Friday Night Fun | April 27th | Radical RXCPC 

  • Thread starter Wiz
OP updated for the 19th. Note that races are now 15 minutes instead of 20
Yes you can. I'd say about 1/2 of us are using VR.
Cool ive only just got the VR for PC and i love it for racing. Im currently in a TNGTC GT3 championship on Project Cars 2 on PS4, but i want to start getting to know people on the PC. Paid to much money for it all lol.

Oh add me on steam if you want - jez.1
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Are you guys doing any practice sessions before the races started tonight? Not done any running in the IndyCar so could be useful.
Are you guys doing any practice sessions before the races started tonight? Not done any running in the IndyCar so could be useful.

We usually open the lobby at 7:30 with a 30 minute practice session at the first track of the night.