then you know what to do.
Widget has been down for me guys, I politely ask any of you to not manually grind my drivers as the entire point of this thread is to use the widget. Once you see me in your logs, well then you know what to do.

Oops, sorry about that...I just (as in 2 minutes ago) added a bunch of your guys manually as a "welcome to OCMike's friend list" kinda thing. Force of habit.

Widget has been down for me guys, I politely ask any of you to not manually grind my drivers as the entire point of this thread is to use the widget. Once you see me in your logs, well then you know what to do.

I'll second this too. Manual grinding is strongly discouraged and should not be a requirement of this club, even more so when there are on-going psn issues. But hey.. if you wanna grind away, no one is gonna stop you.. ;) do some of you guys lose the cookie?
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